Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note.

Summary: Mu was supposed to be nothing, but after a thousand years that all changed as Kira changed. Now a God of nothing and Nobodies, Kira gets a chance to prove that he has really changed for the better. Has he really changed? What happens when he meets himself when he was still human? Is Kira ready to meet his best friend again? Kira grows as a person in the human world as he fights to save his best friend as well as to better the lives of the Nobodies.

A/N: Wow... I was planning on having this up next week but the words just kept on flowing.

Thanks to QueenLucy15, you are definitely my most dedicated reviewer xoxoxo!,Kawaii miku 13, and cherrymelodie for reviewing since I last updated.

So without any further interruptions, here's th e 5th chapter of The God Kira

Chapter 5: Emotions

In the morning, Kira found himself in Misa's apartment sitting on a couch next to the blond model and facing Light and Ryuzaki.

'This is awkward,' he thought. It was supposed to be a date between Misa and Light, but with Ryuzaki chained and Kira being bound to the other three, the couple ended up being a group. Only Ryuzaki was really enjoying the whole event, probably because of the cakes Watari provided, though Kira too found the whole occasion highly amusing.

"This doesn't feel at all like a real date…" Misa whined.

'Probably because it isn't one,' Kira thought almost rolling his eyes. Misa was deluding herself if she could have a normal love life dating the prime Kira suspect and being the prime 2nd Kira suspect.

"Misa-san and Light-kun may proceed with their date as if I am not here." He looked extremely bored with the whole occurrence and only became interested when he was asking for more cake.

"Is Misa-san going to eat her cake?"

Misa looked disgusted as she looked down at the sugar filled confection. "Misa-Misa is careful about what she eats because sweets are high on fat."

"I find that using my head uses a lot of energy which lowers down the probably of being fat to almost 0%." Ryuzaki was leaning forward as if getting ready to pounce on the untouched cake in front of him. He also had his fork in his mouth so he could savour the tiny bits of his cake which were stuck on it. This all reinforced the fact that the detective was absolutely obsessed with sweets.

"Ryuzaki's making fun of me again, isn't he?" the model muttered angrily.

'Huh, I don't remember her catching onto Ryuzaki's hidden insult.' Kira was taken back by the blonde's show of intelligence. 'If only she didn't act and dress as a child, people would probably take her more seriously.'

While in his thoughts Kira hadn't noticed the conversation move from the date to Ryuzaki's emotional state.

"Light-kun is correct. I currently do not have any motivation. I am actually depressed."

"Depressed?" Light looked at the older man in disbelief.

"It's because I thought that Light-kun was Kira, and it is shocking that the theory is incorrect. No, it has not yet proven to be incorrect; I still suspect Light-kun to be Kira, that's why we have the handcuffs on." Ryuzaki explained raising his hand with the cuffs on it.

"However, Kira is able to control other people's actions so, Kira controlled Light-kun and Misa-san in a way that I would suspect them. If I think that way then everything would make more sense, but I would still be loss as to why they remain alive."

'…Looks like there's going to be a bit of a scuffle,' Kira thought as he saw Light's temper stretching to its limits. He knew that Ryuzaki was aware of it as well but it didn't seem as if the older man was going to do anything to calm him down, if anything he was only going to aggravate the teen even more. 'I believe that this is going to be the first time Light and Ryuzaki fight…' Kira thought as Ryuzaki began to talk again.

"Furthermore, this next assumption is also possible: Kira's power passes on from person to person. With the appearance of Kira-san, a being that we have never encountered before, it increases the probability that we are dealing with a power that we also have never seen before. I am at a loss at what to do."

The conversation continued until Kira's prediction came true. The sound of a knuckle hitting a cheekbone sang in the room signalling the start of a fight. Beside him, Kira heard Misa scream in surprise which was soon followed by the crash of both Ryuzaki and Light, the latter being dragged down because of the handcuffs. The table had been upturned because of Ryuzaki and Light's scrap making the cakes fall onto the floor.

Seeing that Misa was going to step back in horror Kira quickly grabbed her to stop her from stepping on a fallen cake. "Come on, let's move to the side and let the two kids figure out who's got more testosterone."

Misa looked down at the hand on her forearm surprised to find out that Kira could actually touch humans and then looked at the other two occupants in the room who still hadn't finished letting out some steam. Realizing that she might be hit this time she quickly nodded. "Arigato Kira-san." The blond let the nobody lead her to the other corner of the room where she would definitely be safe.

Just as the two of them got to the safe corner they heard another crash caused by Ryuzaki and Light crashing into a couch and causing it to flip on its back. Misa started to get really upset at the sight of her boyfriend being hurt and she grabbed onto Kira's sweater to steady herself.

