Kami, did she hate waking up with a hangover.
At the crack of dawn, Kagome found herself paying honor to the porcelain god as she emptied her stomach's contents. Damn her volatile emotions. She always ended up paying for them in some way or the other.
"This sucks." Kagome spat, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand and flushing the toilet. Laying her head against the cool seat, Kagome tried to break through the haziness and send her reiki to calm her raging headache. Several minutes later, she let out a sigh of relief and rubbed her temples tiredly. That was the last time she ever drank that much again.
"Here you go mommy."
"Thank you baby." Kagome said gratefully, taking a swig out of the offered cup of water. Suddenly she spit it out and turned to the now taller figure looking at her curiously. It was Ai, at least she thought it was, standing on his own two feet and smiling shyly at her.
"Ai?" Kagome asked in awe and the now kid, giggled.
"Of course it is silly mommy! Who else would it be?" Ai smiled showing a mouthful of sharp fangs. Kagome gulped. Maybe she needed another drink.
"This is unheard of! Just yesterday, Ai was only a one year old. In twenty-four hours he's jumped to the age of a six year old!" Tsunade looked at the dark haired child sitting on the couch, swinging his legs happily. Her hazel eyes didn't miss the slight softening of Kaome's eyes when she looked at Ai, nor the pure adoration whenever Ai looked at his mother.
If she wasn't sure of her decision to put them together, she was sure now.
"I'm not sure what's triggering Ai's growth patterns but it seems being with you is doing him good Kagome. His chakra coils are developing nicely and his health is outstanding. What would you say about him becoming a ninja?"
Kagome pursed her lips and looked at her son figure.
"Ai, would you like to be a ninja?" She asked softly and Ai bit his lip thoughtfully.
"I don't know. Do you want me to be a ninja Mommy?" Both older women smiled at his cuteness.
"It's your decision Ai. You're a big boy now."
Ai jumped off the couch brandishing an imaginary kunai and swung it around wildly.
"I want to be a ninja so I can protect my Mommy!" He declared and Tsunade laughed.
"It will take a while for the paperwork to go through so in the meantime, I think I'll have Team Kakashi teach little Ai the basics so he won't be completely unprepared for the Academy."
Kagome's eyebrow spiked. Even though she had never met any of the members of Team Kakashi before, even she had heard of their antics. "When should I bring Ai to meet them?"
"They're currently on a mission in Grass right now but they should be getting back tonight if Kakashi's lateness hasn't rubbed off on them. So you can bring Ai to meet with them the day after tomorrow. Hopefully, Naruto won't corrupt Ai too bad."
Oh, how wrong would she be.
"Ai come on! We still got to go home and set your room up!" Kagome said, trying to juggle the several shopping bags in her hand while trying to keep track of the hyperactive six year old.
"No wonder some women put leashes on their kids." Kagome muttered, straining her eyes for her son as she walked briskly down the street and apologizing to the people she bumped into. Suddenly Ai jumped in front of her from out an alleyway causing Kagome to scream and drop her bags.
"Race you home Mommy!" Ai laughed and continued running through the crowd. Kagome's eye twitched violently as she bent down to pick up the scattered bags. Oh was someone going to get it when she got home.
"Here let me help you." Kagome looked up gratefully only to freeze in shock. The person on the ground next to her gathering her bags was none other than the shinobi that had pinned her against the wall of the club last night. Talk about awkward.
"Oh thank you uh.." She trailed off embarrassed that she didn't know the guy's name. He smiled at her amused as he extended his hand out.
"The name's Akitoki Hojo."
Kagome could've just died right then and there.
"What a…interesting name Akitoki-san." Kagome commented hesitantly as she reached for her bags. The brown haired shinobi held the bags out her reach and gently pressed his hand against the small of her back to lead her through the crowd.
"It's a common name in my family and please, allow me to accompany you to your destination…"
"Oh, Higurashi Kagome is my name."
Kagome was in awe. This Hojo was completely different from the two Hojos she knew. This one was a deadly fighter with a grace and confidence that neither of the other two possessed. And of course, he'd be the one she also had sex with against a wall. The kamis enjoyed messing with her.
"So I understand that we started out on the wrong foot, but I'd like to take you out for dinner sometime soon." Hojo stated when they reached Kagome's apartment.
"Well Akitoki-san…" Kagome trailed off when he leaned close in her face with hooded eyes. The hell was he trying to do?
"Please Kagome, call me Hojo." He murmured, staring at her lips. Suddenly someone shouted, "Get away from my mommy!" and Hojo quickly fell to his knees clutching his jewels. Ai stood protectively in front of Kagome, his hand still balled up in a fist.
"I…didn't k-know you had a…kid." Hojo wheezed, struggling to his feet. Kagome nodded and feeling bad, she helped him to his feet. She missed the evil look Hojo gave Ai who returned it with equal ferocity.
