Plot: Belle, after being decorated with holiday bells, decides to show them off to here friends and forgets about her job to deliver the Christmas tree to Knapford Station.

It was winter holiday time on the island of Sodor.

All the engines were excited.

There was to be a party hosted by Sir Topham Hatt on Christmas Eve.

The engines waited anxiously for the party to arrive.

On Christmas Eve, Belle and Flynn chuffed into Knapford Station

Sir Topham Hatt had invited them to be part of the yuletide celebration.

"Well done, Belle and Flynn. Right on time. Now for the party tonight, I've got jobs for all of you. Flynn, you must work with Percy and Rosie to collect the presents train from Brendam Docks. Thomas and Toby, you shall collect the children from Maron Station. Gordon and Emily, you shall collect our guests and the yuletide singers from Brendam Docks. Edward, Henry and James, you shall collect the banners and the decorations. Stanley and Charlie, you shall collect the Christmas cakes from the bakery. And Belle, you shall collect the Christmas tree from Brendam Docks as well. As the engine for the most special job, you shall be decorated with holiday bells."

"Thank you, sir."

And Belle whistled happily.

"Now off you go. Make sure you have all the jobs done by tonight at 8:00."

And the engines chuffed out of Knapford Station.

Belle arrived at Brendam Docks where Cranky loaded the tree onto her flatbed.

Flynn, Percy and Rosie were there with the presents train as well as Henry, Edward and James with the banners and decorations.

"Hello," said Belle.

The men set to work at decorating Belle with bells.

She gasped.

"Wow! Don't I look lovely?"

The other engines were impressed.

"You look marvelous, Belle," said Flynn.

"Extraordinary," said Edward.

"Impressive," said Henry.

"Very important indeed," said James.

Percy and Rosie began to sing.

"Jingle Belles, Jingle Belles, she chuffs on down the track."

Belle was very happy.

So happy that she forgot all about the Christmas tree.

She chuffed out of Brendam Docks before she could be coupled up to it.

"Wait, Belle," called the shunter, "you haven't been coupled up to your train."

The other engines whistled to get her attention but she didn't hear them.

Belle was excited.

She chuffed on down the track chanting "everyone calls me Jingle Belles. I know why that is and I'll prove it to the others well."

Belle arrived at Bluff's Cove where Gordon and Emily were waiting.

Gordon had his express coaches full of excited people.

Emily had the yuletide singers rehearsing inside her coaches.

"Hello, Belle," said Gordon.

"Hello, Gordon. Hello, Emily."

And Belle rang her bell, causing the holiday bells to ring and jingle.

"Wow!" gasped Emily, "those bells look really impressive."

"I agree," said Gordon.

"Thanks," said Belle, "I better be off now. Goodbye."

And she chuffed away.

Gordon and Emily were shocked to see Belle without her delivery.

"Wait, Belle," called Gordon.

"Where is the Christmas tree that Sir Topham Hatt asked you to deliver?" called Emily.

But Belle didn't hear Gordon and Emily. She was too excited to listen anyway.

She chuffed along the line chanting "everyone calls me Jingle Belles. I know why that is and I'll prove it to the others well."

Belle arrived at the bakery where Stanley and Charlie were waiting for the Christmas cakes to be loaded into their cars.

"Hello, Belle," said Stanley.

"Hello, Stanley. Hello, Charlie."

And Belle rang her bell, causing the holiday bells to ring and jingle.

"Wow!" gasped Charlie, "those bells look really impressive."

"I agree," said Stanley.

"I have a joke for you, Belle. How do you know if an engine is stuck in the snow?"

"I don't know, Charlie. How?"

"You see the signal."

And they all laughed.

"Well, I better going now," said Belle, "see you at the party. Goodbye."

And she chuffed away.

Stanley and Charlie were shocked to see Belle without her delivery.

"Wait, Belle," called Stanley.

"Where is the Christmas tree that Sir Topham Hatt asked you to deliver?" called Charlie.

But Belle didn't hear Stanley and Charlie. She was too excited to listen anyway.

She chuffed along the line chanting "everyone calls me Jingle Belles. I know why that is and I'll prove it to the others well."

