Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece

A/N: Finally an update huh? Well I hope you like this. If it's too short, I'm sorry.

Thanks for all the kind reviews! I love you all!

Chapter Fourteen


(From You)


Zoro was taking Sanji back to the ship. They were to be leaving the island in the morning, and Sanji didn't want to sleep in the hotel room that night. He missed the waves and the rock of the ship. So Zoro said he'd take him to the Sunny. It was going to be just the two of them and Taku. It took Zoro a lot of persuasion with Chopper to let them go alone. He was sure Sanji wanted one night of piece. Though because the Cook still couldn't walk on his own, someone had to be there, and Zoro was surprised Sanji had chosen him.

"Zoro can we stop a minute?" Sanji asked. They were walking to the docks, Sanji had one arm draped around Zoro's shoulder and Zoro had a tight hold around the Cook's waist. Taku rested peacefully in Zoro's hermaki.

"What's wrong?" Zoro asked, concern oozing from his tone.

"My leg is killing me," Sanji groaned.

Sighing softly Zoro led Sanji to a nearby bench and carefully sat the Cook down. He noted how heavy Sanji's breathing was and it worried him all the more. Chopper had said his lungs were still week. Perhaps he should have let the Doctor come along. "Will you be okay?"

"I just need a minute," Sanji nearly snapped, his eyes closing. His right leg was killing him. A shooting pain had rushed through his thigh down to his calf and it wasn't going away. "Sorry," he mumbled once he caught his breath.

"Don't be," Zoro mumbled and sat down next to the blond. He looked at him and gently laid a hand on Sanji's back. "You'll be back to normal in no time."

"Yeah," Sanji grunted. He didn't doubt Zoro's words, but right now, the pain was scaring him. Never in his life had he felt so week before. "Okay, I think I'm all right now," he lied.

Zoro looked at him unsure, but he wouldn't argue. He stood up and gently grabbed the Cook to help him stand. That's when it started to rain. "Shit. Let me carry you it'll be faster and we won't get sick." I know you're still in pain shit cook.

Sanji groaned and looked at the swordsman. "Fine, but don't tell anyone," he hissed.

Smiling Zoro reached under Sanji and lifted him into his arms bridle style. "Oi Taku, stop wiggling," he grunted as he struggled to keep a hold on the blond.

Sanji held back a chuckle. This wasn't supposed to be funny. He was being carried by a bride who had a Mini him in his pants. "Just go Marimo, I'm getting wet here!"

"That sounded wrong," Zoro said as he went in a sprint towards the dock. Sanji was just glad the idiot was going the right way.

Once they were back on the Sunny Zoro carried Sanji to the men's bunkroom and sat him down on his wooden hammock. "There," he said and sat down next to the blond. He pulled Taku out from his hermaki and sat him on his lap. The mini Sanji looked at him all disoriented and kicked his arm. "Oi, Sorry," he chuckled.

Sanji smiled at the little mini-me and looked at Zoro. "Thanks, Marimo. I appreciate all the help."

"It's no problem. Shit even I can see you need to be away from the others for a while. Chopper seems to be stressing you out."

Sanji frowned and he leaned into Zoro's shoulder. "Yeah he is. Don't do this, be careful with that. I get that I can't do this and that. I understand all of that. Not to mention I feel like a burden to the others. They all keep giving me the same pity Sanji look."

Zoro nodded. The cook was right. Just days before Nami had acted as if Sanji was a burden. If she meant it or not he could tell it had hurt Sanji's feelings. It pissed him off. Everyone was pissing him off, because they were hurting the cook. He had witnessed Sanji tossing and turning in his sleep last night. He could tell the Cook was tired and worried about what the crew thought of him rather than worrying about himself. "Ignore them. Worry about getting better. You're still the cook. Worry about that."

Sanji glanced at Zoro and then shook his head. "Yeah, that's what I should do. Worry about cooking again. My hands still work after all."

"Yeah, and in the meantime you and I can work on recovering your legs. Hopefully you'll be able to fight again. If not, well that's fine too. You are still Nakama after all. We need a Cook more than anything." Zoro gave him a smile and he set Taku in Sanji's lap.

Sanji felt a bubble of warmth in the pit of his stomach at Zoro's words. He had never thought of that before. The green-goon was right. He was the Straw Hat's Cook more than he was anything else. He still wanted to get better, but for different reasons. He wanted to be able to Cook without any aid, and well if he couldn't fight again then that was fine wasn't it? He was still doing his job after all.

Looking up at Zoro Sanji gave him a big smile. "Thanks Zoro. You're right I'm a cook first." He said and he placed Taku on his pillow and moved so he could lay down.

Zoro watched him and smiled. He was glad he could help Sanji feel better, even if it was just a little bit. He ran his fingers through the blond's hair. He could see Sanji was about to fall asleep. Still he leaned forward and kissed the blonde's temple. "Go to sleep."

Sanji didn't argue, and when he felt the soft kiss his smile grew. Things just might be okay.

To Be Continued….