A/N: Hello! I fixed the grammar issues in this story, and decided that it was best to just do that. I realized that my stories have really improved, which made me feel great. Thanks everyone!
Dedication: This story is dedicated to allyouneedislove1797 because she inspired me to write in the first place. Love you Love!
Disclaimer: I do not own anything.
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He pressed his forehead against mine. All I could hear is his musical rhythm of his heart beating. I looked into his deep blue eyes, and I was in bliss.
His voice suddenly turned to Ambers. Creepy right?
"Nina! Nina Wake up!" As I opened my eyes Amber had a bucket of water in hand.
"Erm… Amber you weren't going to throw that on me were you?" I asked.
"What? Oh. OH NO! Never Nina! That was just for the flowers!"
"Amber we don't have flowers."
She went and put the bucket into the hall. She then came running back in her seven inch heals. All of a sudden, my dream came back.
"Amber, please tell me last night wasn't a dream!"
"Of COURSE not silly! Actually, I was just going to get Fabian." She ran off before I could protest. I quickly grabbed a brush and combed my hair. I popped in a mint, hey why not ? Then, I put some perfume on. I lay back down, pretending to read a book. A quiet knock interrupted my 'reading'.
"Nina? Can I come in?" Asked the sweetest voice I can imagine. I almost didn't answer, because I was memorized by the sound.
"Oh sure! Come in." I responded, trying to keep my cool.
"Thanks." Fabian came in and sat on the edge of my bed. We sat in silence. At last he said,
"Nina, I have wanted to tell you, that I?"
"Fabian slow down!" I laughed.
"Okay, sorry. Nina will you be my girlfriend?"
I said yes in the most romantic way possible. I leaned in, and pressed my lips to his. I heard whispering outside, but I was in too happiness to care.
"Jerome! They are going to hear us," Amber whispered/shouted.
"Well. Lets see how they deal with this." He smirked. Meanwhile, Fabian and I were sharing out second kiss. My body was warm head to toe. I felt like we were the only too people on earth, even when Jerome came and dumped the bucket of water on us.
But that was ok, because even soaking wet, I knew Fabian and I were still in bliss. Wet bliss.
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