When I entered the hospital, I was expecting the normal shouting and rushing that came with it. It was eerie on how calm it was considering the time of day. Then again, what I walked into was also not something that I would see. Why were all the doctors and nurses filling up Sasuke's room? Were they planning to unplug him while I was at work?
The bag in my hand fell as I finally realized why the room became such a gathering place. "S…Sasuke…?" I stared into glazed onyx orbs. In an instant a flash of life passed through as his head turned towards me. I could tell he wanted to say something, but I knew that it was practically impossible for one to speak after being in a coma.
"What… is today…?" Or he could prove to us all, that he was a fighter. A smile broke out on my face as I tried to hold back the tears. "It's June 9th, Sasuke…" He slowly closed his eyes as a small smile formed on his face. "I see, then… Happy Birthday Itachi-nii-chan." My heart twisted. Was this a dream? Was I running on false hopes just because it was my birthday?
"Itachi-sama… I would like to speak to you in the hall." I nodded to the doctor as we left the room while the nurses did their thing. "Your brother pulled through as you expected… but because we think his mind is still that of a 6 year old, we want to run him through some therapy. I have a list of-" I held up my hand, cutting the doctor off. "I know someone who is willing to look after my brother. I'm sure you have heard of Uzumaki Kurama." The frown on the doctor's face reminded me why I hated this hospital so much.
Back when I was getting ready to start college, I had met a red haired man who seemed dense towards everything. At first I thought he was trying to visit a relative, but to find out that he actually worked there and took care of coma patients shocked me. He specialized in radiation and coma patients. However, when he stood up for my brother, he was fired. I was shocked that I was able to meet up with him again when I started off my college studies. He informed me of his name and told me to seek him out if anything came up with Sasuke. Besides his dense and anti-social attitude, he really was someone whom could help you feel better.
"Hello this is Uzumaki Kurama speaking, how can I—god damn it Konohamaru get off my fucking vintage porn collection you little…" See, dense as hell and quite the idiot might I add. "Do you normally answer your phone like this when you could possibly have a potential customer on the line?" I asked as I glanced over to see an elder staring at me as if it was my fault for Kurama's outburst. "Eh…? Don't tell me this is my main man Itachi?" I let out a sigh.
"To answer your question, I normally don't have new patients around this time of the year. Normally they die down in May then spring up again around July. So I get the same patients who understand my outburst towards a certain brat who somehow is always under my fucking care…" I wanted to say that was his own fault but I wanted to actually just get my brother set up for treatment right away. "That being so, there is a reason I called you today."
"Well considering this isn't your cell phone number, I'm not sure what you possibly could want from me." It is true that I called him a lot but… he did say he would be a shoulder I can lean on since he understood what I was going through. "Sasuke woke up today… Probably the best birthday gift I ever received. Pushing that aside, Sasuke needs some therapy. Is the offer still there?"
"OF COURSE! You know how much I love long term sleepers! The mysteries of what was going on in their mind… I enjoy it all! Get him out of that hell hole and bring him to me as soon as you can! I'm free!" Always taking care of me since that time… I admit I had respect for the guy.
†Sasuke's POV†
"Your speech pattern has gone up quite a lot since you were first brought here a month ago. I'm sorry you weren't able to work with the doctor originally like you were supposed to… none of us expected for his adoptive godfather to pass away at such a young age." This girl sure talked a lot. I hated coming here because of her. Though, today it was supposed to be different… I would actually get to meet the doctor.
"This will be the last time I help you, so thank you for trying so hard with me. Wait here, the doctor will be with you soon." I stayed silent, knowing that this normally gave her the hint that I didn't care. I didn't feel bad about doing this; it was on these people that they thought my mind was still at a child's level.
My ear twitched as I heard a click. I turned to the door to see a familiar mop of red hair. "Kyuubi?" This caused the person to turn to me and stare at me. "I have not heard that nickname in ages… only one person called me that." He smiled as he sat down on the desk as he stared over at me. "My name is…"
"Uzumaki Kurama, right?" The shock returned to his face before he let out a laugh. "This is why I love coma patients. Now, despite what you may have been told… I'm not here to do tests on you. What I do is listen to the patient's problems and talk it over with them. I also try to find out what went on while they were in that coma. I'm quite interested in your story, Sasuke-kun…" I stared at him before sapphires flashed in my mind.
"Do you have a younger sister?" I asked. I didn't expect the pain that I saw flash through his eyes like they did. That didn't last long, as a smile appeared on his face as he reached into his lab coat pocket and pulled out what appeared to be a picture. "Yeah… I had a baby sister. Not many people know that… how did you know?" He asked, though his eyes were still on the paper.
"While I was in my coma… I was living life as a high school student. I remembered going to grade school with a blonde haired girl. We had all the same classes, and you were there too so was Itachi. We were going to High School together… Uzumaki Naruto Akuma… that name constantly follows me as I remember seeing sapphires. Right before I woke up, I remember seeing those Sapphires again with that bright smile. She kept saying 'today is a good day, a good day indeed to open those eyes'. I ended up waking up for my brother's birthday. All I could see were those Sapphires holding my brother with her sunshine grin as Itachi told me the day."
Kurama's gaze looked up from the paper. "So… you were living an alternate life in your coma. It is no wonder your speaking skills never fell behind. As expected of a prodigy family… 'Akuma' was a nickname given to my baby sister. I was the only one who ever called her that, just like Kyuubi was the only name she called me." He held the paper out to me, in which I grabbed and stared down to see a very young Kurama holding onto an even younger Naruto. I smiled at the picture as I remembered what went on for the past 11 years. "Where is Naruto now?" I asked as I looked up.
"Naruto… is dead."
So I didn't rewrite this chapter yet, mainly because I'm still rewriting the already posted chapters. I just wanted to give my readers something else to know that I'm still alive. NHS is probably the last story I will have done since everyone seems to want YnK done haha. The poll I have up shows YnK with top votes, and FFJ with the second most (which honestly shocked me).
I know I have let down many of you, but to explain myself a bit. I work a job that I never know my hours for… I end up taking someone else's shift in the week. I'm trying to save up for a laptop that I can bring into work to use between theaters… or maybe a better phone. I currently have a phone that won't actually charge… I mean, my phone has been in the charger now for… 7 hours now and it is only at 9%... should I tell you it started at 15%?
I'm tired of always being a letdown to you guys… so I'm trying to work as hard as I can, and cover as many shifts as I can to make enough money for me to be able to provide you guys with the weekly updates I used to do. Despite the pains of rewriting chapters I haven't put up yet… I might try and update when I can, and just give myself more work for later.
I actually wish that I could make money from my stories, but the only people who like my originals are those around me… Uzumaki Twins was partially based off an original story I created a while back, but never perfected. A story about two twins trying to make it in the world, then finding out one of the twins is a clone, before finding a double plot twist where you find out it was the other twin… That all came from that original story. I explained it to a co-worker, who showed interest in the story.
My problem though is a lot of people detest first person stories, despite how many popular ones are out there. (Examples would be the Hunger Games series, Percy Jackson series and many more.) Which reminds me, has anyone seen the Percy Jackson movies? I'm kind of curious on if they are good or not… despite working at a movie theater, I missed the one that was out last month. I would either come in to the end or I would come in to the 3D films, which caused too much of a headache.
This all aside, I would like to thank you guys for staying with me this entire time. I seriously love and respect you guys for waiting for me. I only wished I never left you guys with empty promises.
-Ja ne