A/N: I was wondering about the times of The Five … Mainly about the time when they used the Source Blood and how Nikola bacame a Vampire. When I heard Nikola pronouncing the word 'Akkharu' in Animus, I KNEW it will be the name of my story. And at the time I didn't even know what the story would be like, I just knew the name.

So, this is my version of this time before the Sanctuary even dreamed about itself.

It should be a two-chapter story (at least I hope) … And sadly, I don't know how long it'll take me to write another chapter … But I just HAD to upload it ! XD

I'd love to thank Sammie and Cissa for helping me with this. Guys, you're absolutely wonderful … ! I don't know where are you getting this patience with my awful writing, but I'm glad you have it. I owe you for this one !

Well ... Rating could change to M, because I think it'll maybe get something ... Nasty in next chapter xD

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. If I did, you'd be surprised. Well... Everybody is telling me I'm invisible … So maybe you wouldn't be too surprised, after all (:

Now, enjoy !


...The Blood Deamon...

Winter of 1886, Hartlepool, North East England

"Open the door, Nikola!" Helen screamed.

She was standing behind his door for a half an hour. He was the most stubborn man she ever has the pleasure to meet. He locked himself in that blasted room and didn't come out for five days.

She was worrying about him.

It was two weeks since they've injected themselves with the Source Blood. Two weeks, and she was so much afraid of what had happened to him.

He kept his distance from them, didn't go out from the room for breakfast, for lunch, not even for a dinner. He didn't eat. He couldn't.

And she knew that.

He was locking himself because of fear, that he could hurt them.

Hurt her.

James was away for some time now. He wanted to learn everything he could think of, and because they were far away from London, he wanted to get back and spend some time in Royal Library.

John has been gone too, his joy over his teleportation ability was giving him that powerful feeling of freedom. From all she knew, he was somewhere in Africa on hunt. Hunting animals just for some feel of delight. Something she could never possibly understand.

Nigel stayed with her and Nikola for a while, but it was almost one week since he left too.

That left her with Nikola.

She was almost crying with desperate anxiety. He was hurting. She needed him for telling her, what was wrong.

They've found that he was becoming a Vampire. And that he needed to feed on blood. But he was so stubborn, so adamant. He always was. And she didn't know how much. Until now.

Helen hit the door again. She was furious. She was almost trembling with that incredible wrath inside her.

"Nikola!" she fought back her tears.

"Please! Nikola, please, open..." She couldn't fight it anymore. She just slided down onto the floor, where she sat with her back against the door. She was trembling with sobs.

She wanted to help him. And he was just sitting there, in that damned room, while she was crying behind his door.

At last, the door opened.

Nikola laid his eyes on the sobbing woman. His heart was hurting when he saw her. He has never wanted to bring Helen to tears.

He just stared on her shaking form, her luxurious skirt spilled on the carpeted floor. She didn't noticed him, till he laid his hand on her shoulder.

"Helen," he whispered. "Don't cry. Please, don't. But I need you to go away."

She raised her head, looking straight into his eyes. He saw her sadness, her grief.

"Why are you doing this?" she sobbed. "Why are you locking yourself from me?"

"Oh Helen," his voice was filled with suppressed tension. "It's not like that. Not at all. But I could hurt you. And I would never ever forgive myself such thing."

He turned around and walked back to his room. But he didn't locked the door.

Helen sat there for a long minutes, then she wiped out her tears and get up.

She was standing there on the threshold, looking at his darkened form. When he didn't looked back at her, Helen closed the gap between them.

"Nikola," she gently whispered. "You don't need to do this alone."

"Helen... I..." he didn't find the words, so he just kept staring from the window on the falling snowflakes.

"Just go. Please, leave me alone. Don't return. I could harm you."

She stood where she was.

Helen wanted to help him. She wanted to help him so desperately. She approached him and laid her hand on his shoulder.

"GO!" he almost shouted.

