Okay so this was written when my comp lost all of my previous data and I was forced to actually remember what I had written. So while I attempted that I wrote this and decided to actually do extreme reasearch into the show 'cause I haven't seen in a really long time. Any way so here is the first chapter and I'm hoping to actually have my plot in mind before half way through my story like with most things I write.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the show, however there will be a few of my own creations getting involved later. That may or may not have made me sound like Naraku a little, and with that midly depressing thought please read on.

Chapter 1:

How could it be that one little sentence would have completely turned her life around? One little phrase had sent her to hell where she was being tortured over and over again by her guilt and pain. How was it that the same phrase made her remember every other family she had let down in the same way, how many people felt grief crushing them because she was too incompetent to actually save their loved ones.

Now her incompetence had reached her own home front and she was faced with the loss of the most important person in her life.

"Thank you Doctor," Kagome mustered, it was a dismissal and he took it as such. Despite his presence being gone the one phrase echoed in her mind. 'Nothing can be done'.

"Hey mom," Kagome greeted with a tight lipped smile as she closed the hospital room door closed behind her.

Mrs. Higurashi raised her head weakly and gave a weak smile. Kagome knew how much her mother hated being in the hospital and knew that it was the main reason her mother seemed so weak. That sentence was somehow wrong, despite all that she knew. Her mother was not weak, has never been weak.

"The Doctor said you can go home," Kagome said as a simple explanation as she gathered her mother's belongings together. The preparation was done in silence and the pair remained silence until the hospital had long faded out of sight.

"Kagome," her mother's voice was as soft and strong as it has always been, "tell me what they said."

Kagome hesitated for only a moment, "They said there was nothing they could do," it was so hard to say that to her own mother, who accept the news of her upcoming death with nothing more than a nod, "but I'll figure something out. You won't die."

She didn't know why she had said what she did but now that it was out there Kagome was determined to make it the truth. Kagome realized that it would mean spending quite a while here, and she was determined it be no less than a year. She didn't want to think of the fight that Inuyasha was going to start.

After that brief discussion there was silence the entire way as Kagome watched the winding road. It was only a few minutes later that she pulled up to the shrine. She mentally groaned when she looked up the long flight of stairs leading her to the shrine grounds.

Her mother needed no help getting out of the car and was faster going up the stairs than Kagome was, if Kagome hadn't known better she would have thought her mother fine. It was while Kagome was examining her mother that she noticed the faint pink aura that had surrounded her mother.

She said nothing, she didn't even comment with her thoughts. She merely filed it away to examine later as she attempted to find a solution. Once that was safely placed in her memories her mind was open enough to sense Inuyasha's presence, and she let a groan escape her lips.

She helped her mother into the house and then finally turned her attention to the red cladded half-demon. She sent him a smile, which didn't fade even as the half demon scowled.

"Hello Inuyasha how may I help you?" Kagome asked mustering her the most patient tone.

"Let's start with why the hell you aren't on the other side of the well," Inuyasha growled advancing a few steps.

"My mother had a Doctor's appointment that I needed to be there for," Kagome answered cooly.

"How 'bout you start asking my permission wench!" Inuyasha advanced a few more steps and Kagome fought the urge to step back when she felt danger emanating from her protector.

"You wouldn't have let me go, and I would have wasted valuable time arguing with you, which really wasn't worth it." Kagome could feel her powers rising to her skin, Inuyasha was going to attack and her powers were rising in defense.

"You will NOT disrespect ME!" Inuyasha growled as he lunged forward claws outstretched.

Kagome barely had time to squeak before Inuyasha was sent flying across the shrine grounds. He smashed into the God tree. There was a dull thud as his head connected with the tree, quickly Kagome ran to his side and checked him over. Unconscious.

Kagome sighed and grabbed on to one of his arms and began to drag him to her house, she paused and considered her actions for a moment and left him in the middle of the shrine grounds as she rushed into her house. She grabbed a pen and paper and quickly scribbled a note to Inuyasha explaining that he wouldn't be able to pass through the well and that she'd be gone for a year.

