Sweet surrender

Set at the very beginning of the Morganville series. What happens when mysterious changes in events happen that could lead to a very different story…..

Please read and review! As always I don't own Morganville vampires etc!

I pulled up outside the house with the spare room and turned off the engine to my scooter. Bouncing up the steps I knocked clearly on the door jingling my keys in the other hand. The door flew open to reveal a tall bloke of around 18 I was guessing. He looked like he had just woken up. "Hi I'm Michael I own this house and you are….?" He trailed off hands running through his already messy hair. He steps aside inviting me in without a given invitation. I walked straight in and sat myself down on the sofa. My eyes trailing around the room taking in the mess and the guitar lying around. Also the slumped figure clearly asleep in the arm chair. Michael looked at me quizzically before asking me if I was going to tell him who the hell I was.

"Claire Danvers I'm a student at the Uni here and I need to place to stay and you have a free room. I have cash and I can cook" I stated hoping I was giving off enough confidence so I don't seem like a kid but wasn't being too pushy at the same time. The figure in the arm chair stirred and woke up taking in me and the state off Michael.

"Wow mate you look like shit" he stated matter of factly. "As do you Shane but I've been working all day and your excuse is…." Shane flipped him off and turned to face me. "Working huh?" he nodded at me then continued "Is that the new way off saying making out in the office whilst the boss is away?". Shane winked at me as I struggled not to blush. "Its not like that I want to rent the room here and I've only just met him" I gestured to Michael. " soooo your single right?" Shane asked straight and to the point. I nod and look at Michael shooting daggers at Shane.

Suddenly all eyes were on me again so I motioned at my bags next me. Michael was about to say or ask something when I heard the front door open and slam shut again. "Yo walking dead I know you're here your bikes are out the front" yelled the new person coming through into where we were. I looked her over before recognising this person. "Eve?" I questioned carefully just in case it wasn't her but then again how many Goths were there in this town. "Claire!" she squealed in a most un Goth way and dashed forward in her clumpy boots! We hugged and turned to face Shane and Michael. They both looked at each other confused as heck. Eve walked over and whacked Shane over the head who had his mouth hanging open. "Ow what was that for?" he exclaimed looking furiously at Eve. "That was for hitting on my best friend and don't try and deny I know you have" Michael was sitting there laughing in his chair at the look of outrage on Shanes face.

Finally able to control himself "So how come your mates classes together or what? And does she get to stay?" Michael asked each housemate raised one hand except Shane who stuck up 2 glee evident on his face. Eve started doing her little happy dance which involved lots of jumping in her huge black boots. I laughed at how eccentric my best mate was. Eve sat down next to me explaining how come we were friends. I zoned out looking at Shane and the way he sat in his chair. He was damn fine. I thought to myself then moved onto looking at Michael. I smiled to myself I had landed a house with my best friend and 2 very nice guys too. Who as a bonus weren't bad to look at either.

I was brought out of my little daydreams by a sharp jab in the ribs. I clutched my side and shot an indignant look at Eve. "You weren't listening to a word I was saying I could see you eyeing up my housemates" she stated. Chuckles were coming from all 3 members of my new house "I was not" I told her outraged even though I knew I was. They all looked at me and I blushed furiously "thanks for that Eve" I muttered to her. She offered me a huge grin and returned "Its why you love me" Shane shot up at this. Suddenly having perfect hearing. He ducked as I sent the nearest object hurtling towards him. "sorry to ruin your plans but we are not lesbians" Eve told him flipping him off and standing to grab my stuff. Between her and Michael it only took us one time to get my things up to my new room. We dumped it on the floor to return downstairs. "I'll help you unpack" Shane called from the living room. The doorbell rang as I walked to get it I called back "You just want to go through my underwear" Eve laughed.

I opened the door slowly to see who it was. I heard Eve behind me scream…

Hey thast all for now anyway. Please let me know what you thought I will hopefully update soon.

Much love

Rachel xxx