Author's Note: Hey everyone! Thanks for taking the time to read this story. This is only my second story that I've ever written and so I apologize if the characters are OOC. Updates will also vary so please bear with me.

I would like to say that this story will be about Russia and his daughter, my OC, Alaska. Just some background information about Alaska is that her mother is human and obviously Russia is her father. When Alaska was four her mother died and Russia starts his slow descent into madness then. Alaska also has a crush on Canada and in some chapters they will be an established couple and in other chapters they'll just be friends.

I'm planning on writing a story about how Russia met Alaska's mother and perhaps another one focused on Russia and Alaska but that will take some time for me to get up.

Well, thanks for reading the long author's note and please enjoy the story! This is before Russia goes insane.

A is for…


The six day old gurgled contently in her crib. Her violet eyes roamed around the room as the occupants bustled about. Every now and then they would gather around her and make weird faces and noises before disappearing again. She really didn't mind the adults staring at her but when she was trying to sleep it was frustrating. Her small stomach rumbled and she opened her mouth to wail for food when an odd feeling filled the air. It was a familiar feeling even though she had never felt it before. It made her skin tingle and she decided that she didn't like this feeling. A loud banging noise managed to distract her for a moment but then the horrible itching got stronger. The baby let out a cry of frustration and began to make a fuss.

"She must sense her father," someone joked. The baby recognized it as her mother's voice and cried out to her.

"She probably does," a new voice replied completely serious. The owner of the voice walked over to her crib and peered down at her. A tall man with purple eyes much like her own (not that she knew that) smiled at her happily and reached down to pick her up.

"What do you mean?" Her mother asked.

"Well, we can sense when another, ah, personification is around," the man replied following his wife's instructions on how to properly hold a baby.


"Da, really," Russia replied gazing down at his daughter. "Hello, malen'kaya dochka'," he cooed sitting down on the bed. The baby wriggled slightly in his arms. He could see the frustration growing in her eyes and chuckled. "What is wrong, little Alaska?"

The child froze. She tilted her head to the side puzzling over the name. Alaska. That suited her. She smiled happily before her stomach growled again. Almost instantly the peaceful look that had crossed her face disappeared and she prepared to let out a loud wail.

"Oh no, she's hungry," her mother laughed gently taking her from Russia's arms. "I'll be back, Ivan," she said placing a small kiss on his cheek before leaving the room to nurse her baby.

Russia watched as his sunflower and doch' left his smile slowly waning with each step. Once they were out of view he frowned and stared down at his lap. If she really was Alaska then America would surely try to take her from him. "It will be a cold day in hell when that tupye amerikanskie takes her from me," he growled, a purple aura emanating from him.

Across the ocean a man woke up from his sleep suddenly fearing for his life. About five minutes later another man with impressive eyebrows was woken by the hysterical American.


da- yes (do I really need to translate this one?)

malen'kaya dochka'- little girl

tupye amerikanskie- stupid American

Please leave a review! If you don't then I'll tell Belarus you were hitting on Russia :3

~Alaska Braginski