Hello there! Alright before anything I am not for sure if I should continue this story or if i should just drop it. That's where i need help. I need reviews or something for this story. Please guys! I will love you forever if you did! This a disclaimer to the people whom had created the blood plus characters. We hope for future episodes!


((This is right after the battle between Solomon and James))

In a back alley way was where a blonde man had run to, for he had just come from battling his own 'brother' James, and successfully seen him defeated. An injury was seen upon his left shoulder and he grimaced in pain, for the wound had his enemy's blood was mixed in. That was his one true weaknesses, the blood of the one he loved the most could kill him. It was quite a tragedy through his eyes. He tried to bring a smile on his face as he thought, "At least I got to save her. Also, I got the chance to see her one last time…" Suddenly he heard footsteps on the cold cement from a distance.

A tall man with a black beard and black flat hair appeared before Solomon. He wore a red suit along with a mischievous look on his face. "A sad sight, my brother, Solomon Goldsmith." Amshel smirked slightly keeping his distance from the blonde knowing he still had a bit of fight residing in him.

"Amshel…I can't even…Saya I'm sorry" The man, named Solomon collapsed to his knees staring up at his older brother. He was dying before him and they both knew it. Solomon would die in a matter of minutes on the spot.

"What a fool my dear younger brother is." The man knelt down next to his brother whom had been crystallized from the neck down. "There is hope for you though." Amshel smiled cleverly and stood back up not looking into the eyes of the betrayer. "Having this as a punishment is much too easy for you. The consequence I have in mind for you is far more suitable for the things you have done to Diva. You remember correct, your rightful mother, the one you would stay loyal to. I just hope you learned the first time around. Farewell, Solomon Goldsmith. "Those were the final words the blonde had heard from the black haired man before becoming completely crystallized.

"You may come out now Diva." The man whispered stepping aside for the blue eyed lady. Although, she was very different in her appearance this time around. Her stomach was rounder than before and she had a sickened face. Even though her appearance had changed slightly he attitude remained the same. The usual bitter sweet attitude would never ever leave this girl.

"Thank you Amshel. Gosh, it's such a shame my poor little Solomon. I just cannot believe he would fall for sister like that." The girl bent down to her crystallized chevalier and stroked him gently on top of his head with her right hand. "He was the second brightest out of them, but of course Saya had to kill him. "Mmm, Amshel, before I sleep, can I sing my song? It will be the last time until thirty years, and who knows if I will sound the same." She stood straight up and stared at the man behind her. As her attention was on him soldiers appeared called 'the shift'. They carried the crystallized body and disappeared with it.

"Of course my dear, you shall give it your all for the last time. Your children would be grateful to hear their mother sing. Before you do that though, we must stock up on your chevaliers because at this moment it is only me, Nathan, and slightly Solomon. "Amshel sighed watching 'the shift' guarding the area. At the moment there had to of been twenty soldiers surrounding the area. He walked up to Diva and stood on one knee prepared to carry her back to the base.

"Fine." The girl sighed having a very bored mood. She crawled up into the man's arms as he turned into a chiropteran and flew away with Diva. "What if the 'Red Shield' is to find us Amshel? What then?" Her hair swirled around in the wind as she looked up into the sky laying a hand gently on her stomach.

"I promise you, they won't ever catch us my dear Diva. I will give everything up if it means to save you and you children. As your chevalier I will keep you and the babies safe from the outside world at any cost." The man smiled softly, which he never really does. Though, he was partially telling the truth with the statement he had said out loud to Diva. He would protect her but not because he was her chevalier, but because he still desires to see how much more the chiropteran race can evolve.

Thanks for reading! Remember comments are encouraged don't be shy! Ja ne~