He was a Demon and She was a Miko

"Kazekage-sama, we are concerned about the influence of the Shukaku demon on your mental well-being."

Green-blue eyes rimmed in black regarded the white robed Council members with an unmistakable glimmer of anger. Several Councilmen shifted uncomfortably but they stood behind their brave spokesman.

Hiro Teyaku, a greedy and corrupt politician eager to make his way up the political ladder. He had been one of the key Councilmen that voted for the Gaara to be turned into a jinchurriki and had had his eye on the Kage position after the Fourth's death. Imagine his reaction when Gaara received the position.

"I assure you Councilman Teyaku, my brother is in control of the One-Tail now, not the other way around."

Temari was pissed, to say the least. Ever since Gaara's defeat against Naruto during the Chunin Exams, they had come closer as a family and Temari was very protective of her little brother. Kankuro's jaw tensed up and he glared at the group. If the Council wasn't required to advise the Kazekage, he would be more than happy to make them…disappear.

"I understand that Temari-sama, however with Gaara-That's Kazekage-sama to you." The blond hissed. Hiro's mouth twitched and his dark brown eyes threatened retribution against Temari.

"With Kazekage-sama's," Hiro's voice reeked of sarcasm and mockery, "history of instability, not to mention his multiple failures of the Shinobi Psychological Examination, I'm afraid that unless some type of action is taken, with the authority of Statements 162 and 253 of the Sunean Articles of Governance, the position of Kazekage will be stripped from Gaara-sama and be handed over to the current Head Councilman."

"Which would mean you would become the Kazekage." Kankuro scowled. Hiro smirked and nodded. Temari opened her mouth but Gaara, silent up until now, raised his hand. Temari bit her lip but nodded respectfully. Gaara was her little brother, but he was also her Kazekage as well.

"So what action do you suggest I take, Councilman Teyaku, in order to reassure you that my…mental state is free of Shukaku's influence?"

Gaara's stoic face was predatory and the atmosphere in the room became even tenser as the seconds past. Feeling the pressure of having the infamous One Tailed Jinchurriki's full attention on him, Hiro gulped and Gaara sat back into his chair satisfied.

Angered that he had lost, Hiro waved his hand and the Council split apart to reveal a young raven haired girl, an unusual sight considering most Suneans had blond, brown or in Gaara's case, red hair. Dressed in a shapeless tan robe, the girl raised her head and Gaara's hackles rose when he met her dark sapphire eyes.

"I present to you, Kagome Higurashi, a true miko. And Kazekage-sama's new…companion."

History dictated that they were mortal enemies

She was at a loss.

Even after two months of being stuck to the Kazekage's side, they had yet to engage in a meaningful conversation beyond her asking if he needed anything and him replying in monosyllabic sounds.

Kagome sighed and sat on her large queen sized bed. It was right next to the Kazekage with her own bathroom and a large window that provided her with a stunning view of Sunagakure. But no matter how beautiful the desert village was, she still missed her home and her friends.

The seventeen year old rubbed her forearms self-consciously. She had been informed by Councilman Teyaku upon her arrival to Suna, all there was to know about the Kazekage. How could someone endure all that, yet still come back to rule the village that had despised him? He didn't even allow the past to dictate his treatment of the villagers that once ran from him; he treated them with respect and consideration.

That's why she admired the redheaded leader and understood his reluctance to open up to her. But Kagome was a caring person by nature, and so she couldn't allow him to continue to block her attempts to get him to warm up to her.

One way or the other, they were going to be friends.

But they were never ones to follow the rules

"Kazekage-sama, I brought you lunch!"

Gaara almost reached out and he almost wrapped his rough hands around the smooth column of her neck. Why in the hell wouldn't she get the hint that he didn't want to be bothered with her?

Just because Temari said it wasn't healthy for him to be alone and anti-social all the time didn't mean he wanted to open up and get new friends. He had Konoha's number one knuckleheaded ninja as a best friend that should be more than enough.

But looking into her puppy dog eyes and her bottom lip poking out in a pout while holding a steaming carton of fried lizard tongues, he couldn't resist for long. Especially when his stomach reminded him that he hadn't eaten since dawn and the sun was setting outside.

"Thank you Higurashi-san." He said, reaching for the carton. She held it out of his range and Gaara repressed a growl. What was wrong with this girl? Didn't she know not to come between a man and his food?

"Kagome. My name is Kagome." She smiled and Gaara raised an eyebrow. Kagome pouted and he smirked inwardly.

"Come on. Say it. Ka-Go-Me." She said slowly and Gaara sighed. Oh, what did it matter?

"Thank you Kagome-san." Gaara found himself blushing slightly at the bright smile Kagome beamed at him as she handed over his food.

Maybe if he got more food and smiles like that, he'd be willing to be bothered with her awhile longer.

Soon they became friends







"Alright, lay down on the couch."


"Come on. Lay down on the couch."


"Gaara-kun, you're so tense."

