Sorry I took so long, guys! I got really busy with all this unpacking and shit, and there's a lot of drama going on at school, and ugh. I'm in a horrible mood right now, so the chapter might not be all that awesome this time. BUT. To make up for my mood, I'm writing an extra long chapter this time, so you're in for TWO awkward situations this time. Yay?
Maria swore heavily and dropped her forehead onto the edge of the couch.
Why did Ludwig have to be so difficult? She could hear aforementioned German close his door upstairs. Maria built up momentum in record time to stand up, almost toppling over backwards onto the glass coffee table - that would've been ugly - but regained balance. With a heavy thump, she jogged unsteadily to the staircase and rushed full-speed up the steps, almost tripping quite a few times. Once she sucessfully reached the top of the steps, she moved quickly but quietly over to her brother's bedroom door. It was closed, but using her awesome stalking skills, Maria was able to open the door a few inches and peek in without being noticed. Ludwig already had his night clothes on his bed, and was about to e getting undressed. 'Perfect timing' Maria thought, and mentally high-fived herself.
The older blonde inside hooked his fingers underneath the bottom of his light grey T-shirt and pulled it over his head in one swift motion. Maria asentmindedly licked her dry lips, and couldn't bring herself to look away. The elder sibling threw the removed shirt into a basket by his own attached bathroom, Maria's eyes watching it before returning to the delicious sight of her shirtless brother. She felt her eyes widen slightly and she leaned more onto the door when Ludwig's hands moved to work at the button and zipper of his somewhat-baggy, bleach-spotted blue jeans. He got them undone and let them fall, stepping out of them then bending down to pick them up. Maria grinned and stared at her brother's gorgeous ass while she had the chance, then drew away from the door when he started getting redressed in his sleepwear.
It was still barely 9:30, so she figured she'd go to Francis' place for a beer (or 6) before bed. If he had already gone to bed, then she'd go visit Antonio. Though it was highly unlikely. Francis usually stayed up until at least 11, whether it be because he was being visited by yet another female friend, or just because he didn't want to go to bed just yet.
Ludwig heard a door shut heavily, and closed his bedroom door. 'Must have gone to Francis' ' He thought to himself, somewhat resentfully. He didn't like it when she was with the "Bad Friends Trio", they usually did inappropriate or illegal things together in their free time. Either that or bugged the hell out of him, eating his food and drinking his beer. He sighed and shuffled his feet on the cold hardwood floor of the hall. He didn't really feel like going to bed after all, and had decided to watch a movie tonight. He expected Maria to want to join him, but considering she went to do who-knows-what with her friends, he guessed he'd be watching it alone. It was a horror movie the he picked out himself, too, with Maria in mind. She loved scary movies, they were her favorite genre. He halted his thoughts to scrunch his brow and wonder to himself why he was thinking so much about his sister. That was just it. She was his sister. Of course he had to think about her. He conviced himself, and started down the staircase to the living room.
Maria pressed herself against the side of Antonio's house in a vain attempt to stay away from the steady, heavy stream of water the poured from the sky and roof. The front of her shirt was already getting soaked from the house's drain overflowing, and she was past the point of regret in walking all the way over here without an umbrella. She hadn't expected it to rain, dammit!
With a sigh, she concluded that no matter what she did, she'd get soaked. There was absolutely no chance of hitch-hiking, and she wouldn't get an umbrella without climbing through Antonio's window. She had actually considered doing so. Hell, she'd done things more illegal than trespassing. But alas, the windows were probably all locked. And even so, climbing through was too much effort for Maria's liking. Why wasn't anyone home, dammit!
With a last few words of encouragement, Maria pushed herself off of the siding of Antonio's home and dashed through the sheets of salty rain. All the way down the road at a pace too slow for her liking, she ran until her and West's house was in sight, though just barely. By now, she was gasping for air, her sides were aching, and her legs felt like anchors. She doubted she was going half as fast as when she had first left 'Toni's, and that alone was enough to slow her pace to a speed walk. Rasping for breath, she pushed her bangs out of her face and looked down at herself. She looked as though she had decided to take a shower with her clothes on (she might as well have, she needed one anyway), and if one were to look, her too-small silver-blue bra was obvious underneath her plain white half-length T-shirt. She scowled and crossed her arms over her chest. She doubted she was anywhere close to covered, and was beginning to regret dressing skantily all over again. She pushed her bangs out of her face again with a growl. The rain was beginning to get very annoying, the constant forceful pelting on her head beginning to give her a headache.
