A/N Sorry for delays and all, I try to get a chapter in every week or so. I'm not allowed on the internet during the weekdays unless I beg the crap out of my parents so I only have time during weekends and usually during those times I am at my friend's house or I just don't feel like doing it. (I am the definition of lazy…) Anyway, thank you for reading!

I do not own Hetalia.

Arthur read over his documents carefully. He had to go over the plans for the trap before Kiku and Ludwig noticed Feliciano was gone. It was hard for him to focus, however. Only one thing occupied his mind; Yao.

'Bloody Hell!' Arthur thought with anger. 'Why can't I get him out of my bloody mind?'

He slammed down his papers in annoyance and rubbed his temples.

'This is impossible.' He let out an exasperated sigh. 'There is no way I can put up with all this…'

Arthur jumped when he felt something hard hit his shoulder. He looked up to see the ever-beaming face of Alfred.

"What do you want now, you git?" He groaned. He felt a feeling of dread when Alfred gave him one of his signature smiles. He knew this couldn't be good.

"So hey, you don't have to worry about your trap. I have a plan that is sure to weaken them." He said with a mischievous grin.

"Just what on Earth are you planning?" He asked, giving Alfred a hard glare. Alfred continued to grin. Arthur wanted to slap that grin right off of his face.

"You better answer me, you git!" Arthur growled through clenched teeth.

"You'll see." Alfred said. He then strolled out of the room, snickering to himself.

'What on Earth…?' Arthur thought with anxiety. 'What could he possibly be planning?'

Feliciano awoke to the sweet smell of chicken. He felt as if he were drifting on a cloud. He slowly opened his light brown eyes to see a veil of red and gold.

'Ve~ Where am I?' He thought, gazing at the canopy covering his head

"Are you awake yet, aru?" A familiar voice whispered from the other side of the canopy.

Feliciano jumped when a face poked out of the other side of the veil facing him. It was the Chinese man that had carried him! He must have passed out from exhaustion and fear on the way there.

"Ai ya! You young people get frightened far too easily!" The man sighed. "Anyway, you must be hungry." The man eyed Feliciano's growling stomach. He blushed out of embarrassment. The man chuckled. Feliciano was surprised when he felt somewhat comforted by the man's laugh. It was a heartwarming laugh that could even warm the coldest of hearts.

"Come. I've prepared food for you, aru." The man said, pulling himself from the veil. Feliciano hurriedly followed.

Outside of the canopy was like a masterpiece of art. Feliciano gazed in awe at the different shades of crimson and gold showering the room. It resembled one of the China Towns Kiku had once taken him and Ludwig to. The man gestured him to sit at the small, bamboo table. He did as told. Pots full of various chicken and vegetables covered the table, barely leaving enough room to eat. His plate was a delicate piece of china with the most beautiful pattern Feliciano had ever seen. He was scared to even put food on it. He didn't want to ruin it.

"It's safe to eat, aru. I promise." The man joked.

Feliciano snapped out of his trance and immediately became aware of his hunger. He quickly filled his plate with sweet and sour chicken and different vegetables. Before he had even realized it, he had already devoured his first plate.

"By the way, my name is Yao, aru. Yao Wang. I am the spirit of China." The man said as Feliciano refilled his plate with food.

Feliciano stopped what he was doing.

'Ve~ that name…I've heard it somewhere before.' He thought inquisitively. He sat for a moment and searched through his thoughts, paying no mind to Yao who was staring at him in confusion.

"Ve! I've got it!" He exclaimed. Yao jumped in his seat.

"Erm…Got what, aru?" Yao asked, obviously trying to regain his composure.

"Oh, it's nothing." Feliciano felt himself blush. He hadn't meant to think out loud.

"I…um…just remembered where I have heard your name before."

"Really? You've heard my name before?" Yao asked excitedly. His excitement startled Feliciano.

"Y-Yes." He stuttered. "I've heard of you many times, especially from Japan."

Feliciano barely had enough time to even take in a breath when a sudden streak of red darted towards him. The front of his shirt was pulled forward and he was suddenly face-to-face with a hysterical Yao.

"Please! Tell me what he has told you about me!" He pleaded desperately. Feliciano was frightened by Yao's sudden hysteria and held back a squeal of terror.

"H-He has s-said nothing bad about you!" He managed to say. "H-He's only talked about how great you are and h-he tells stories from when you took care of him when h-he was young!"

Feliciano felt Yao's tight grip on his shirt lessen until he finally let go. Yao slumped down to the floor and began to sulk to himself.

"K-Kiku." He heard him whisper under his sobs. Feliciano looked down to Yao in pity.

'Ve~ He must really miss Japan.' He thought sadly. He felt guilty for bringing him up.

Feliciano helped Yao to his feet and towards the bed.

"Ve~ is there anything I can do to help you with?" He asked worriedly.

"No." Yao replied. "Xie Xie. Thank you for the offer, aru."

Feliciano got up to let Yao rest, but curiosity overcame him.

"I am very sorry to ask this, but why exactly did you and Japan part?" Feliciano felt a sudden rein of regret wash through his body as Yao looked up at him with red, puffy eyes.

"Kiku…I mean Japan never told you?"

"No. He hasn't."

Yao was silent for a moment. Feliciano felt his heart beat hard in his chest. Had he asked the wrong thing at the wrong time?

Yao slowly got up from his bed.

"Follow me." He Heghdfghfgsaid. "I have something to show you, aru."

A/N END CHAPTER 3! Yeah, this one is shorter than the last chapter. I'm pathetic. OTL I tried to us less "aru" in this. I'm sorry if there is any grammar or spelling mistakes. I can't edit after publishing and sometimes Spell-Check can be a real pain. After rereading the past two chapters, I noticed a few naming mistakes I made as well. It's hard transiting from country names to human names every other sentence. I apologize.

Please Review! They help tons! Thank you for reading this far!