Revenge ~ Epilogue

I awoke with the tiny feet of a little brunette kicking me in the ribs. She was sideways in the bed, tangled up in the sheets.

"Help me, Daddy. I'm stuck," she giggled.

That giggle was the sweetest sound I had ever heard: my sweet little Ally-cat.

"Let's go make mommy some breakfast, sweetheart. Today is a very special day and we should celebrate!"

"Why is it special, Daddy?"

"Because today is the anniversary of the day your Mommy and I decided we wanted to be together. And a year after that is the day we made it official. So we are celebrating the day we got married. It's been five wonderful years."

Five of the hardest, most tumultuous, but incredible years of my life. Six years ago I awoke to find Bella snuggled tightly against me in my bed. When we were both awake and fed, we sat down and poured our hearts out to each other. I told her of my past, my Alice. She told me of her much more recent past and the events of the night we met. And why she left without a word. She confessed to not being able to forget about me and I likewise admitted I had been searching for her.

We found that we had much in common, including a very compatible sex drive. I stood by her side through her divorce. She was my cheerleader when I started my new position at the art museum. We were inseparable after that first night back together.

On the one year anniversary of our second meeting, we got married under the stars in the park with a few close friends and family. A few years later, we had this amazing little girl, whom my wife was insistent be named after my first love. We came to an agreement to name her Alicia but call her Ally, in memory of my lost love. Bella was so incredibly supportive of my sobriety once she learned of my past. And I made a conscious effort every day to never forget how lucky I was that her first husband was an idiot. These girls were my world.

Ally and I returned to the bedroom with a tray of scrambled eggs, toast and coffee, just as Bella was stretching awake.

"Happy Anniversary, Darlin'."

She grinned from ear to ear. "Happy Anniversary to you, handsome," she giggled in reply.

Ally jumped up on the bed to sit with her Mommy and I crawled in next to them, carefully balancing the breakfast tray.

"I thought we could start with breakfast in bed," I stated as I settle in next to my girls and we all proceeded to eat. I leaned over and kissed my wife, overwhelmed again at how much my life had changed in the last 6 years together. Every demon fought was worth it in the end.

"I love you Bella. Forever"

"As I love you, Jasper. And you too, little bit," she added as Ally jumped up to hug her parents.

Yes, life has its ups and downs but sometimes you have to experience sadness to appreciate happiness, and know absence to appreciate presence. In the few hours I spent with Bella the night we met, I knew she was someone I needed in my life.

What started out as revenge ended up being so much more.

~The end~

A/N: If you are reading this just know I am shocked your actually here. I have always hated that I could not finish this story. It has haunted me. So I thought we would just take a little time hop and see how things played out. It was either this or burn down the building and kill them all!