All Cast Review

Rena: Thank you all for reading Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kan Kai: Katakiuchi-hen! We sincerely hoped you enjoyed it!

Mion: …Uh…

Rena: What is it, Mii-chan? Didn't you like it?

Mion: Frankly…no, I didn't. [Angrily] How come I had to be the bad guy? I already did all that bad stuff in Keiyodoshi!

Rena: Yeah, but the point that was trying to be shown here was that you had a demon, just like how I had one in Kanashii!

Mion: That's what the deal was?

Satoko: I think I get it! Since Rena-san and Mion-san like Keiichi-san so much, that's why the stories were so similar! Rena-san and Mion-san are like two sides of the same coin! Their motives were the same and their dreams were as well!

Rika: …Your demons made you kill us.

Mion: Ah…yeah…well…I still hated this story! I'm not being the bad guy again! I'm not doing it!

Rena: Ahaha! I don't think you'll have to worry about that!

Mion: I better not!

Shion: You thought you had it bad! Rena killed me by accident, thinking I was you, Sis!

Rena: [Pouts] I'm still really sorry about that, Shii-chan!

Shion: Ah it's okay! [Winks] There's always the next arc, right? We'll do better there!

Rena: [Smiles] Yeah!

Satoko: So let's talk about this story a little more! Who wants to ask a question? If nobody has one, I'll ask my own! So Mion-san went crazy like Rena-san did? The point was to show they both had demons, right? Well, that makes me worried! If they have demons in them, then who's to say we don't all have demons!

Rena: What do you mean?

Satoko: Look at me and Keiichi-san! We never went crazy at all in those stories! Why are Mion-san, Nee-nee, and Rena-san the targets of demons? How come me and Keiichi-san are spared?

Rika: …That is a good point.

Hanyuu: Auu auu! I hate it when everybody fights each other! Can't everybody get along?

Rika: …I don't think it's that easy.

Rena: I think it's because all three of us had such fragile hearts. We loved so strongly that we became lustful, paranoid, furious, and selfish. The demon inside of us, our desires, took control of us and made us do those terrible things!

Mion: Yeah, I agree. It's like how you said before: love goes hand in hand with hate! You could love something or someone one minute, and then you turn on them in one instant! It's pretty scary how emotions have that kind of power! Love turns to hate and joy turns to fury!

Rena: I was able to overcome my demon though! I was able to stop obsessing and learn to be a better person! I curbed my dark desires!

Satoko: Yeah! Just like Katsu-san did in Noroi! Not nearly as epic, but it still was cool to see that!

Rika: …It shows that everybody has the power to defeat their selfish desires. They just have to have the will to do it.

Rena: Exactly!

Mion: What about Shion and I though? We both have our demons and we still fell to them!

Satoko: Remember how Rena stabbed you with the remnants of the Onigari-no-Ryuo? I think by doing that, she was able to kill the demon inside of you as well! We know it truly exists now and that it does have the power to destroy those creatures, even when broken! Mion-san even regretted everything when she apologized to Keiichi-san in those final moments! Her demon is gone!

Mion: [Frowns] …Yeah…I just wish there was another way to get that demon out though!

Rena: You know how stubborn you are, Mii-chan! Ahaha! I think that was the only way!

Mion: Yeah…I guess so.

Shion: Well, now that Sis and Rena are free, where does that leave me? I still have a demon inside me!

Rika: [Smiles cutely] …Shii needs to be strong and fight back!

Shion: I did that…but nothing seemed to work…

Hanyuu: Everything will work out! At least…I hope so…

Satoko: I have another question: the Syndrome is still a problem. Rena-san and Keiichi-san had it in Kanashii and Katakiuchi respectively. Didn't Irie and Nise-san give them shots to help? How come they were still clawing at their necks?

Mion: Hmm…I'm not sure about that one. Maybe the constant paranoia kept the virus going! That's how I see it!

Rika: …I don't think it's a virus anymore.

Mion: It's not a virus? How can that be?

Rika: I'm not sure yet…I just know that the Syndrome and the concept of demons go together…somehow…

Shion: I have an observation! I noticed how Keiichi died because of Cyanide in the police reports! Doesn't that sound suspicious to you guys?

Rena: I still think the Manager is behind some of this! He had that stash of poison that Nise-san mistook and gave it to me! She mistook it again and gave it to Keiichi-kun too!

