Okay, this is the final chapter of this story. We hope you have enjoyed it. We want to thank everyone who read, reviewed, alerted and favorited it. You guys are awesome. And there will be a sequel called Troubled Destiny.

Co-written by RatedrKjErIcHo. Thanks for writing this with me. I couldn't have done it without you.

Mike sat in the booth as Chris scanned the room. Chris had this uncanny ability to sense the power in someone. He knew that he would find some girl and turn her and that they'd be together for all eternity. And it would have nothing to do with love. Mike had been in love once. But it had been a long time ago. Before he'd been turned. Chris hit Mike's arm with his elbow and he looked up at him.

"I've found her." Chris said as he pointed out a pretty brunette at the end of the bar. "She's the one. And she's been checking you out all night. Go to her." Mike downed the rest of his drink and walked up to her at the end of the bar.

"Hey there beautiful." He said turning on his charming smile. "I'm Mike."

"Ava." She said smiling.

MaKayla looked over at Justin as he slept and sighed. They had finished the transformation and MaKayla was well on her way to being a wolf. Because she was an Ultimate, her transformation to a wolf was faster than the others mates. There was something gnawing at the pit of her stomach. There was another Ultimate close by. She could feel it. She wasn't sure she understood all of what was happening. But she could feel that there was another girl with powers close by. She closed her eyes as her breath caught in her throat. There was a flash and she could see the young woman on the dance floor with Mike at some club. And then, he'd whispered something in her ear. She'd smiled at him and nodded and they'd walked out into the night. Mike leaned in and kissed the girl, his lips making their way to her neck and then, without warning he'd bitten her. He'd torn at his own wrist and pressed it to her lips. She drank from it and then, her body went limp with exhaustion. Chris, JoMo and Jack stepped forward and caught her putting her in the car and driving back to the hotel. MaKayla closed her eyes and sighed a little, her hand going to her stomach. The baby was restless. He could feel it too. With that simple act, the war between them had begun.

"Calm down, little one. I know what you feel and I feel it too." She said to her unborn son.

"Are you okay?" Justin asked walking up behind her. "I woke up and you were gone."

"I'm fine."


"I saw something and felt something." She said turning to face him.

"What did you see, baby?"

"Mike. He was at a club dancing with a girl. He took her into an alley and he bit her. He then made her drink his blood. Making her one of them. Then Chris, JoMo and Jack stepped forward and they put her in a car."

"Why would Mike bite her?"

"For her power."

"What power, MaKayla?"

"She's an Ultimate. Not as powerful as me but she an Ultimate. They want her on their side." She looked at him carefully. "The baby and I both felt it. They are expecting a war and they need an Ultimate."

"Okay, I'm calling the others and we are going to a meeting. We have to decide what to do." Justin made his way inside and called Hunter. He said he would set it up and for him and MaKayla to meet them at the warehouse.

Mike sat in his hotel room and watched as Ava lay on the bed sleeping. Turning always did take the energy out of you. He closed his eyes and sighed a little. He'd just met this girl. Barely even knew her name and now, they were bonded together. Forever. He heard her stir behind him and looked back at the bed as she sat up weakly. He smiled at her a little.

"Hey." he said as he walked over and sat beside her on the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I was run over by a truck." she chuckled. "God what time is it?"

"Almost sun rise." he said. "We...we have a lot to talk about." he said. "First of all, I don't believe we got each other's full names last night. Mike Mizanin." he said

"Ava Ryland." she replied.

"So...how much do you remember from the club?"

"I remember you walking up to me and us talking. I remember going out into the alley for some fresh air and then...you...you...bit me." Mike nodded his head.

"Chris should be here in a few to help explain things." he said looking away from her.

"Have we met before? I get this uncanny feeling that I...know you." Mike shook his head.

"We had never met before last night. There is something I want to tell you before Chris gets here." she looked at him a little confused. "I'm a vampire. One of the only single ones left in my clan. And as of last night, when I turned you, you're my mate."

Justin and MaKayla arrived at the warehouse for the meeting. She saw that everyone was there. They walked in and the council was seated at the front.

"Justin, MaKayla, come forward." Mark said to them.

They walked forward hand in hand. MaKayla looked around and saw that the mates of the pack were there too and she knew this was big for they never really attended a meeting.

"MaKayla, Justin said you saw something?" Shawn asked.

"I had a vision of Mike at a club and he bit someone. He turned her into a vampire."

"That's what they do." Hunter replied.

"She isn't just anyone though. She is an Ultimate."

"What?" Hunter asked.

"She is an Ultimate. She is not as powerful as me but she is an Ultimate."

The council began whispering to themselves as everyone else did too. The odds of an Ultimate so close were a million to one. Rarely are they ever close to together. Usually when Ultimates are born, they are born all over the world. As far as the council knew, one was born in Asia, One was born in Greece, MaKayla in Canada and then one in America.

But no one figured that there two this close together.

"Are you sure?" Shawn asked.

"I sensed it and so did the baby." MaKayla said. "They expect a war and wanted her for her power."

"This is disturbing." Mark said.

"How is an Ultimate even close? That has never happened before." Hunter asked.

"I don't know." Kane replied with a sigh. "We have to find out what exactly the vamps are after."

"We have no idea who is a vamp." Shawn replied. "The only ones we know are Evan, Chris, Mike, Jack and JoMo."

"I think we can probably get Evan to talk." Hunter replied.

"Can't MaKayla just talk to everyone and that will tell us who is who?" Shawn asked.

"I don't want to put that much on MaKayla." Mark replied. "The baby she is carrying is very powerful and MaKayla needs her strength and power."

"But if we torture him, we are no better than they are. I can't in good conscious vote for it. I won't do it." Shawn said.

Mark sighed. "Fine, we will not torture Evan. MaKayla can talk to him and see if she can sense who the others are. And you will go with her Shawn. You and John." Shawn and John both nodded in agreement. "Then it's settled. MaKayla, arrange the meeting." And with that, the meeting was adjourned.

Chris knocked on the door to Mike's room and smiled when he opened it. He walked into the room and looked at the pretty brunette that was firmly on their side now. He studied the way she looked at Mike and knew instantly that even though she'd just met him, she trusted him with everything she had. And that trust would eventually turn into love. Mike walked back over to the bed and sat down next to Ava, absentmindly taking her hand in his. It was an encouraging sight for Chris to see.

"We have to get the two of you married." Chris said. "You have to be married in order to be fully bonded. Well, there's that and the sex." Mike looked up at him annoyed that he'd been so blunt. "I have the council ready to witness it. All the two of you have to do is say I Do."

"Call me old fashioned but I believe the groom is the one who has to ask her Chris." Mike said.

"In most cases yes. But not this one. She has your blood coursing through her veins. The need to feed and fully bond to you is growing. And if she doesn't do either soon, she'll die. Do you want that on your head?" Mike backed down. "I didn't think so. You will be married in an hour."

The war was not that far off. Ava was not as powerful as MaKayla but she would do. Chris had hoped to get the Ultimate on their side but MaKayla had chosen her side. The side of those horrid wolves. They had their Ultimate and now Chris had his. But who would win the war came.

Please Review. And dont' forget to check out Troubled Destiny when its up.