By the look on her face, there is no doubt that Bloom is glad to be back, and everybody else, even the teachers, couldn't agree more. The poison had weakened her powers severely, yet her stint of R&R was needed and well taken. Her maturity has taken her places she's never been, and by how she's studying and training, she is ready for anything. Out in the clearing alone, in Enchantix form, she puts her restored powers to a little test. First, she uses her magical strength to lift a boulder. It works, better than expected. Then, she brings her hands together, attempting to toss it. Instead, she breaks it, into little pieces! This is not what Bloom expected. Secondly, she uses a fireball to destroy another boulder. The blast is so intense, it takes out three others around it! This shocks her, as she wasn't this strong before she became ill. Thinking thoroughly, she senses that it could be a fluke, a mistake. So, she continues with her test, by focusing her energy on moving an object, but something strange happens. Her thoughts stray to the witches, and what they tried to do to her. The light embrous glow turns dark red, and her eyes turn dark. Her concentration transforms to anger, and what was a little test is now a rage release, as she expands her energy and accidently mow down some trees. Breaking out of her trance, she notices the bit of devestation she caused, and is shocked again. Bloom determines that it's best for her not to get mad, to make sure she doesn't hurt anyone. It will be much harder than she thought.

From her office, barely anything escapes Ms. Faragonda's eyes, as she is shocked at the damage Bloom caused. She can sense the fairy's power growing aggressively; in her mind, the prophecy will come to pass very soon. With a grin on her face, a plan is birthing, something that will test the limits, and unlimits, of Alfea's strongest fairy.

On Monday morning, the seven Winx girls are called into her office for an announcement. She tells them that a face-to-face battle between them and the sextet is imminent, and a special training session will be held in the forest Thursday afternoon. This will test the powers and limits of each fairy, and pit each one against another, as well as a six-on-one, which is highly possible. The girls are caught off guard by this, yet know it's essential if they're going to defeat these witches. So, it's set, two days from now.

Come Thursday, the girls finish up their three classes before meeting with the headmistress, along with Ms. Grizelda, Prof. Avalon and Prof. Paladium. As they prepare, Bloom is told not to transform, and not to get involved yet. When ready, Faragonda pairs up the fairies for training. For 45 minutes, her friends battle each other, and switching up, putting all they have into each attack. Unknowingly, other fairies gather around in surrounding areas, led by Prof. WizGiz, to see this demonstration of magical strength. This training exercise is also an observation for potential Enchantix fairies. It's been a while since she's seen fighting without her in it. When they are finished, Faragonda has a surprise. She directs the six girls to now pit their powers...against Bloom. All are in shock at what they want them to do, and hears her out. The objective is to test and see how she defends well against multiple attacks. Yet, there is a twist- she is told not to go Enchantix! They will fight her just the way she is. All a part of Faragonda's plan. This will be very interesting.

They begin by individually attacking her with their best spells. She is told to remain in defense mode. As each fairy hits her, she deflects or dodges it with ease. When the speed increases, her speed instinctively increases as well. Within 15 minutes, they are coming fast and furious, as she moves in a blur! All who is seeing this can't believe their eyes, becoming barely unseeable. The Winx girls can't believe it themselves, as Faragonda calls to keep it up. When told to stop, they are amazed at what their friend is becoming. They haven't seen nothing yet.

The final exercise will be hard for them to do- fire an Enchantix convergence at Bloom. Though the fairies are reluctant to do it, she reassures them that she'll be okay. Feeling confident, the girls power up for their convergence. She brings up her arms in a cross pattern for defense, as they release the attack in a powerful stream. She takes it head on, and blocks it easily. Intensity increasing, the test is taken to the air. Closing her eyes to concentrate, her thoughts wander back to what the witches did to her at the Miss Fairy contest, and how they almost took out the royal family, just to get to her. The thought of it brings her anger to the surface, and her power surges to terrible heights. Layla is the first one to sense the surge; Tecna feels it next, then Myrta, and Musa. Flora gets a heads up on it as well. Stella spies a deep embrous glow coming from Bloom unlike anything she's ever seen. When she opens her eyes, Stella goes cold. Her eyes are burning as fire, and grows with unreal intensity. Faragonda feels it too. This is what she's been waiting for. The attack is kept up, even as the events turn again. Grizelda warns her to let it go, yet everything needs to play out; just watch.

As the cresendo hits, unexpectedly, Bloom's cry reverberates and breaks the attack, releasing energy in the form of a blinding white light, sending all six fairies flying in different directions. The light unknowingly covers all of Magix for a few seconds, as it blinds everyone. Allowing her eyes to clear, she catches sight of what she did, and instinctively, moves with blinding speed to save her friends. As she sets one down, she goes and gets another. All that is heard are several bursts of sonic waves when she moves from the sky to the clearing. Within a minute, all six girls are back on solid ground, safe and sound. The others gathered there have never seen anything like it! When Bloom finally settles down in front of them, the first thing she asks is if they are okay; all say yes, or nod their heads. Feeling relieved, she collapses from exhaustion. The girls tend to her, making sure she was alright; she just knocked herself unconscious. Feeling satisfied, Faragonda tells Stella and Layla to take Bloom back to the school for some rest. As the others leave, this will be something that will not be forgotten. For a fairy to break the sound barrier several times over is completely unheard of. This will be talked about for some time.

Back in her office, Faragonda is talking with Saladin and Griffin, telling them about the day's events. Both felt it, in more ways than one. It is becoming clear as a bell, that Bloom has never been an ordinary fairy, and that, beyond the shadow of a doubt, she is ready to fulfill the prophecy. When, only time will tell.

Resting peacefully in her bed, Bloom is unaware of what's happening to her. Little does she know that she is on her way to reaching the ultimate of destinies.