A/N: Hey, it's 28 here. This story will only be short, max 10 chapters. If you like reading the future story's I have one that really needs more readers, I also have a couple of oneshot's. Please read and review to help my writing improve!

It was a quiet summer evening at The Potter's house in Grimmauld Place. James and Albus were happily playing a game of exploding snap while Lily was flopped over the couch reading a book. Harry and Ginny were talking in the kitchen while Kreacher was making dinner.

Suddenly a loud shriek pierced the air.

"We're here!" yelled Hugo as he rushed into the house. Rose followed rolling her eyes at her brother's exuberance.

A tired looking Hermione followed with Ron bringing up the rear.

"Hugo, calm down" said Hermione to her youngest child.

"But Mum," Hugo whined. "I was bored"

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "And being bored requires you to shriek loudly?"

"Yes?" he said. Hermione scowled at him. "I mean no! No!"

"Good, off you go," Hermione said. Hugo bolted out of the room before she could finish her sentence.

"Hermione!" said Ginny, as she came around the corner to hug her.

"Ronald." she said, staring at her brother.

"What, no hug?" he asked teasingly. Ginny smirked.

"Non whatsoever."

"How's Kreacher?" Hermione asked Harry as he came around the corner, evidently following his wife.

"Alright," said Harry. "He's cooking dinner at the moment if you wanted to have a chat with him,"

Hermione nodded. "I think I will," and the four friends made their way into the kitchen.

"I'm sick of exploding snap," announced James, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"So am I," agreed Albus, fixing his glasses as well.

"What do we do then?" asked Lily, who had put down her book.

"I have no clue," said Rose, sitting next to Lily.

Hugo nodded in agreement.

"Why don't we wait for the rest of us Weasley's?" suggested Rose.

In the kitchen Hermione was chatting with Kreacher while Harry was talking to his best mate.

"How you dealing with having the kids back?" he asked.

"I forgot they were really monster's in disguise," sighed Ron.

"Ronald!" scolded Ginny, hitting him on the arm. "Don't talk about your children like that!"

"Okay, okay!" Ron said, glaring at his sister. "Geez!"

"Lily's been really quiet," commented Harry. "But I think she's just worn out,"

"James won't shut up about Hayley," said Ginny, rolling her eyes. "But from what I've heard from Albus, she can't stand him."

Ron laughed. "Hayley's nice, Natalie's a lot quieter though, from when I saw the girls at the platform.

"Natalie?" asked Harry. "Who's she?"

"Hasn't James mentioned her?" said Ron. "She's Hayley's twin sister, but she's in Ravenclaw."

"Oh," said Ginny. "James has only talked about Hayley."

"Did he tell you that Fred and he turned the ceiling in the Great Hall pink with 'James Loves Hayley' written on it? Apparently she threw a tantrum and got him with the bat-bogey hex."

"No," said Ginny, her eyebrows narrowing dangerously. "How'd you find out?"

"Rose was ranting about it. Apparently she hexed him as well, turned his hair and robes pink and wrote 'Hayley Hates James' across the back of them."

Ginny smiled. "I love those girls."

"Let's explore the attic!" said James enthusiastically.

"I don't know…" said Albus. "Mum and Dad said we weren't allowed."

"And that makes it all the more fun!"

"James Sirius Potter!" said Teddy Lupin as he entered the room followed by Vee, Nikki and Louis. "I hope you're not thinking of breaking any rules,"

"No!" said James at once, trying to look innocent.

"Because we wouldn't want that," said Lucy as her and Molly came in. "Mum and Dad are having tea in the kitchen with everyone," she said to all the kids. "They'll be there for a while."

"Now we're only waiting on Fred!" said James excitedly.

"And Roxanne!" said Lily and Lucy together.

"What rule are we breaking?" asked Nikki, looking excited at the prospect of breaking a rule.

"We're gonna explore the attic!" said James excitedly.

"Are we just?" said Teddy with an eyebrow raised.

Later in the evening, when all the Weasley's had gathered at Grimmauld Place, James, Fred, Roxanne and Lily were not anywhere to be found.

"Where are they?" said Teddy, checking James room.

"The attic!" said Rose, walking out of Lily's room after checking the cupboard.

"We better go get them," said Vee, starting up the stairs.

Meanwhile in the attic James and Fred were going through boxes while Lily and Roxanne looked at the pictures on the walls.

"Have a look at this," said James, pulling out an old wooden box with carved pictures on the top.

"It's just a box," said Fred, before returning to the box he was looking through.

James opened it just as Teddy shot through the door, followed by the rest of the Weasley tribe. James jumped and dropped the box. A lot of sand fell to the floor, and wind started circling the room, blowing the sand everywhere.

"James!" yelled Teddy. "What did you do?"

Suddenly the wind stopped swirling, and the sand disappeared, everybody with it.

A/N: Please read and review, and don't forget to check out my other stories!