"Ryuzaki…" Light spat out, clearly quite angry at Ryuzaki's words. "It sounds as if you won't be happy unless I am Kira."

"Not happy unless Light-kun is Kira? Yes, that might be true… it's as if… I want Light-kun to be Kira."

That was not the right thing to say that incited Light to Ryuzaki once again, right in the face. This time, however, the older man was expecting it and he used the momentum from Light's punch to spin and kick the teen across the room, only to be dragged with him again.

All the while Misa continued to get more and more upset and now she was almost sobbing into Kira's sweater. The nobody could feel his sweater becoming damp and decided that he would step in soon just to stop the blond from ruining his only clothes.

Just as he was about to speak up to stop the fight from continuing, the phone in the room rang. Ryuzaki and Light froze just as they were about to hit each other again and Ryuzaki walked in his weird way towards the phone and picked it up using only his thumb and pointer finger.

"Yes?... What is it?... I see…" That was the only thing the detective said to whoever called before hanging up.

"What's up?" Light asked, now much calmer than a few moments ago.

"Just Matsuda being an idiot again."

"Ahh… that is what he's good at."

Having re-established their cordial relationship the two proceeded towards the elevator totally forgetting about Misa and Kira who watched them perplexed at the sudden change in atmosphere. The ding and then clank as the elevator arrived and then left brought the nobody out of his stupor.

"… Did I really leave behind a distressed woman by herself to clean up the mess that I had helped to create?" Kira muttered to himself both in shock and in anger. He would have expected this sort of behaviour from Ryuzaki, being the hermit that he is, but definitely from the upholding model citizen that Light was.

"Let's get you cleaned up Misa-san," the nobody said to the model who not crying any longer but still had slightly red eyes from when she did.

"Call me Misa-Misa!" she said semi-cheerfully returning to her normal bubbly self.

Kira gave a small smile as he led her towards the bathroom so she could make herself presentable again.

"Do you want a change of clothes Misa?" He couldn't bring himself to call her Misa-Misa because it was just too… not him.

The blond shook her head before turning on the faucet to wash her face.

"Very well, I'll just start putting things back in their place then." Kira closed the door to the bathroom to give her a sense of privacy even though he knew that there were cameras watching her every move. He then turned around to see the mess and surprisingly he also saw Watari beginning to clean up the mess.

The nobody sighed a bit disappointed. He hoped that Light and Ryuzaki had come back up to help clean up but he also realized that it was very unlikely to happen.

Resigning himself to the task at hand he and Watari placed the furniture back to their original positions and cleaned up the spoiled food as well as broken plates. It didn't take very long and by the time Misa had finished in the washroom they had also finished cleaning up. She had probably started crying again when she was alone in the washroom because of how long it had taken her, but now the only traces of her previous state were the light puffiness of her eyes.

"Arigato Kira-kun, Watari-san for putting Misa-Misa's place back together. Misa-Misa is very grateful." She bounced over to give both of them a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"You are very welcome Misa." The elder man replied. He then turned to look at the nobody and addressed him. "I saw the entire thing on the video feed and I must say that I was surprised to see that you have impeccable manners. You also stayed to help when you could have followed Light and Ryuzaki when the left and that only reinforced the idea that you are not a bad person."

Kira resisted the urge to scoff. Instead he nodded towards the man and said "Thank-you, and I appreciate you're help in the clean up."

'Even if you subtly insulted me by implying that you thought I didn't have manners and was a bad person, the help was still appreciated.' Kira mentally rolled his eyes. Oh well, he couldn't have expected anymore from the caretaker of Ryuzaki: one of the most wanted men in the world because of his status as the World's Three Greatest Detectives.

Watari bowed slightly before excusing himself from the apartment leaving Kira alone with Misa once again.

"So… do you want to share why you were so upset?" Kira didn't know what prompted him to say that but it was already out in the open so there was no point retracting his question.

"Kira-kun is a lot like Misa's Light. He knows what Misa is feeling but he doesn't manipulate it like Light-kun does."

The nobody had to blink at that statement. Did he hear that correctly? Misa knew that Light uses her for his own gain?

"Misa doesn't mind though, Misa loves her Light."

This was even stranger. She not only knew that Light manipulated her, but she was okay with it. There was something not right with the girl. Still, Kira couldn't help but feel guilty because of what his human counterpart had done… will do to the blond. Hopefully with him here, Misa's life will be better.

"That still doesn't answer my question."

"Eh? What was Kira-kun's question again?" Misa spoke with dazed eyes trying to remember what Kira had asked.

