Sorry it has taken me so long to update anything you guys! Out of any story I have really been drawn into writting this one. I haven't seen blood plus in forever, so sorry if my characters appear a bit off. I just want to explore deeper into the character. You know, like a new pair of shoes, you gotta try them out to see ifyou like it or not. If not, then I will just change for a new pair of shoes! Easy as that.I just finished editing this, so I hope there aren't too many errors. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Summer :3

No hope was alive; neither Saya nor Diva would ever awaken after their last slumber anytime soon. The years passed on by and all anyone did was wait. Diva's traces were completely erased as if she had disappeared off the face of the Earth. Her children were nowhere to be found by the group. Saya's body went back to where she woke up the last time, in the small building from before. Next to her cocoon was Haji, as always, he would be there for her. "Riku was such a fine boy. Saya would have loved to wake up to his cheerful face." He frowned slightly and got up to lay his hand on a coffin. It had belonged to the boy he talked about. It had a few of his belongings, which had included the red crystal, considering they could not recover anything from his body. "He would be in his thirties or forties by now." He then turned to the cocoon that made a little crack. The silence in the building was broken by shoes colliding against the ground. A worried male rushed inside almost out of breath.

"Saya! It's Kai! She shouldn't be waking up Haji. Why is she waking up so early?" The man that had run in was soaking wet. A thunderstorm was occurring and it only got worse as the minutes ticked away. It was only coincidence he was walking around. Call it instincts, but he had to see her. It was almost as if something called him to her. His hair had sprits of grey mixed with his normal hair color of orange. A subtle grey-ish beard and mustache appeared just as his father's had in the past. Kai ran to the man's side that calmly looked to his old friend. "Can't we help her out some how?" He laid a hand on top of the cocoon and was so anxious to see Saya. Looking to Haji, Kai noticed the years had not affected him as it had done to Kai himself. The toll took a heavy bargain since it took away all of his young strength, but it could never take away his strong spirit.

"Nothing bad will happen. Just relax; she cannot be helped out now. Especially with her breaking out naturally herself; she needs to do that portion by herself." Haji sighed reaching for his case and pulled out his famous cello. He began to play it as loud as he could. His eyes never did seem to part from the cocoon as he played slowly.

The hours past on and Kai sat on the ground with his clothes being ragged and damp. Parts of the cocoon broke off and her feet along with her hands were exposed. Every now and then her body would shift inside. "Kai don't worry. She is weak and we must stay here to protect her." Haji whispered to the man next to him.

"I just want her back with us. It's been far too long since I've had my family with me. It's like a family reunion. We are all here; we have me, Dad, Riku, and Saya. It's very twisted, but this seems to be my own safe haven from the outside world. I now have a wife and I don't know how she would react to Saya or even if I will tell her about this. Things have changed so much from back when I was young. This is a new era. It's nice to see a not so old face again." Kai laid a hand on his face with a smirk. Then a loud gasp of air had startled the men. The woman in the cocoon broke free and plopped to the ground.

"Kai stay back." Haji warned setting his cello down and ran to his lady's side. "Saya…its Haji." He whispered to the girl lying on the ground. She had no clothes and her hair reached her ankles once more. The man took off his over coat and wrapped it around the girl. He held her in his arms and finally saw her dark red eyes.

"Haji…you always seem to keep your promise to me before I go under." Saya looked to her partner with low eyes and a slight smile on her face. "I'm sorry I fell asleep on you again. I seem to constantly do that to you without warning." Haji laughed a bit and shook his head no. "My memory is slowly getting better though. This time I at least remember you."

"It's okay, you needed the rest. Go on, get back to sleep. You need some more rest. I will take care of everything." The man said reassuringly as he set a hand on her cheek. As she closed her eyes Kai got up and looked at her. Quickly Saya sat up in a fighting position hearing footsteps in the room. "Saya, he came with me." Haji looked up at Kai and sighed since he hadn't kept quiet.

"Why? What makes him so special?" She snapped and glared at Kai with the coat still around her. The poor girl only had the recollection of Haji and her destiny but none of Kai and her life involving him. Saya had to be held back by Haji or else she would have attacked. It was almost as if he was containing an animal from its prey.

