Standing in front of a mirror that was hanging on the wall, Holly stared at her reflection...well... Alex's reflection. Just a few minutes ago she was finished wallowing in despair and went into her bathroom to clean herself up. When she removed her clothes she discovered, to her horror, she was two missing body parts and had an additional appendage that was not there before. An ordinary person in her situations would have screamed their head off, but Holly was not an ordinary person. With a degree of calmness, she went into her closet and found a robe large enough to cover her new body. Done, she went into Lacy's room and patiently waited for her friend to appear.

When Lacy arrived, Holly became worried about her. She appeared distance and a bit strange. After receiving confirmation from Lacy that she indeed switched bodies with Alex, Holly allowed herself to accept the truth and fainted.

Mintha carried Holly's unconscious body to the couch and lightly tapped her shoulder. "Holly? Holly?"

Hearing her cellphone ringing, Mintha answered it. "Hey, Grace."

"Sorry to call you so late, Anna, but I was worried about you and Holly." said Grace.

"Me and Holly are fine." Mintha said, once again she tapped Holly on the shoulder. Holly stirred, but remained unconscious.

"You said you two were coming in and suddenly didn't show up. I thought something happened."

"That was my fault. I'm sorry for standing you up."

"Is everything okay?"

"Nothing I couldn't handle."

"Well, all right. If you need me, call me."

"I will." Mintha hung up her cellphone and returned her attention to Holly.

Holly was coming too and was blankly staring at her.

"Why am I in Alex's body?" asked Holly, still digesting the fact that she was inside of her son's body and she was almost certain that he was inside of hers. Speaking of Alex, where was he?

"It's a part of your treatment."


"I saw how you reacted when you saw Fury - I'm really sorry about that - and realized that you are stuck in the past. The memory of Faron has scarred you and it's destroying the good feelings you have toward Fury. You need to know and understand that Fury and Faron are two separate men. You are afraid of Fury and what he thinks of you and how he'll treat you. I started thinking...what if he doesn't know that you are you?"

"I don't know if this is going to work." Holly said nervously, "Where is Alex? How is he taking this?"

"I don't think he has a problem with the switch." Mintha said with an expression on her face that made Holly question her tone. "Haven't you noticed that Alex is a little on the feminine side?"

Holly blinked. She knew what she was implying, but could quite wrap her mind around it. "Are you Alex..."

"Nothing solid but he is curious. I figured this would be a good way for both of you to explore the other half - don't tell me you didn't notice?" said Mintha when she saw the look on Holly's face.

"I...I can't believe I didn't notice. We are so close. We did everything together - he does my makeup!"

"He does our makeup, beautifully. That boy has skills." said Mintha.

A light knock on the door snapped Holly from her shocked state. Mintha went to the door and opened it revealing Traver and Alex, who was inside of her body and wearing gender neutral clothing. Holly stood up and went to them.

"Are you okay with this?" asked Holly. She took into consideration of what Mintha had told her, but needed reassurance from him that he was all right with it.

"Oh, mom. I'll do anything for you." said Alex.

"We'd kill for you." admitted Traver, "If you want both of us to wear drags, we'll wear drags and throw our manhood out the window if it means curing you."

Holly hugged her boys, "Are you okay with living as a woman for a while?"

Alex grinned in a way that non-verbally told Holly that Mintha's assumptions might be correct. "Sure. Why not?"

"See, I told you." said Mintha, obviously reading Holly's mind. "Now that we have that out of the way. Let's go back to New Orleans. We can officially meet Bride."

Mintha flashed them to their home in New Orleans. Alex and Traver went into Alex's closet to find outfits for their mother. Traver and Alex waited in another room while Mintha helped Holly chose which outfit to wear.

"Thanks for not making fun of me." said Alex.

"Never. You're doing this for mom. I respect that." Traver told him honestly.

Alex gave his brother a quick huge. "So...Fury could've been our dad? Was that why you were following us?"

"You knew?"

"You're my brother, I can sense you anywhere."

Traver shrugged.

When they were done they gathered in the living room where everyone sat on the couch. Before they leave Holly thought it was best to finally tell her sons the truth of what happened to her.

"Years ago, I lost everything. My entire pact was wiped out while I was out with Faron. It turned out to be his pack that destroyed mine. He knew about it and took me away to save me. I didn't discover this until years later." The guilt of having lived while everyone she loved perished simply because they were Katagarian had haunted Holly for years.

"Your family loves you. They don't blame you for having survived." said Mintha. "What you should remember is all of the good you have done since."

"Yeah, mom." said Trevor. "If you hadn't found me, I would have been Chihuahua food."

Trevor had gotten separated from his flock. He was injured and abandoned, bleeding on the side of the beach. Holly found him and took him home with her. She nursed him back to health and kept him as a pet. Three years passed and when his powers manifested, he transformed into a human. Holly freaked out and ran from him because of her fear of men. Lacy encouraged Holly to returned home and together they raised him. Soon Holly realized that although he had the body of a teenage boy he was still a helpless baby who could not defend himself. He needed love and protection. Through their interactions, she overcame her fear of men and adopted him as her son.

"And I would have remained wild." said Alex. "We would have never become who we are without you two."

Alex had Katagarian and Arcadian parents. They hated each other and neither of them wanted him. When he could barely walk they abandoned him in the woods hoping he would die. He survived a alone for years, living as a wild animal. Lacy and Holly had taken Trevor for a picnic. Alex was attempting to steal their food. He was discovered and adopted.

"You are my family." said Mintha. "No matter what happens, know that I love you unconditionally and will always be there for all of you."

Touched by their words, tears fell from Holly's eyes. She loved her sons and Lacy with all of her heart. They were the most important people in her life. The four of them hugged each other. When they parted, Holly continued telling her sons about her past.