Helen turned around, walked out of the door and let her tears falling.

Helen was sitting in her bedroom. She was desperate. She needed time for developing a proper treatment for Nikola, and this would be useless if he'd died of starvation.

She has decided what to do.

Helen stood up, only in her night gown, raced through darkened coridors of her father's vacation house to the rooms of the only man, who stayed here.

His doors was closed, but she saw little sparks of candle lights on the carpet.

She just stood there for a while, trying to catch her lost breath.

When Helen found her composure, she pulled the handle of his doors.

She was looking inside of devastated room. That room was cluttered up with books, lying almost everywhere, spilled papers covering most of the room's floor.

Nikola was staying where she left him, she just couldn't recall that mess.

He must has been really angry, when he was handling his precious books like that.

She walked all the way to him, trying to elude all things strewed on the floor.

Helen hesitated a little, then she gently laid her arm on his back.

Nikola gave out sound of utter surprise, startled violently and turned around so quickly she didn't even managed to blink.

She saw his dark black eyes once before, but this time she almost squeaked in awe. Helen hurriedly secured herself against that sudden fear.

This was Nikola, for heaven's sake!

He managed to reagain his human form again, and looked down at her with anger.

Altought he didn't miss the fact of her barefoot, and so unappropriete manner of clothing.

"I've told you before," he growled. "You should stay away from me. But it seems I've underestimated your stubbornness."

"You did indeed," was her whispered answer.

Helen smiled at him. She placed her hand on his cheek and run her thumb over his trouble-faced expression.

"You don't need to do this alone," she whimpered. "I'm here for you."

"I know!" Nikola hissed through his tightly pressed teeth. "Get out!"

In this precise moment, Helen lost her temper.

"I need more time for the development of your treatment!" she shouted back, shivering with a suppressed rage. Nikola took an instinctive step back. He never saw her as angry as she had been now.

Certainly not with him.

"And... And you throw away two weeks of my hard work, and because of what? Because you want to starve to death? That won't happen, Nikola! Because I won't let it happen!"

He was staring at her with the most surprised look, she ever saw on his handsome face.

Helen was like a fire.

She was exhausted, as she was working on the best way to put an end to his hunger. Was he so blind to see it?

She looked him straight in the eyes and slapped him right on the cheek. She saw her fingers burned on his pale face, and his eyes darkened for a second.

Nikola took one step forwards, quickly clasped her hips and roughly pull her to him. She blinked in surprise.

"You won't let it happen?" he asked with stygian voice.

Helen looked up at him, and lightly nodded in response.

"I won't."

Helen was staring up at Nikola's darkened eyes. It felt like looking straight into flames of the hell. That darkness was everywhere, burning it's way into her soul. Straggly emotions were reflecting inside those cold, steel-blue eyes, she couldn't sort them away.

Hunger...? Anger...? Need...? Passion...?

Wait a minute... Need?


He was almost shaking, while he was trying to strangle that need inside him. That hunger, it was eating him inside. He felt her pulse quickening, her breathing was shallow.

Helen's hands were trembling, when she raised them and tried to uncord her silken twines around her neck.

His hands went up quickly and grabbed her wrists in clamp hold.

"What-do-you-think-you-are-doing?" he snapped through his tightly closed mouth.

Helen didn't answer.

She wrestled her hands from his grip, flashes of anger inside her eyes. Helen stood there, looking into the depths of his hunted eyes and again her hands went to her twines.

She slowly uncorded them, and let the gorget of her night gown fall to her shoulders.

She never let go of his eyes. Now she could sense the great amount of his self-control he had to exert.

Helen could see everything in his eyes now.

His love. His pain. His torment. His fear. His passion.

His hunger.

"Do it," she begged in a small voice.

"Do it, please."

He let out a tortured groan and lowered his mouth to hers.

Nikola kissed her gently, then his kisses went from hers mouth to left cheek... To hers jaw...