It was more than obvious that Inuyasha wouldn't like it, but there wasn't much else to do. Her mother was sick and Kagome had to find a cure in the same era. If Kagome failed to find a cure she wanted to be there for her mother and family, not that the half-demon would understand such obligations his only family left was an arrogant, cold, and ruthless demon who wanted Inuyasha dead and to take hold of Inuyasha's sword.

Kagome sighed there was no point in thinking about the past, she had things to do here and Inuyasha was just going to have to except it. With that in mind she returned to the half-demon and attached her note before she continued to drag him to the well house. She proceeded to dump the limp Hanyou into the well and whispered an apology as blue light flashed from the well illuminating the dark room.

Kagome glanced around the well house once her eyes had accustomed to the dark once again. Sitting not too far away was an arrow, one she didn't recall ever being there. Not that she paid much attention to this place in general. She breathed deeply and gently picked up the arrow and sat on the steps directly in front of the well.

Now the question was whether or not she wanted to actually do this, it was quite possible that if she did Inuyasha would do something stupid and anger her. In fact she had the feeling that's exactly what he was going to do. Although she had a choice she felt that she really didn't, this was meant to happen for a reason so she infused the old arrow with her power and stabbed it into the well. It glowed briefly again before fading.

One stray tear slipped down her face and she wiped it away quickly and stared at her hand for a few minutes. Why was she crying? It's not like she was never going to see the other side again. It was that thought that sent a chill through her body, and she knew the exact stupid thing the brash Hanyou was going to do. She sighed and walked away, there was nothing she could do except to try to find a different way into feudal Japan.

That she would worry about when it came, at the moment though her own personal matters came first. She rushed back into her house and up the stairs, stopping at her mother's room to check in and explain that she'd be in this era for a while. Her mother gave a sad smile and nodded before turning on her side in an attempt to get some sleep.

From there Kagome rushed into her bedroom and jumped on to her bed, she quickly lifted her laptop on to her chest and booted it up. A few minutes later she was on the internet searching possible unidentified ways of curing cancer, but all she got was that the people cured of such terminal illnesses never said how and they never got sick again.

She groaned in frustration and turned her attention to myths of feudal Japan, she laughed as the majority of her journey was mentioned. It started like all who described the same story; it started with Inuyasha and Kikyou's story.

In the site she was one it described their relationship as one with a great amount of love, thus caused the raven haired girl to gag a little. Then came the part she knew very although they loved each other very much they did not trust each other because he was a half-demon and she was a priestess .

At the same time that their romance was progressing Kikyo's kind heart went out to a man who had been badly burned, and she tried to heal him. In doing so he fell in love with her, only to be crushed when she denied him for Inuyasha.

"He then wanted to be a half-demon and yada yada," Kagome muttered and skimmed through the rest of the story flinching slightly when Inuyasha was pinned to a tree and Kikyou's body was cremated with the jewel.

She had passed the majority of it until a name caught her eye. It was Sesshomaru's name, and Kagome scrolled back up in confusion. She had never heard his name mentioned before in this myth until their first encounter.

The Great demon Lord of the west was shaken by the account of his brother being pinned to a tree by a priestess. Thus his hatred for weakness and human's grew, his brother and father had been weak otherwise they wouldn't have scrummed easily. Or that is what the demon believed, and his hatred was directed toward the human's that took his family away from him.

The first member of his family to die by human hands was his mother, killed by his father's mistress the mother of Inuyasha. The same woman was the reason his father was taken, the humans had attacked the western castle weakening the great demon that later died after fighting the dragon Ryūkotsusei. Sesshomaru never knew that Inuyasha's mother had been forced to kill his mother by the same dragon that killed his father. (Names: Inu no Tashio- their father, Izayoi- Inuyasha's mother, and Inukimi- Sesshomaru's mother.)

Kagome sat very still for a while thinking over the little section she had read, and in reality she couldn't blame Sesshomaru for hating humans or trying to kill her. After all not only was she human, but a priestess who was traveling with his brother. She turned her attention back to the screen curious of what else she could learn.