"After my pack was attacked and nearly wiped out. I was ashamed of myself for not being there to help protect the weak and fight alongside them. No. That same day I went into heat and was mating with Faron. When I returned home, I saw the chaos and ran away from it all. Faron joined me soon after. He confessed his love for me, and I confessed that I didn't know how I felt about him. He was fine with that and we lived together in isolation for a time. It was good in the beginning, until Faron's hatred for Katagaria began to manifest. He didn't mistreat me back then, but I didn't appreciate his extreme prejudice views and confronted him about it. His words hurt me and I would defend my kind. I felt that we did nothing wrong and his reasons were unreasonable and he knew it. He hated himself for loving me. Loving what he was taught to hate all of his life. We argued many times until..." Holly would never forget the first time he struck her, her heart ached at the memory, "He'd hit me and apologized and I accepted it. But then it happened again and again. During that era in time, it was viewed as normal, but it occurred one too many times. I could not stand for it. I following my instincts. I ran."

"You're not weak." said Mintha, hearing Holly's thoughts while she spoke. "You were brave for leaving."

"Years later, when he discovered me with Fury he was angry. Could not stand the thought of me being with another man. Even if it was platonic. He attacked Fury. Pushed me aside away when I attempted to stop him. I was weak. I couldn't defeat him. He was too strong. He only released Fury when he saw me crying. He went to me. Held me like he used to and tried to brush Fury's blood off me. Promising to rid all trace of Fury from me. He rid me of everything else in my life. In the end there was nothing left of the wolf I once was. The woman I had became was nothing but an empty shell. When I died, I didn't even realized it." Holly hugged Mintha. "You're like a mother and a sister to me that I will always cherish."

"It's great to finally met you in person." Bride said to Alex when he, Travor, and Holly arrived in her home.

"It's great to met you too." Alex said. "These are my boys, Travor and Alex."

Holly and Travor took turns shaking Bride's hand.

"And this is my Trace and my Vane." said Bride.

Vane carried Trace in one arm and shook hands with the three new comers.

Holly walked up to Vane and Trace. "He's beautiful. Can I hold him?"

Vane handed Trace to Holly to took him in her arms.

"Hi," Trace said shyly and turned his gaze downward.

"He only acts that way around girls." said Vane and laughed along with Bride.

Alex and Trevor exchanged glances. Holly looked at Trace and wondered if he could somehow sense her identity.

"Hi, there." said Holly. Lacy had told her that little Trace was the suitor the Fates had decided for her. Seeing him now, she had to admit he was cute. With a face like that he was certain to charm any woman, human or Were, in to falling for him when he got older. A thought suddenly occurred to Holly. With their age difference, it would be difficult for them to become mates. She would have to wait until he was twenty-two years for him to reach puberty. That is unless the Fates plan on doing something about it.

She returned Trace to Vane. Once he was back in his father's arms, Trace openly watched Holly with curious eyes.

"He likes you." said Bride.

"I like him too." admitted Holly.

Trace whispered something in Vane's ear. Vane chuckled quietly and patted his son's back.

"Trace likes your sent." Vane told Holly.

Holly blinked in surprise. "Oh! Um...I like his sent too."

"How about we sit down and eat?" suggested Alex.

Vane and Bride lead them to the dinning room where food was waiting for them. Bride and Alex started having conversations about random things like how she used to do online with Holly. Trevor got along with Vane just as well.

"Look." Trevor mentally told Alex.

Alex glanced at Holly and then Trace. The two were secretly watching one another when the other was not looking.

"They're so cute. Maybe the Fates actually know what they are doing?" Alex smiled to his brother.

"I wouldn't mind if they got together. With cool parents like them," Trever glanced at Vane and Bride. "Betcha he'll grow up to be just as cool."

"What kind of shit did you get yourself into?" Fang asked Fury.

"What are you talking about?" Fury asked him back.

"A guy I know told me the demon hanging around you is dangerous!"

Fury was confused. "What the hell, man? I don't understand what you're talking about."

"The red head." Fang clarified.

"Red? Oh, her. Relax, a friend." Fury found himself saying, although he was not certain why but he felt that way about her.

"You have friends?!" Fang looked at him in astonishment.

Fury would have been offended by Fang's reaction but he was too busy thinking about the little demon girl. "Yes, she's my friend. She won't hurt me."

"If you say so." Fang took his word for it and that was that.

The brothers parted. Fury flashed back to his bedroom. He was left to pondering what had happened to him. He didn't feel the same as he did before. Something had changed.

Mintha, who was standing next to him the whole time, was touched that he considered her his friend. She slapped the closes part of him she could reach. His wrist.

"Ouch!" Fury looked down at Mintha. "What was that for?"

"Returning your memories, Furry." she said.

"Oh, fuck me!" he expelled, rubbing his temples. His head was spinning, overwhelmed by more unlocked memories. "You could've given me a warning!"

She shrugged. "I slapped you."

Fury sat down in his bed to ground himself.

"You said we are friends. As friends, I should look out for you."

Fury inhaled in and out. The headache was gone. "Thanks."

"Having your memories tampered with isn't fun." confessed Mintha. "I can't tell my left from my right most days."

Fury reached out his hand and touched her head.

"Is there anything I do to help you?"

"Be my friend by understanding Wrath. She's hurt. We need to help her move on." Mintha told him about Holly and the decision she had to make.

Fury loved Wrath, or rather Holly, he would do anything to help her. They were meant to be mates at one time in their life but not things have changed. He was with Angelia and despite the fact that she had tricked him he still loved her. He would support Holly if she chose Trace. He swore he would spent his life teaching Trace to love and respect her.

Fury walked downstairs with Mintha behind him. As they walked to the dinning room, laughter and voices could be heard.

"Hey," he said and took his seat.