"I know a few things about you. I was here years ago when you had been awakened last." Kai smiled and kneeled down to her slowly. "Haji knew me to, so that is why I am here." He looked to Haji hoping for some back up. Unfortunately not a word was said from the man. "Saya, it's so good to see you. I've grown so much older since the last time we met. That's probably why you can't remember my face. My name is Kai."

"Kai…" The girl whispered and pushed Haji away. She stood on her feet slowly and covered herself with the coat. Saya had no idea on what to do and searched her surroundings. "If you know me, then tell me what has happened. These feelings inside are not what I remember. There's remorse, pain, and yet through all of that happiness now. My dreams make no sense and my heart beats so fast." A hand went to her chest as she laid a hand on top of Riku's coffin. "My past, explain it to me."

"Saya, I don't think that's the right thing to do right now. You just woke up and you should adjust to properly function." Haji suggested as he stood to her side holding his hand out to her. "You will get your answers later on. For now we will go get you some shelter and rest." Saya took a hold of his hand as she read the names from the coffins out loud.

"Who are these people Kai? These names were in my dream. Disgusting chiropterans were their titles. Although, I feel as if a chunk of me is missing. A piece of a chevalier." Saya spat out and let go of Haji's hand. Her last words were silent enough to where neither men heard. Saya had looked to the coffins and read the names over and over trying to recall any memories. Her attitude appeared to be much colder from her previews awakening. What had happened that changed her so much? Possibly the lack of social contact? Maybe her thoughts were so overwhelming that they began running how her emotions functioned.

"No! It isn't like that. You may not understand what you are saying now, but don't talk about them like that." Kai stood in between the coffins and Saya. "They helped form the person you are." He looked down making fists. "Dad would have wanted to see you like this again. So, naïve and possibly humorous back then. He would make the best out of the worst situations. Haji, we need to keep her away from David and Julia for a little while. I'm sure Mao would want to know." The man heard the rain stop and looked to Saya who seemed to have emotionless eyes. "I'm glad your back. You should be back in no time." With that he reluctantly left to do what was needed to be done.

"Haji…what has happened. I just don't understand what is going on around here." Her sentences appeared with caution and she was very hesitant on speaking. Her body would have to adjust to function so quickly considering she had remembered so much this time. Saya looked up to the man who stood in silence. With no response she put her arms through the coat and closed it. "Fine, no answer. Let's leave."

"As you wish Saya." Haji lifted her up not wanting the woman to strain herself too much. "You woke up early this time. A whole year early." He whispered to her as they walked down a few back roads. Her location must be kept a secret or else their whole plan would be ruined. Even as Saya slept everyone continued to plan when she were to awake. Although, Haji decided on forming his own plan this time.

"Did I? Do we know any location on Diva?" She wondered as they arrived to a small abounded building. Sure it wasn't home sweet home, but at least it would keep a roof over their heads. Her eyes darted at a few birds flying over head. It was a warm humid day after the downpour earlier. Saya was still rather tired, but that would eventually go away.

"No, but don't worry about that now. Rest up for awhile. Arrangements need to be made sooner since you awoke so early." Haji placed her down on a small torn up cot with a few ragged pillows already there. It had been his hideout until she returned back to the world of the living. The man stood by close no matter what.

"I can't Haji. I feel like I have to search for something." Saya threw her arms over her eyes and closed them. What was the reason on why her heart was racing at such a fast pace? The girl was rather confused and couldn't help but to talk. Being silenced for so long irritated her. "It isn't Diva nor is it the knowledge of what has happened when I was here last. Something is calling to me. It was also when I was asleep. I felt so close to my answer, but then…" She turned to the side facing the wall. The girl curled up into a ball as her stomach growled softly. "I woke back up to this cruel reality. What happened last time when I was awake? Maybe it was something from back then. I feel as if I have so many questions inside of me, but I don't know what to ask." Haji looked down to her and sighed gently.

"If that is what you desire most then…I will do as you want." The man was quite reluctant in giving every exact detail. So, he had given her a summary of everything in a very vague way. Eventually mid-way through the story Saya fell asleep for a nap. "Saya, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from that man's clutches." He whispered silently almost in a growl. His eyes went into a glare and a fist appeared to his side. Why did this man bring the bad side of Haji out? Haji leaned against a wall and sighed releasing the fist. Controlling his emotions was vital for Saya's protection. The man decided to leave her since her stomach had growled. They had to be prepared for anything and she needed to eat. So, he set off to go 'shopping'.