Hanyuu: I'm happy I was able to stop you, Rena…

Mion: [Taps her foot] Irie is still at the top of my suspect list! And that stuff isn't easy to come by! He must have had a source where he got those pills from!

Shion: I think it's the Yamainu again! They have military grade weapons, skills, information gathering techniques, and access to all sorts of poisons! They got to be involved somehow!

Satoko: What about the Keima Clan and Kami Ousama? They're behind all of these killings as well!

Rena: But…if that's true…then Kami Ousama is Keima Katsurou! You remember how the Keima Family had the ability to control demons! Kami Ousama is controlling us to get back at the Furude Family and the Sonozaki Family!

Satoko: I don't believe that! Nobody can control something as supernatural as demons! Those are just legends! Katsu-san is a good guy! He was kinda screwed up towards the end of his story, but he was a decent guy nonetheless! He suffered from a demon too! He was being controlled because the demon made him kill Aiyoku!

Rena: So…what you're saying is Katsurou isn't Kami Ousama? You think the god is something else?

Satoko: I'm positive! It's either just a hoax created to scare Rika and Kimiyoshi-san, or its some being that rivals Oyashiro-sama!

Rika: …A hoax or a true god that's not Katsurou…

Hanyuu: Auu auu! There can't be another god! Rika, what do you think?

Rika: …It might be a god…or it might be another conspiracy like Irie and the Yamainu. I still need to see how this plays out!

[A phone rings]

Mion: [Answers] Hello!

Keiichi: Mion! I'm at the studio right now! I just got through looking at the next story!

Mion: What's this next one about?

Keiichi: It's actually the sequel, as well as the answer, to Jimetsu! We have more main characters in this story than before!

Mion: Really? Like who?

Keiichi: Looks like…you, Satoko, Akasaka, and Hanzaemon are the lead characters!

Mion: [Frowns again] I'm not the bad guy am I…?

Keiichi: Uh…no. You're a good guy again!

Mion: [Smiles] 'Bout fricking time! I went through 9 chapters of being such a horrible person! I hope my fanbase doesn't think I'm evil because of this asshole author!

Rena: No! Everybody loves you, Mii-chan!

Keiichi: Well, I wanna look over some more of the next story! We're gonna see a lot more of the Keima Clan in this one! [Hangs up]

Mion: More about the Keima Clan, hmm? Bring it on! I'm ready for anything!

Satoko: I get to be a main character! FINALLY! I'm gonna be awesome!

Rika: …Hanyuu. Let's take this time to do our own research into this matter.

Hanyuu: Roger! We'll find out all of the secrets!

Shion: A sequel to my story? And I'm not the main character? I wonder how this will play out… [Chuckles]

Rena: Please join us for the next installment in the Kan saga! Up next is Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kan Kai: Gokusotsu-hen (The Tormenting Devils Chapter)! We hope to see you again real soon!

Thanks for reading this story everybody! I really do hope that you like the surprises as well as the new clues to ponder over! As always, thank you for reading, reviewing/commenting, and letting me know that you enjoy these stories. I means SO much to me! I want to be the best author around, especially when I get around to working on my original stuff, so this is great! Your reviews help me get better and better! I'll become a legend in no time! ^^

It's time for another announcement!

As the Kanashii VN enters into its last chapter, I've been getting plans for the Keiyodoshi adaptation! The biggest change is that I want to add voices to the characters! So I'd very much like it if I was able to have Keiichi, Rena, Mion, and the whole gang could speak their lines to make the experience even more enjoyable!

If you would like to be a voice actor/actress for the Keiyodoshi VN, send me an audition via email through fanfiction, or send me an audition via YouTube! My YouTube channel is on my profile page!

I need a Keiichi, Mion, Rena, Satoko, Rika, Akasaka, Irie, Shion, and anybody else that I might have missed. Since he's my OC, I'll be providing the voice of Hanzaemon! I REALLY would like it if you guys could help me add voices to this next VN!

ALSO: I haven't gotten anything for the Takuma sprite *Pouts* I guess I shall have to pick up drawing! It'll be tough, but I've always wanted to learn to draw anime! I guess this is the motivation I need!

Thanks again, and I looked forward to hearing auditions for the voices! If you're interesting of course. If not, I'll just make it the same way as Kanashii.