Kira could not help but to palm his forehead. Just when he thought that Misa had changed to act more intelligent she reverts back to the dumb blond act again.

"Never mind Misa." He didn't really want to know in the first place. He only really asked to break the silence in the first place.

"Great! So Kira-kun can help Misa paint her nails and in return she'll paint his as well."

The blond proceeded to drag the nobody towards the bedroom where presumably all of her nail polish was located.

If Kira really wanted to he could have easily broken Misa's grip but decided against it. 'Why not? It's not as if she's giving me a make-over and besides, it will probably be more entertaining than watching the others research on their computers for the rest of the day. Hmm... as long as it fits my outfit it should be fine.'

Just like that the two bonded over a fight and some nail polish quickly becoming friends.

Kira is the darker half of Yagami Light's split soul.

When Ryuzaki and Light entered the investigation room they were immediately met with the older members of the task force.

"How was your date Light-kun?" Matsuda asked to be polite.

"You know how it went Matsuda-san; you were watching it on the video feed." Light and Ryuzaki sat at their workstations and began looking for any update on Kira's movements.

"Ahh, yes," Matsuda rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"Light…" came Soichiro's voice. "I am disappointed in you."

Said teen looked up, startled at his father's address. He couldn't think of any reason for his father to be upset other than the fight – it couldn't be the way he talked about Matsuda because he did that often.

"Father, you cannot fault me for reacting the way I did. I will not stand by while Ryuzaki accuses me of being Kira with no proof."

Soichiro shook his head earning him a confused look from his son. "That's not what I'm referring to Light. I'm talking about how you just left Misa's apartment without a word of apology after practically destroying the place! I know you have said before that your relationship with Misa is one-sided but you still have to behave appropriately."

Light looked properly chastised. He was about to apologize to his father when he was cut off by Ryuzaki.

"It is no problem Yagami-san. Watari will take care of it."

This wasn't the correct response because after the great detective spoke, Yagami Soichiro went into full blown father mode.

"Don't go passing on your responsibilities to Watari, Ryuzaki! While I know that you have exactly been raised in the usual environment it doesn't mean that it's okay for you not to have manners, especially since you have had Watari as an adult figure in your life. Misa is a young woman and you made her cry because of your fighting. You both owe her an apology!" the police chief finished to make sure that Light knew he was not off the hook.

Ryuzaki was wide-eyed – he had never been scolded before. Watari had let him get away with almost everything because he always had a logical reason for doing everything. This feeling… guilt? embarrassment? whatever it was, it was all new to him.

The famous detective looked to his side to see that Light also looked more sombre.

"I didn't mean to forget myself father, and I'm sorry that I did. I will make sure to apologize and make it up to Misa."

The teen glanced at Ryuzaki motioning that it was not his turn to say something. But what was he supposed to say?

"I will also apologize and I will make it up to Misa-san by allowing her and Light-kun to have a date outside when I deem it safe."

Why did he go and say that? He was going to risk getting photographed outside to make it up to a model he didn't even like? This is why he stuck to being blunt and not caring about the consequences. Manners caused problems he preferred not to have.

Despite his mental complaint, Ryuzaki felt better when he said it, though he didn't know why, and felt even better when he saw the chief's expression softening and even giving a smile.

Ryuzaki figured that since he would no longer be distracted by the weird feeling in his stomach it made up a little bit for the fact that he had to go on a date outside with Light and Misa because now he could concentrate on the work at hand. It had nothing to do with the fact that he liked getting a sign of approval from the older man, nothing at all!

Later that day Light and Ryuzaki both apologized to Misa who accepted it immediately and also squealed at the news of going on a date outside.

"The date has to be at the park! Misa and Light will have a picnic and have a romantic walk around the park. It will be perfect! Thank-you so much Ryuzaki!"

When the two went back downstairs and were received by another one of Soichiro's approving stares, Ryuzaki couldn't help but feel even better with his decision, even if it would be an unnecessary danger.

Nobodies adore Kira as their God and caring Father

A/N: Phew, another chapter done! I really liked how it ended though it wasn't what I had originally planned out to happen.

By the way if anyone's interested I made a wallpaper/banner sort of thing on my homepage which is on my profile page or just remove the space before and after the periods from jourinsignal . tumblr . com

One of my reviewers pointed out that having Kira there is a bit confusing because of Kira case (I appreciate you telling me – I realize that it is quite confusing) so I'll be calling Kira by a nickname in later chapters. He'll still be called Kira by his visiting subects but other than that I plan to call him Kay, because I am extremely unoriginal with names. If you have any ideas please feel free to share otherwise I'll be stuck with calling Kira, Kay.

Until next week... hopefully XD Stupid IB exams .

Love you all!