This is the last chapter :) Enjoy and please give me ideas for the next one :)

I sat down next to Leah and took her huge hand in my small one. She was shaking a bit and at first I thought it was the cold but then I remembered she was a werewolvf and they don't get cold. I chewed on the inside of my cheek until finally I couldn't contain it anymore. I blurted I love you loud enough for the people surrounded the fire to stop and listen a bit closer. Leah's eyes got wide and then I felt her velvetly lips crash down on mine. The only thing running through my mind was that I was a imprint and I didn't fight this. I moved closer and felt her hot hand on the small of my back. My tummy filled up with butterflies and I couldn't contain the joy that was feeling the insides of me. I was shaking from the happiness and I could Leah was to. I pulled back to catch the breathe I so despreatly needed. Leah pulled me on her lap and rubbed my back like she's been doing it her whole life. I heard cheers from the fire and giggling from Claire. I knitted my brows together suddenly and turned to look at Leah.

"Quil imprinted on Claire?" I pratically yelled not able to keep my voice down. Leah chuckled and nodded.

"Not love like us yet but sisterly and brotherly love for now," she explained with a small kiss to my temple. I blushed and stood up to go get something to eat and of course Leah followed like a little puppy. I felt like my face was going to break any minute because of the smiled plastered on it. We fixed our plates and sat down by the water to watch the waves. As we chewed happily together and in love I began to think of what the future held. I didn't know if mother would come back, I didn't know what the kids at school would say, I didn't know what I was going to do with my lif, but I did know one thing. Leah and I were in love and we weren't going to let anything stop us from being together.