This hatred for human's grew the longer his half-demon remained pinned to the tree, and would have continued to grow until he killed every human left on earth. However Inuyasha was released by a kind hearted Miko (or priestess) who looked very much like Kikyou except that this woman had shorter hair which was untamed unlike Kikyou's. She wore odd clothing, and her eyes were a deep blue. People often described her as being much purer than the other miko.

The demon lord heard of his brother being unpinned and soon went to investigate, the first meeting between the demon lord and powerful priestess took place after the priestess shattered the jewel of four souls. Which despite its significance to the rest of the myth, played little part in the relationship between them; their first meeting did not go well and held the potential to be the demon lords greatest mistake.

"Yes, yes we all know he tried to kill me in their father's tomb," Kagome grumbled as she searched through the text looking for a particular part, "Yes we know the fight was over the sword, and yes- wait. . .I didn't know that."

Sesshomaru has never done anything without good reason. His decided interest in the sword was not due to the power it would bring, for it would only be false power. His interest was to show Inuyasha how to use it so that he won't be weak against weak creatures. He went with the intention of seeming like an enemy, which wasn't hard when he saw that his brother was with the woman who pinned him. Having only seen the Miko Kikyou once he only noticed the similarities between the two, so the demon grew angry and attacked.

He couldn't believe his eyes when the human girl pulled out the sword he hadn't managed and so wanted to get rid of the only thing that was proving the brothers weak. Inuyasha however was her forced protector and reacted to the threat. A large battle broke out in the tomb with Sesshomaru turning into his true demon form and Inuyasha transforming the fang to protect the young miko. The battle resulted in two things Sesshomaru losing his arm, and the start of the miko's infatuation.

Kagome groaned as she was reminded of her little crush on Inuyasha it soon dissipated though, due to his continuous betrayal with Kikyou. She was sure that little bit of information would not be on the sight she was on. She focused once again and started reading what happened to Sesshomaru after the fight.

Sesshomaru was severely injured with extreme blood loss, had anyone with ill intentions come along the west would be lacking a ruler. However the human that came upon his injured form was a kind little orphan girl by the name of Rin. After the first time she found him she would continue tocome eah day and presented him with fish. He never ate it before the girl, but by the next day the fish would be gone and she would present another for him. For a while he was unaware that the fish cost the girl dearly for each day that she took one to him she would be beaten by her fellow villagers.

The Lord of the West healed fairly quickly with the young girls help, and the day he could move was the day Rin's village was attacked by wolfs from the southern wolf tribe. She ran to where Sesshomaru was, where safety was but it was too late the wolves had gotten to her. Sesshomaru reacted out of instinct, he killed the wolves and used his father's other fang to resurrect the girl. After she took her first breath of life she looked up at the demon that she had not spoken to and smiled up at the stoic being. He gave her the choice to follow and she did without a second thought, it was a few months before she finally talked and before the lord knew her story.

Rin was not the only-

"Kagome you're home!" Sota yelled startling Kagome as the boy rushed into her room, she quickly closed the laptop and smiled at him.

"Yes I am," Kagome stated not really knowing what else to say and trying to calm her rapidly beating heart.

"So when is 'Yasha coming to get you?" Sota asked grinning ear to ear as he plunked himself on Kagome's bed.

"Not this time, and I'm not going back for a while."

"How are you going to stop Inuyasha?" He asked curiously.

"I placed a holy arrow on the wood it will stop him from passing through," Kagome explained moving her laptop as if ashamed of what she had been looking at.

"How will you get back?"

"I'm not sure, but I can't go through that well. Inuyasha is going to destroy the well in the past which will cut the connection."

Sota said nothing and stood to leave, he understood how much being away from the past would hurt Kagome and he knew why she was here. Their mother, and that 'caused them both immense pain.

"Okay Kagome," Kagome muttered to herself trying to be forceful, "stop being caught up in what Sesshomaru has been doing and find a different way into the past."

With that in mind she opened her laptop which booted up back onto the site, she quickly skimmed from what she read to find anything of interest. It happened to be in a different section.

