Disclaimer: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and all related characters, events, etc, are the property of Nagaru Tanigawa and Noizi Ito. I do not claim ownership to anything related to Haruhi Suzumiya in any way.

It was a dark night in feudal Japan. There was no moon present in the night sky to watch over the small village and its people. However, the pitch darkness was perfect for the likes of some. A lone shadow was perched precariously on an overhanging beam on the roof of the three story mansion overlooking the rest of the town. He silently watched the guards patrolling the streets below, the light from their torches making the observation a little easier. After watching the movements of the guards for a few minutes, he marked a piece of paper with a small stick of charcoal and retreated backwards onto the rooftop and made his way down to street level the same way he got up: ledges and trees. After that, he just needed to act casual as he made his way back to his home. He tilted his hat in a way that would conceal his eyes and started walking down the street, hoping he wouldn't happen past any guards on his way. With luck as fickle as his however, a guard was coming up the street right as he began thinking that, and there were no nearby alleys or doorways to hide in. He continued walking, hoping the guard wouldn't take notice. As he passed into the guard's line of sight, the torchlight revealed the features of a young man, no older than sixteen, wearing patched-up farm clothes and a straw sedge hat. The guard noticed him and shouted, "Hey, Farmboy!" At these words, the young man stopped. "It is not in your best interests to be out so late at night! Get inside and pray that one of the others does not mistake you for a spy and have you executed!" The boy just smirked and continued on his way.

After walking down a few side streets, the young man reached his destination, a large boarding house on west end of the village. He opened the door, stepped inside, and removed his sandals at the entryway. As he stepped into the common room, another young man of roughly the same age with a slick hairstyle greeted him with a sly smile. "Welcome back. Did ya get the info?" The young man removed his sedge hat, revealing a head of dark brown hair and a pair of equally brown eyes that read: I've already seen my fair share of strange things. The young man with the slick hair asked again, "Do you have the information for me yet?"

"Yeah, here it is, but this is the last time I'm doing your job without compensation." The brown-haired boy replied as he handed over the scrap paper he had marked with patrol routes earlier.

"Ah, thanks Kyon. You're a real lifesaver." The other boy said gratefully before running off into another room.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever…" Kyon said back although the other boy had already left. He proceeded to the bedroom to get some sleep, thinking to himself, "Taneguchi, you idiot. You better not forget our agreement…"

As Kyon slept, he was restless. Again he was having that dream. A nameless, faceless girl appeared. She was dressed in a very expensive-looking kimono and had a golden-yellow ribbon tied in her long, dark brown hair. She was clearly royalty of some sort, or maybe the daughter of a wealthy merchant. She seemed to radiate an unusually eccentric aura and even though her face was not clear, her body language made it apparent that she was quite bored. Almost as if she was waiting for someone or something. As he did every other time he had this dream, Kyon slowly began to approach the girl. As he drew near her, she jumped up excitedly. However, before they could make contact or say anything to each other, everything went white and Kyon woke up. He lay on his mat staring at the ceiling and thinking aloud, "Again? Why do I keep having this dream? And who is that girl?" After a few more seconds of pondering, he slowly got up, rolled up his mat, and made his way to the dining hall for breakfast.

This is merely the Intro. I hope to make the chapters afterwards longer as i gain more experience and do more research (and as the rest of the characters make their appearances). Thank you for reading, the next chapter will hopefully be up within 30 days.