"This is my first time."

"Really? This is my first time too. I would've thought with all your fan girls, you would have done this at least once."

"I wouldn't dare let one of them touch me. Besides, why them when I have you around?"

"Hey quit squirming so much. I can't get a good grip."

"It's not my fault you're so inexperienced."

"Shut up and can you move your thingy? Its sticking me in my thigh."

"You complain too much. Just relax and do your job."

"It's not my fault it's so hard and its hurting me!"

"Well if you quit moving around-Please tell me you guys aren't doing it!"

Kankuro burst into his brother's office around hearing enough of the conversation. Gaara looked up blankly from his face down position on the couch where Kagome was sitting on his belt, giving Gaara a back massage. Kankuro laughed nervously, raking a hand through his brown hair.

"Uh, never mind carry on."

They became something more

"Next time, tell me earlier when Shukaku is bothering you."

Kagome's forehead was furrowed with concentration as her soothing pink energy was pushed into Gaara's seal to calm the erratic Shukaku. It'd been almost a year that she had been in Suna and over the last month, Shukaku had been acting up and straining Gaara.

That was her job. To calm the Sand Spirit whenever necessary.

"Thank you Kagome." Gaara said softly, feeling at peace due to the after effects of Kagome's strange chakra, or reiki, as she called it. Kagome smiled and gently pulled Gaara into a hug. Unlike the first time when Gaara's arms had hung limply at his sides in shock, he wrapped her petite frame into a firm embrace.

She smelled like vanilla, Gaara thought. He buried his nose further into her hair, causing Kagome to laugh when he unintentionally nuzzled her neck. Her hands touched his bare stomach, causing Gaara to scoot backwards from her with a blank face.

"Are you ticklish?" Kagome asked and he gave her a warning look as she slid towards him. "Oh what are you going to do Kazekage-sama? Sand coffin me?" She mocked and Gaara smirked. "That's not such a bad idea."

Kagome looked indignant before pouncing on the redhead and mercilessly tickling his sides. Gaara tried to fight back, but he didn't want to hurt the miko so he could only like out short barks of laughter before summoning some strength and flipping Kagome over on his bed.

They laughed a little bit before trying to catch their breaths. As they calmed down, Gaara became all too aware of the compromising position they were in. He could feel Kagome's body move against his and how her tight tank top and shorts hugged her curves. Kagome's mouth went dry as her eyes raked over Gaara's slim yet muscular torso and how the slightly baggy sleeping pants hung low on his hips. She could even catch a tiny hint of dark red hair disappearing beneath his hemline.

"I should go." Yes, before she decided to jump the Kazekage. Gaara's eyes flickered with some emotion and after a moment, he released her and Kagome said goodnight before retreating to her room. Closing the door and stalking to her bed, Kagome screamed into a pillow. What was wrong with her?

Gaara was her friend, it wasn't right for her to have those kinds of thoughts about him. Even though he was so perfect and she l-someone knocked on the door and Kagome scowled. It had better not be Kankuro because she was not in the mood for his perverted comments.

She nearly ripped the doors off the hinges and growled "What?" only to see Gaara standing out in the hallway. She nearly slapped herself and Gaara asked somewhat cautiously, "Is this a bad time?"

"No Gaara-kun. You're fine. You need something?" She asked tiredly and Gaara-the Gaara!-seemed to gulp before stepping forward. "I need to do something I've been…meaning to do for a while." He said awkwardly and Kagome blinked when she felt soft lips gently brush her own.

Her eyes opened and as she looked at a nervous Gaara who ran his hand through his red locks; she realized she had never noticed how tall he was to her, or the unique shade of color his eyes were.

"Like this Gaara." She said before pulling him to her again and showing him the proper technique. Gaara was a fast learner.

However it wasn't meant to be at this time

"Gaara-kun, you can't go out there alone!" Kagome nearly screamed as Gaara grabbed his kunai pouch off the nightstand. She was standing by the door of his room, useless, while he prepared to go out and fight the blond Akatsuki member that was currently bombing the village.

"I'm the Kazekage Kagome. I'm the only one who has a chance of beating him." He said firmly, checking his straps to make sure his gourd was secure. He walked to the door and Kagome kissed him desperately.

"Please don't go." She whispered and Gaara wiped the tears away from her eyes. "I must."

"Then take this." Kagome took her necklace off and put it around his neck. It was a pinkish purple jewel orb.

"I wished that you would come home. So make sure you grant my wish Gaara-kun."

He kissed Kagome again and poured all his love, all their happy memories and everything he had into it, leaving her breathless. Even though she was only a month along, he rubbed her stomach and kissed her forehead.

"I have precious people to protect. I will return."

For the Demon lied, the Miko cried, and the product of their love didn't survive

This is to satisfy my GaaraxKagome fans while I deal with school and revisions to Little Red Riding Sand. Hopefully you'll enjoy it because i had fun writing it!

Your reviews channel my imagination