"The most unbelievable myths?" Kagome asked herself wondering what they would place in this section.

There is only one myth that stands out among the rest. It was believed by many that the reason the young miko's dress was so odd was due to her being from a different era and that she traveled back and forth between times. This is one of the most unrealistic myths that there may be, however people hold stock in most myths.

The first and original way this miko apparently skipped through time is through the bone eaters well, which was destroyed about three years after she started traveling with Inuyasha. The well was later rebuilt and is still standing today. However the miko was still able to travel the lands, thus people's belief that there is a second location of a dry well. This one-

Kagome closed the laptop happily and bounded down stairs deciding to look at the site after she made dinner for everyone. She happily worked in the kitchen not bothering to wonder where the second dry well was or where she would end up in the past. All that mattered at that moment was that there was a way into the past, and she was going to find it and give Inuyasha a piece of her mind when she gets back to the other side.

"Kagome!" Kagome turned to her grandfather who engulfed her in a large embrace. "Did I ever tell you the story of L-"

"Hey look dinner is ready!" Kagome said cutting off her grandfather as she placed the food on the table, "How about you tell me a different time and I'll go get mom now."

Kagome didn't wait for an answer and rushed up stairs missing her grandfathers dismayed sigh and the slight shake of his head.

"Silly child, never taking a warning when it's needed."

He didn't try again for the entire night, and Kagome was more than happy about that. Since she still had a lot of work ahead of her, she needed to find the creator of the sight and see if the myths had any other valuable information. Since she wasn't going to be at school even though she'd be back for a while she'd have a lot of time on her hands.

-Once again she booted up her laptop and looked through the site; it said nothing as to the possible whereabouts of the second portal but it did give some contact information for the person who made the sight. She jotted it down and read through the site again and once again something caught her eye.

Lord Sesshomaru's hatred for humans did not stay long thanks to Rin and the woman that would eventually become his mate. There were times though that it seemed that they would not end up together, which would have affected everything in the end.

"I should make sure they hook up," Kagome mumbled to herself before she closed the site and moved on to something brain numbing.

Soon she drifted off into sleep.


Inuyasha jumped out of the well and glared at it, before yet again jumping in. He growled when he was yet again unable to pass.

"What are you doing little brother?" Sesshomaru asked slightly amused when the hanyou didn't even turn to face him.

"The well won't let me pass through!" Inuyasha growled and Sesshomaru took a hazard in guessing that the half-breed didn't know who he was talking to at the moment.

"Why do you need to pass through?" was the stoic yet curious reply.

"Because Kagome knocked me out with her powers and shoved me back down the well with a note saying she's not returning to this time for a while. So I have to go back and get her."

"What did you do to make her powers react to you?"

"Technically I attacked," Inuyasha said his ears flattening against his head.

"Tsk, Tsk Inuyasha," Sesshomaru replied and the half-demon turned around finally.

"Sesshomaru!" he growled and drew his sword, his brother in reply turned away.

Stopping only a few feet away the demon lord watched as his younger brother shattered the well in his anger. If what Inuyasha had said was true the miko he traveled with will no longer be able to come to this era, assuming that the half-breed wasn't insane and the girl did pass through different times.

"How do you expect to defeat the hanyou now little brother?" Sesshomaru asked knowing that none would have heard him. Had anyone they would have been a little shocked at how much emotion and care slipped through the demon's control.

End chapter.

Well there you have it my first chapter. In this chapter the italics are the text from the website she was reading, and I'm fairly certain that there is no website with the same material considering that it was made up in my head and only slightly based off of actual events from the show. Like the fight between Inu no Tashio and his biggest enemy along with being attacked by humans, I just mixed up the order (on purpose). Sesshomaru's mother's name is actually Inukimi from a sight I was on, and it's never really stated whether Inu no Tashio was mated to the woman. Most of all I know that Sesshomaru's mother did not die and that Izayoi would have nothing to do with it, but for now just work with me.

Now that some glaringly obvious points have been explained I hope not to have any reviews that are flames or ones that are pointing out my false information, any way thanks for reading and review please.