"Yes I do. He's my special boy." Kagome said affectionately. Hojo laughed dryly and ran a hand through his hair.
"Yeah he's special alright." Ai flashed him a toothy smirk.
"Anyways, give me a call whenever you get a chance." Hojo grumbled before poofing away. Kagome bent down and kissed Ai's cheek.
"Who wants a cookie?"
Ai was still pissed several hours later even after painting his room a nice sea green color and moving his crib out to make room for his new twin size bed. Who did that guy think he was getting close to his mommy like that?
No one had permission to be that close besides him and the next time someone did, it wouldn't be pretty. His mommy was all his and he wasn't going to share her with anybody, least of all some slick behind ninja guy who smelled funny when he was around his mommy.
All he knew was that when he smelled that scent coming off that guy when he was looking at his mommy made his blood boil. He wanted to shred him to pieces.
Ai's eyes were growing steadily black and his nails were growing sharper as his thoughts turned more bloodthirsty until he heard Kagome calling for him.
"Coming mommy!" Ai jumped off the bed, taking time to adjust the blue shorts and black shirt his mommy had gotten him before running to the bathroom where she was.
"Ai would you scrub my back?"
Ai's golden eyes widened at the sight of his mother submerged in her bath water with her wet hair piled up on her head. Ai swallowed thickly and nodded his head before mutely taking the washrag and gently rubbing her back.
Kagome sighed contently at the gentle ministrations, leaning her head from side to side. Ai dipped the rag in the bath and squeezed it over Kagome's back, marveling at the water as it cascaded down her skin.
"Ah, thank you Ai." Kagome smiled, taking the washrag from her son. Ai nodded wordlessly and awkwardly made his way to his room, glad his mom's eyes were closed. Ai closed his room door softly and got on his bed.
"What is that doing?" Ai asked, looking intently at the small tent in his pants. He poked it and blinked his eyes at the sensation it caused. He couldn't tell if he liked it or not. Maybe if he actually got it out his pants…
After discarding his shorts, Ai sat on the edge of his bed looking at his thing that was now standing upright instead of down like it usually did. Pursing his lips, Ai gently touched the top and this time he liked the feeling, so he did it again. And again.
Soon his small clawed hand was sliding up and down with his tongue lolling out his mouth as the sensation began to build up and his hand movements started getting jerky and oh kami did it feel good and-
"Hey Ai dinner is ready! Come on out and eat!"
To his disappointment, the shock and fear that his mother would come in made the thing go down and the feeling go away, making him feel frustrated. He was so close…
Ai was acting strange.
Ever since last night he had been acting very moody and irritable. Kagome couldn't even figure out what was wrong because Ai refused to look her in the eye or talk to her. She was beginning to get a little fed up with his silent temper tantrum.
"Ai, go get some apples for me." Kagome said, handing him some coins. He took the money without a word and stalked over to the booth. She shook her head and turned back to the butcher to finish her order when she heard a loud slap echo throughout the small public market.
Her motherly instincts on fire, Kagome whirled around and saw her son on the ground holding his cheek with his black bangs covering his eyes and the fruit owner sneering at him. Marching over, Kagome shoved him back and helped her son to his feet before pushing him behind her.
"What right do you have to hit a little boy?" Kagome yelled, her blue eyes flashing dangerously.. The overweight man spat on the ground and glared at her.
"That isn't a little boy! That's a demon! A monster that deserves to die!" He sneered.
"You have no right to judge nor do you have any right to hit my son!" Kagome growled. How dare he hit her baby!
"Oh so the monster is your son? You must be a demon whore then!" The owner smirked and Kagome balled up her fists when a spike of familiar energy hit her. Suddenly the owner was being lifted off the ground by an older Ai, his claws sinking slowly into his neck.
"Never. Ever. Call. My. Mother. That." Ai growled out as his eyes swirled with gold and black. Kagome immediately latched onto her son's arm and sent a zap of reiki into his system. Immediately Ai let go and Kagome pulled him away from the crowd and down an alley.
"Ai! Never ever do that again! Do you hear me?" Kagome ordered, shaking his shoulders. Ai refused to meet her eyes but whispered his consent. Kagome sighed and pulled her son into a hug, noting that where before he reached her waist, his head was at her chest now, indicating he had grown again.
"Don't listen to him Ai. You are not a monster baby. You're mommy's little boy remember? You will never be a monster to me okay?" Kagome whispered softly, rubbing her fingers through his hair. Ai wrapped his arms around his mother and softly cried, his hiccups muffled.
"I l-love you Mommy."
"I…know Ai. I know."
Later that night, Kagome was unsuccessfully trying to comb her hair when her now-ten-year-old son walked in her room. The soft lamplight illuminated his eyes, making it seem like molten gold was staring at her.
"I can help you Mommy." Ai smiled, clambering on the bed behind her and taking the comb and gently running it through her hair, mindful of his claws. Kagome sighed in contentment, her heart finally light for the first time in a long time.