"He is almost finished." A male man spoke with a slight angered tone. He sat in a chair with his two index fingers pressed against his lips. Yes, his goal almost completed. "After so many years my most prized project will be completed." His sick smirk spread across his face. He had deep bags under his eyes from many late nights of work. It needed to be done no matter what. "I've heard the little Queen has awoken and demands her heirs. Is that so?" The male wondered raising an eyebrow. His voice directed to a blonde man who stood tall. He was always theatrical on the smallest things especially including this woman. The mysterious man sat on a red chair with his legs crossed. Infront of the two men was a glass case. Four times his size this cylinder contained tons of water along with his special prized possession. It was in a figure of a man. Who was it?

"Ah, it took long enough. Amshel will be very pleased with you Sebastian." This man, named Nathan, was very pleasantly surprised with the news. His steps forward were careful and silent. A hand gently rested on the glass container. "It has been much too long." He whispered and looked to the man in the chair. This man, Sebastian, had brunette hair and looked about in his mid-twenties. His figure was tall and thin like most of Diva's chevaliers. "Being one of her chevaliers wouldn't you know? If so, to be good you should be at her side. Then again…you are new around the block." Softly Nathan laughed turning around from the container. "Even so, the girl is tossing and turning, talking in her sleep. Poor child. She should wake up soon enough. I suggest you fetch Amshel and aid the Queen." His words were very wise, so Sebastian nodded and did what was needed to be done.

"It's such a shame for all of this trouble with no guarantee on how you will remember us all." Nathan turned back around to the figure. A sorrowful look appeared on his face. "If you can hear me, please don't wake up. If you know what's best for you…you won't open your eyes." He sighed looking to its face. It was a blonde man. He looked much younger than himself. His figure was thin and very frail for being in water all this time. Experiment after experiment was tested on him daily. All for just selfish reasons. Of course Nathan bit his tongue not finding it his place to speak up. All he could do was protect Diva. "Solomon, if you love Saya you will remain asleep. No good will come of your arrival. It's destined for one of you to die." Being as old as Nathan was he knew quite a few things. The man was even older than Amshel. His past was very mysterious and he had much more power than anyone could imagine. It was best to stay mutual for the time being.

"So, my brother is finally cured." A man entered the room with an emotionless face. "Nathan, leave me and my brother alone." He demanded walking up next to him. A hand laid roughly on the blonde's shoulder. The man nodded and walked off to go probably check up on the Queen. "Oh, Solomon Goldsmith we shall be reunited once again. Won't that just be grand? With you back we won't lose. They won't even know what hit them. I told you that you would regret coming back. Fighting the one you betrayed us for. How foolish of you to decide to do so in the first place." He spoke very proudly with a fist held up. Amshel was determined on getting what he wanted this time around. With all of the things in mind there was no way he would lose. He would always be two steps ahead of anyone. His only next move was to locate Saya's direct location. Once done progress would be made.

A small beeping noise came from the many computers placed in the large room. Amshel looked to them and searched through the records. "Seems it's time for you to awaken." He typed a few things down for passwords. Suddenly the glass began to drain away all of the water. The exposed male fell down to the tiled floor. Wires were attached to him and the blonde coughed up some water. Falling onto his back the man groaned in pain. His whole body was sore and he was very weak. The glass container finally lifted up blowing a breeze into his direction. The man opened his eyes slowly and stared to the figure who stood above him. The wires tugged every part of him. Blood was spilt and cuts were placed of the male. As the blonde's vision began to blur he realized it was his brother who stood before him. The man on the floor tried to move, but it was no use. He gave up and spat out, "Damn you brother…" Then with that Solomon was knocked out, completely unconscious.

I swear my heart will always cry out for Haji! Especially in this case. He is like forced. Also, poor Solomon he is like a test rat...this should be interesting to write more about. What about Kai? Ew, wasn't him and Mao meant to be? Oh crap, things will go down. Diva and her babies will come! Also, what has been going on around there? Crazy! Shit will go nuts. Hope to get chapter up soon! Ja ne~