Hiruma/Rui fanfic. All garbled mixed up, Rui POV. None of this will probably make much sense. To be honest I was very sad to find very little Hiruma/Rui round here, so just wanted to write, and this is the fangirlish crap I come out with!

Follows...loosely...the canon frame mixing anime and manga together, cos I'm retarded like that. Also there is some smut, quite frequently in this fic!



1- First You Lose



The first time Rui encounters Hiruma is at the Deimon clubhouse. He doesn't think he can hate someone as much as he hates this spiky haired demon.

He memorises that sharp grin and decides he'll hate it forever, or at least until he wins.


"You lost," said Hiruma, and flashed a wallet at Rui. "5 million yen please,"

"Are you crazy?" Rui thought he was. "I don't have that kinda money!"

So that was when Hiruma decided he'd make Rui his slave. Like any normal demon would. Rui just decided he hated Hiruma even more, and wanted to punch him in that sharp mouth.

"Don't feel too bad. You might have a chance to get out of it,"

Rui snorted as he sat on his bike. He noticed Hiruma touch the handles, like it was his own.

Rui revved up and kind of wanted to run over Hiruma's feet.

"Wait, your number," Hiruma dangled his phone.

Rui raised his brows and wanted to tell him to fuck off. Instead he told him his phone number. Hiruma typed it in and then rang it.

"Just checking," he grinned, and Rui felt the vibration of his own phone against his chest, along with the hum of it's ring. "Nice tune,"

Rui looked away and revved even more. "See ya, Deimon."

"Soon," Hiruma called after, and Rui pretended not to hear.


Rui looked at the phone flashing Hiruma's name. He'd given up deleting the number and just decided to keep it there. It was pointless when Hiruma kept ringing him all the time anyway.

"You got a chance," Hiruma's voice lost none of it's malice even in the tinny mobile speaker. "Find Eyeshield 21, and I release you from your slavery,"

Rui jumped for his bike; he'd never been so eager to succeed.

It didn't work out, and he ended up staring at Hiruma, who stood on a warehouse roof, laughing hysterically. Rui wanted to climb up there and punch him down.


A couple of times Rui wanted to ignore the phone calls. Pinches of dread and fury fought within his stomach when Hiruma's name flashed up, and he wanted to chuck his phone at a wall. Sometimes he did, but he'd always end up picking it up again, and answering.

One time it was barely six in the morning and the sun hurt his eyes as he emerged from bed covers and fumbled in the direction of the damn ringing noise.


"I want you to come help me with my team. Bring some of your trash gang too."


"Of course, stupid."

Rui grit his teeth. "Alright,"

Hiruma was mean and seemed to think Rui and his gang were great punching bags. But that was fine, because Rui could handle it, and that was probably why Hiruma had picked him.

At the end of the day, the sun was dipping beyond the horizon and Rui could feel bruises on his ribs and blood on his lip.

"Good work," Hiruma grinned at him. It was still all nasty teeth and hateful, but the tone was a little different. Enough for Rui to want to look at him.

"Oh thanks," he muttered.

Hiruma pulled at Rui's sleeves; where Deimon's thug team had made neat work of his jacket. "Looks good on you,"

Rui raised a brow. "You think?"

"Yeah, really enhances the trash punk thing you got going on,"

Rui curled his lip. "D'ya want a fight?"

"Nah," Hiruma shook his head almost pleasantly. Then he knocked on Rui's helmet. "I'm on the back, right?"

"Ah?" Rui stared, too horrified to say anything, as Hiruma clambered on the bike, and suddenly hands were wrapped round Rui's waist and there was heated breath on his neck.

"We going, or just gonna sit enjoying the fucking view?"

"Where?" Rui felt violated.

"Drop me off home, retard."

Rui snarled and revved the bike. "Hold on, Deimon."

He zoomed down the streets, took purposefully bumpy routes and wished many times that Hiruma would fall off and that would be the end of the entire nightmare.

Instead he listened to Hiruma's whoops and laughs, telling him to go faster.

Rui didn't know where Hiruma lived, but it wasn't too far out. It was an ordinary looking house with an ordinary looking driveway. Still Rui felt nervous as he stopped the bike and blinked up at the windows, wondering who might live there.

The weight that had become warm against his back fell away.

"Wait, chameleon," Hiruma touched his shoulder only a second.


"Got something for you."

Rui waited, confused and anxious, as Hiruma disappeared into the house. He leaned forward on his bike, sighed, and wondered how he'd become such a tool.

Hiruma reappeared before Rui could properly consider it. He was holding a small box.

"Don't open it till you get home,"

Rui took it doubtfully. "Will it kill me?"

Hiruma laughed. "Yeah,"

Rui revved the bike and sped away.


He didn't open the box for a day or two. He wasn't sure why. It just sat there on his desk, a weird curiosity he was trying hard to resist.

After failing math badly for the second time, he got home and tore into the box.

It was a silver lighter. There was a little note next to it;

"You should quit, but it does look good on you."

Rui smirked. For some reason it cheered him up.



a/n: more to come. Rating will go up.