"This feels so nice Ai." Kagome murmured, leaning back against his small chest with her eyes closed. Ai meanwhile was having some difficulty. His little thing was sticking up again from being in such close proximity to his mom who was only wearing a cotton nightgown and Kami, did he not want her to notice!
All he wanted was to go back to his room and somehow figure out how to get it back down but if he moved now, his mom would question him and he never wanted to lie to his mom and…
"Um, Ai baby? Is that you poking me in the back?"
Ai cringed as his mom turned around and let out a small gasp at the tent he was pitching in his pants.
"I don't know what's wrong with me Mommy! I'm so sorry, it'll never happen again!" Ai was shushed by a finger against his lips and his mother's warm smile.
"What you have is an erection Ai and it's completely natural. It's nothing to be sorry about. Did you get that way because of me?"
Ai nodded embarrassed, when his erection twitched. He really was a monster.
Almost as if she heard his thoughts, Kagome grasped his chin firmly and looked into his startled eyes.
"What did I say? You are not a monster." Kagome growled and Ai gulped. His mother was scary sometimes.
"Well, um mommy, can you show me how to get my erection back to normal?" Ai asked, making a face at the new word. Pink bloomed across his mother's cheeks and she seemed to fidget around.
"Well I am supposed to teach you how to do things, so…just this once okay? And it stays between us alright?"
Ai nodded eagerly and Kagome made him lay flat on his back while she got right next to his on her side.
Slowly, Kagome undid his pants and slid them as well as his big boy boxers off and onto the floor before her eyes widened at her son's size. Only ten and he was the size of the average adult male! Rubbing her thighs together uncomfortably, Kagome reached into her nightstand and put some lotion in her hands before grabbing Ai firmly.
Ai groaned lowly and soon was panting wildly as Kagome's hand slid up and down slowly at first, and then gained speed.
"Mommy I-I..." The young boy tried to make up but it felt so good and something was happening, he felt really weird.
Suddenly the pressure building up exploded and Ai let out a sigh of relief. That felt so much better! His mommy was such a good mommy for showing how to take care of himself from now on!
Ai licked his lips lazily and glanced over at his mother who had her arm thrown over her eyes and who was also panting heavily. Did she have an erection that needed to be taken care of? Ai smelled the air and grinned at the tell-tell smell coming from her. Well, he reasoned, if she took care of him, he should take care of her too!
Scrambling from his position, Ai squeezed his body between her legs and stuck his head under her nightgown. Ignoring his mother's squeak and her harsh whispers for him to get from under there, Ai scrunched up his face.
His mom didn't have a thingy like him! It looked like instead of it poking out, it was poking in! It certainly didn't smell like anything he'd ever smelled before and-Ai took a tentative lick and heard his mother gasp-it didn't taste like anything he'd ever tasted before!
Ai took another lick and felt Kagome shudder. So doing that made his mom feel good? Soon Ai was licking her eagerly, sucking up the liquid coming out his mom and grinning in his head at the sounds Kagome was making. His mommy must really like what he was doing!
Suddenly he felt her legs squeeze around him and basically shove his face into her! Ai's sharp eyes spied the little hole where the liquid was coming out and he stuck his long tongue in it, swirling it around experimentally. Something clenched around his tongue, his mom made a low sound and then a wave of liquid splashed him in the face.
Licking himself clean, Ai came up and smiled at his quivering mom.
"Was that good mommy?" He asked excitedly and Kagome looked at him with tears in her eyes before getting up with a sob and running to the bathroom, locking it.
Ai felt himself deflate and it quickly got hard to breathe.
What had he done wrong?
Hi guys! I know it's been awhile since I've uploaded anything but I had a 4,000 word essay I still have to finish up writing for school. And trust me, when you're required to do an essay that large for school, it's hard for you to get motivated to write for anything else.
So we met Akitoki Hojo! I will have fun with his character haha. Next chapter we shall be meeting Team Kakashi/Team Seven! And we will be learning more about Ai's heritage as well as having another emotional breakdown for Kagome which will send her into the arms of you-know-who!
Now some people expressed that they didnt like how I made Kagome into a "pedophilic whore" in some PMs I got. Why Kagome has such a strong connection with Ai will be explained in future chapters but just remember guys, I havent even gone into what happened in Kagome's past. Take that, add to losing a lover and the baby as well as being forced out her home will have a toll on someone. Some people cut themselves, some people smoke, others drink and use sex to forget the pain like Kagome does. Everyone is different and I'm trying to explore some different angles in this fandom that I haven't seen anyone else use. You dont like it, dont read it.
But for those who do like it, please review and if you have some ideas for some different scenes you want me to make Ai and Kgaome do, sexually or just regularly, or stuff you want me to add to the story, please dont hesitate to let me know!
Your reviews channel my imagination
- Verdant