FOR: All My Readers

Fandom: ALL (you decide)

Prompt: This was once a bit of a challenge. We've all seen the Master Card commercials. This was challenge called Priceless I thought since this was my last bonus chapter I'd put it here.

A/N: Thank you to everyone who has read and/or reviewed on this story. Your continued dedication to stay with me despite the delays, despite the drama, has been one of the reasons I've been able to stick with it. Many times, I would have given up if not for your support and kind words.

This has been a journey like no other. I've been excited to see the prompts given to me and frustrated with what's come out. I've been stumped by some of the prompts and thrilled with what I posted. To all I say one more time, Thank you!


Talking back and saying 'no': 20 minutes in the corner

Cursing twice: 2 minutes with soap in mouth

Disobeying an order: 2 weeks grounded

Sneaking out while being grounded: 20 swats

Knowing you're loved no matter what you do: Priceless


A/N: Have a Safe and Happy New Year! See you in 2012