Belle arrived at Maron Station where Thomas and Toby were waiting for the children to hop on board Annie, Clarabel and Henrietta.

"Hello, Belle," said Thomas.

"Hello, Thomas. Hello, Toby."

And Belle rang her bell, causing the holiday bells to ring and jingle.

"Wow!" gasped Toby, "those bells look very impressive."

"I agree," said Thomas.

All of the children cheered in delight.

"Thank you. Thank you all," said Belle, "well, I better going now. I've got to get to Knapford Station.

And she chuffed away.

Thomas and Toby were shocked to see Belle without her delivery.

"Wait, Belle, called Thomas.

"Where is the Christmas tree that Sir Topham Hatt asked you to deliver?" called Toby.

But Belle didn't hear Thomas and Toby. She was too excited to listen anyway.

She chuffed along the line chanting "everyone calls me Jingle Belles. I know why that is and I'll prove it to the others well."

Belle arrived at Knapford Station where Sir Topham Hatt was waiting.

She rang her bell at him, causing the other holiday bells to ring and jingle.

Sir Topham Hatt was cross.

"Belle!" he boomed, "where is the Christmas tree?"

Belle gasped.

"Oh, no. I must've left it back at Brendam Docks."

Flynn, Percy and Rosie came forward.

"We tried to tell you," said Percy.

"We blew our whistles at you," said Rosie.

"But you didn't hear us," said Flynn.

Belle felt terrible.

"I'm sorry, sir," she sighed, "I was too busy showing off my holiday bells to the other engines."

"We were all impressed, Belle," said Edward.

"We liked your holiday bells," said Henry.

"But that didn't mean you should just storm off like that without your delivery," said James firmly.

And deep down, Belle knew James was right.

Then an idea flew into her funnel.

"Please, sir," she asked, "we have plenty of time before the party starts. May I go and collect the Christmas tree now?"

Sir Topham Hatt thought for a moment then agreed.

"As long as you arrive by the time Thomas and Toby arrive with the children."

"Thank you, sir. There's nothing more I would like on Christmas then seeing the children's happy faces."

"That's good then. Be quick now."

"Yes, sir," said Belle excitedly.

And she chuffed out of the station.

As Belle arrived at Brendam Docks, she apologized to the shunter first.

"I'm sorry I left the tree behind. I was too busy showing off my new holiday bells to my friends."

"That's alright, Belle. All is forgiven."

Belle was very pleased and as the shunter coupled up the flatbed to her, she rang her bell again, causing her other holiday bells to ring and jingle.

The sailors clapped and cheered.

"Those are pretty neat bells, me hearty," said Salty.

"Thanks, Salty. Thank you everyone."

And Belle chuffed out of Brendam Docks with the Christmas tree.

She chuffed along the line chanting "mustn't be late. Mustn't be late. Must be on time for the party at eight."

Belle passed Black Loch...and Fffarquhar Quarry...and even The Great Western Railway.

She rang her bells everywhere she went.

Duck and Oliver were surprised.

"My!" gasped Duck impressively.

"Nice bells, Belle," called Oliver.

"I agree with, Mr. Oliver," said Toad.

Belle was pleased that her friends were taking a liking to her new holiday bells.

Finally, tired but triumphant, Belle arrived at Knapford Station.

She rang her bell once more, causing her holiday bells to ring and jingle as well.

The engines whistled happily and the children cheered in delight.

"Hooray for Belle!" they chanted.

"Thank you, thank you," chuckled Belle happily.

Even Sir Topham Hatt, dressed in his Santa Claus costume, was impressed.

"Well done, Belle. You have made it on time with the Christmas tree. Now we can all have fun."

The party was a great success.

The tree stood right in the centre of the station for all to see.

The carolers sing and the band played and everyone had a splendid time.

"It was plenty of fun impressing you," said Belle to Thomas, Toby and Flynn, "but it's much more fun being here with all my friends."

"Thank you, Belle," said Thomas.

"Same goes for me, Belle," said Flynn.

"You are a really good friend after all," said Toby.

And he rang his bell.

Belle rang her bell after him and her holiday bells rang and jingled again.

"Merry Christmas, Toby! Merry Christmas to all!"