Much to her own relief, she had finally arrived at her own doorstep. She sighed happily and opened the door, stepping inside. She noticed a light coming from the TV, and squinted at it. After closing the front door loudly, she could see her brother's blonde hair over the top of the sofa. He turned around and opened his mouth to greet his sister, but the words died in his throat. His sister's appearance finally sunk in, and his member sprung to life. He blushed, but not half as much as his sister, who was tomato red by now. She threw her arms around herself and her knees began to give out from exhaustion, causing them to fall against eachother and giving Maria a rather awkward stance. "Look away!" she practically yelled at him, and he shut his mouth and spun back around on the couch, though his attention was no longer on the bloody scene on the TV by now. Maria had tears in her eyes, she honestly didn't know why, and she was freezing. She was pretty much in a horrible state. Ludwig swallowed hard and tried desperately not to turn around and help his sister, but he couldn't just egnore her sniffles and the sound of water dripping on the hardwood floor.
Ludwig stood from his seat on the sofa and made his way over to his sister cautiously. To his surprise, she didn't object when he approached her, and he offered to get her a towel. She just nodded, and he took a moment to notice the cleavage Maria created when she had her arms pushing against her breasts like she did, before prying his eyes away and rushing off to the closest bathroom for her towel.
He returned soon and dried off her hair, for the most part, and Maria wrapped the towel loosely around her shoulders. She was still blushing slightly, and it took all of Ludwig's willpower to not stare at her barely-concealed breasts through the transparent shirt.
"Thanks, West."
Maria looked into her brother's bluish eyes and grinned a small, pitiful grin. Ludwig could only try to return the look, but wound up looking like he heard a bad joke. Maria giggled and stuck her tongue out suddenly. Ludwig recoiled in confusion.
"I'm goin' to bed, I'm utterly exhausted." She admitted, and moved to the staircase, Ludwig following loosely behind. Maria barely noticed him, but guessed he was finally retiring to bed as well.
Maria made it to her room and nudged her door, not caring if it closed completely or not. She toweled her hair off once more before tossing it into the basket by her unclosed door. She shrugged and turned away from the door to peel her damp shirt off, tossing it behind her carelessly, making it nowhere near the basket. She didn't care either way, she just wanted these uncomfortable wet clothes off. She undid her shorts and pushed them down to her ankles, stepping out of them and kicking them under her bed.
Ludwig stood in the hall, staring at his sister's somewhat open door, and seriously considered peeking in to see if she had passed out yet. He scowled at his own wording and silently moved over to his sister's room, nudging the door enough to see inside. He didn't regret it. Maria's exposed body was bent slightly in a stretch, toes curling and hands reaching toward the cieling. Ludwig's pants felt a bit tighter, but he just swallowed thickly and noticed his sister's overall appearance. She was completely without any upper-body coverings, allowing Ludwig's eager eyes to scan over her bare back where her silver-white hair cascaded down, down, down to her bright red thong. He scowled slightly, knowing what was on the other side. However, he didn't have to know, because the black and white symbol was soon revealed to him when Maria turned around. His eyes widened involuntarily and his cheeks colored when he noticed he was now staring dierctly at his sister's vital regions. His eyes immediately moved upward to Maria's now completely exposed breasts, and his pants grew unbearably tight. Noticing that Maria was lost in her own world, staring into space somewhere far to her right, Ludwig allowed himself to palm his own almost fully-erect member through his jeans, massaging the obvious tent as best he could through the faric, causing friction and he almost groaned. He ceased his movements, though, and rushed back to his own room, feeling impossibly guilty.
He practically threw himself under the covers of his bed and switched his light off, immersing the room into darkness. Finally hidden, he pushed his sleep pants down midway along his thighs and gripped his erection, gasping. He started pumping immediately, imagining his sister's perfect, taut stomach, her ribs just barely visible under the pale white skin, leading up to the soft round curves of her perfect breasts, not at all too large, yet not too small. He bit his lip and thumbed the sensitive head, squirming his hips in the air. His face was pressed against his pillow, along with his shoulders, one hand gripping the sheets beside him, the other pumping steadily along the shaft of his leaking member. He panted slightly and imagined his sister's blood-red eyes looking up at him as it was her who was sliding her hand firmly along Ludwig's shaft, that cute tongue stuck out of an adorably grin. He imagined that same tongue lapping up along the underside, the warmth of her mouth sucking him off...
With a groan too loud for Ludwig's liking, he came all over the sheets beneath him, and fell to the side to avoid the mess. He panted, trying to regain his breath, and pulled his pants back up. With a sigh, he allowed himself to drift into sleep, completely unaware of a pair of glowing red eyes in his doorway belonging to a drooling silverette.
You like it?
I'm kinda proud of this, though there's probably a shitload of spelling errors up there. Oh, well. And yes, the story is still in progress. I promised you guys at least 10 chapters, and you will get at least 10.
Tell me what you think! And this time, 4 reviews until I post another chapter!