Dedication for this chapter goes tox2xJOJOx2x

Chapter 8

Zach's POV

I am screwed, I am screwed, and have I mentioned I am screwed? Walking into his office I tried to act as calm and put together. All my emotions were checked and from what I could see I gave away nothing, absolutely nothing.

"I have a mission for you Zach; it involves more researching and going back into government database. I have chosen you because I feel like this would be a good experience for you, don't let me down,"

Joe's POV

I could sense the hesitation in his eyes. He was good, very good. But so was I, and I had one more thing on him. The experience.

"What is it?" He asked arms crossed.

He didn't trust me, that was obvious, but there was something else in his eyes.

"There is a man, well more like a boy your age. He is seventeen Zach, a year older than you, and I need you to put a stop to him. He has been on the loose for too long. We aren't completely sure who is target is. He befriends people or dates them, pretends to care for them then kill them. That is how you determine his victim. Except this time is different. Apparently he has come in with back up. And other trained assassins, we think he might have found who he has been looking for,"

I had now engaged his full attention, which was the nice thing about Zach. Anything that involved something like this he would be in all the way and he would do the best job.

"He is attending Gallagher Girl High. I don't want you to kill him right away. I want information out of him. Use all of your skills and get recordings. He is part of a group called Big Machine and if he we can take him and his assassins down we have saved hundreds of lives," I said never breaking eye contact with him.

"How important is this?" Zach questioned. Playing hard to get now are we?

"I'm having you deal with this Zach because you are a good assassin, but there are things you need to improve on like your more spy-like methods. I want him bugged, cameras around him and a team with you at all times. Since I am in a good mood I will let you pick your team, chose wisely. There will be other backups to Zach, but not all of them will be from Blackthorne,"

"What's this person's name?" He asked.

"Haydon Smith," I started, but I was interrupted.

"Why is everyone's last name Smith?"

"Zach, stay on topic," I snapped.

"Since you seem to want me so badly, I guess," He replied putting his hands in his pocket and walking away.

"I'm not done with you!" I yelled. But he was already gone. That twerp. I wasn't done speaking to him, I still had one more important thing to talk about.

"Joe," Abby's voice purred from the corner "Let him be,"

"Do you realize how dangerous this is?" I snapped.

"It won't kill him," She said walking over and rubbing my shoulders. Ah, the art of seduction.

"No, but he could blow everything, its one girl, those types of things won't last," I said getting up before she could affect me anymore than she already could.

Cammie's POV

Cameron Ann Morgan,

You don't know who I am, but I know much about you. Right now my name does not matter, and the only thing you have to worry about is meeting my demand. I am watching you this very moment. You will cooperate and do as you ask.

First thing is first, you will not show this to anyone. If you do I will kill that person immediately. Do not test me. Second thing is, I have a few demands I need you to meet.

What is the name of that lovely Blackthorne Boy you are dating?

How long ago did your parents die?

And when is your birthday?

Where is Blackthorne

I want you to answer each question. I am glad we are clear.

I started freaking out. It didn't help that it was ten at night and pitch black outside. Suddenly my room didn't seem so warm and inviting and I was scared. I went to the delete button and pressed delete.

There was a huge thump then I heard a voice. "Cameron," If this was a joke it was not funny. I didn't know where to hide, so I ran t my closet. Cliché, but I was desperate and scared. Scared shitless.

"Cam," A different voice said. A voice I recognized. Slowly I stepped out of the closet not feeling scared anymore.

"What were you doing in your closet?" Said an amused panting Zach.

"Looking for something, what are you doing in my room?" I asked putting my hands on my hips.

"I was going to make up for ditching you tonight, you look scared, you okay?" He asked stepping forward.

"Yeah, fine," I said wrapping my arms around him and kissing up his neck.

"Was that you making all the noise earlier?" I mumbled into his chest.

"No, I am very stealth thank you very much," He said pretending to be insulted "Something going on that I should know about?"

Time to lie, "Nope, I just think Amber dropped something down below,"

"Cool," He said "So out of curiosity, are we just going to stand here and have you kiss me or are we going to do something. Not that I am complaining about the first option,"

"I guess since you want to do something else we can…"But I trailed off, I had no idea what to do. Besides it wasn't everyday your boyfriend's sneaks up into your room and scares you to death.

"Mmkay," He mumbled lying down on my bed.

"Make yourself at home," I teased as I laid down next to him.

"Is this one of your fantasies Gallagher Girl, having me fall asleep in bed with you," He muttered "Or at least displayed for you,"

"Shut up," I said whacking him on the head.

"You didn't deny it Gallagher Girl, I always knew you had a dirty mind,"

"ZACH!" I yelled chucking a pillow at him.

"Still not denying it," He shouted.

"I'm denying it," I hit him again, except for this time he grabbed me and had him pinned underneath him.

Then he was kissing me. Finally, it always seems to take him so long to get right to it. His hands were on either side of my head so his weight wouldn't crush me. He really was sweet, cocky but sweet.

"By the way, what you said at the restaurant was mean, very mean. We have already discussed my manliness, if it intimidates you I am sorry, I just can't control it,"

I rolled my eyes and pulled his head back down to my lips.

"You never could get enough of me," he said smirking.

Zach's POV

I had gotten over to Cammie within fifteen minutes. That was a brand new record. The fear was evident, and the worse thing was that Jonas couldn't trace the email back to the sender.

The relief was written all over her face, and she couldn't get her hands off me. Not in that way, but in the sense that she was nervous and jittery. I was her safety blanket.

"Stay with her," Grant whispered through the comms.

I didn't comment, I just pretended to close my eyes as if I was the one dosing off. I felt her hands run through my hair over and over and over again. Her other hand was caressing my face.

"Keep this up I will never leave," I told her. She didn't say anything, and soon my head was resting on her shoulder and I was the one asleep.

Cammie's POV

Zach's head was on my shoulder, and half of his body was on top of me. But not in that way. His breathing was steady, and thank god he didn't snore. I wrapped my hands around his neck making it so he couldn't leave. At least not without waking me.

Soon I had fallen asleep, and this time there were no nightmares, and I felt at peace. I could get use to this.

Zach's POV

I woke up around three. Cammie was fast asleep, not making a single noise. I lifted my head up to turn on my side. As soon as I did this I felt Cammie's hand resting against my cheek. She had woken up but was faking being asleep.

I wasn't a girl expert, but I was a spy, and one thing was for sure, Cammie did not want me to leave. Laying back down, I felt her curl up next to me, and wrap her arms around my neck.

"Sweet dreams Gallagher Girl," I whispered and watched a smile cross her face.

265 would be a dream come true but anywhere from 250 and up is goode