Hers neck...

And there he was.

That place, he craved for. The place, where hers life was running underneath his lips.

Nikola managed to control himself once more. He placed little kiss on her neck once again, and looked into Helen's eyes.

"Niko-" she tried to say, but he laid his finger on her lips.

"No, Helen. Listen to me," he whispered.

Helen was confused. He needed her. He needed to feed on her blood and he stood there with her in thight embrace and he wanted to chat?

"I need you to listen, do you understand?" Nikola asked, seeing the confusion in her eyes.

She just nodded.

"I don't know if I could control myself, when... When... Bloody hell!" he growled. "I can't even pronounce it. Great Nikola Tesla at the loss of words, you see that irony? When I taste you. So I need YOU to stop me, yes?" Nikola laid great importance on the last sentence.

Helen, who was looking in his pained face, smiled a little.

"I know."

"When you see the darkness spreading, you have to stop me. You will have real problems with your movements, because of the loss of your blood, but you have to. I could kill you unwillingly. And I could never forgive it to myself."

Helen smiled again.

"You don't have to tell the doctor, what happens with a body when it loses most of its blood," she whispered. "I know what will happen to me and I accept it. Because I have to help you."

He picked her up in his arms and walked to the bed. Nikola was certain that it was better, than standing in the middle of that mess in his room.

He settled himself down, and laid his back against bed-head. Helen was in his lap and he hold her tight.

She shifted her hands, encircled one around his neck and the other bestowed on his arm. Nikola traced his fingers over her cheek, quickly pushing back her long, delicate curls.

Helen was smiling at him encouragingly. She was trembling, and she couldn't tell if it was just because of the exepectation of great pain, or because of his touch.

He was so gentle, so caring. Helen never experienced such tenderness, such delicacy. With anybody. Not even John could be that gentle.

She gasped at sudden realization.

Nikola was in love with her. He loved her more than any other man in her surroundings.

Helen's gasp startled him.

She had to be afraid of him... And now she'll end it right here and now, leave this room, probably never coming back to him again. He'll never see her again.

These thoughts sent piercing pain into his heart and almost ripped his soul.

Helen saw abrupt change in Nikola's face and quickly laid her palm on his cheek in reassurance.

"I am fine, Nikola. I didn't change my mind," she whispered quietly.

Nikola couldn't believe his ears. Helen was willingly risking her life, and just because of him? She knew what kind of monster he'd bacame.

And she was still there, in his arms, waiting for blinding pain he'll evoke to her.

Helen nodded to his questioning eyes.

She knew.

Nikola lowered his lips down to hers again, placing loving kiss on her soft, hot lips. Again he traced her skin with kisses down to her ear, where he stopped.

"I beg you for your forgiveness, privlačan," he breathed into Helen's ear.

Then he brought his lips to her neck, where he kissed her once more.

Nikola inhaled the sweet, deep and somehow dark scent of the woman he loved with his whole heart, soul and body. He could smell oleoresin, roses and briar.

At this precise moment, his nose picked up one more scent beyond.

Smell of her blood.

Transcendental coppery palate. Ablazing, tropical, passionate and luscious flavour. And so much more.

So sweet, so tempting.

Nikola licked her delicious skin, tasting her.

Helen felt her heart thumping almost achingly in her chest. She increased her grip on him, bringing him so close to her, as she could.

She was scared.

But in the same time she was incredibly enjoying his proximity.

And in that exact moment, overwhelmed with her scent, he knew he couldn't resist any longer.

Nikola tantalazingly slowly unsheated his teeth and buried them deep into her porcelain skin.

...:::Наставиће се:::...

A/N: So, this is the end of the first chapter.

'Privlačan' means 'charming' in Serbian.

'Наставиће се' means 'To be continued' … Zaboga, I hate these three words ! But in Serbian … It doesn't appear as wrong as it should be xD

I hope you liked it! Lemme know whatcha think …

~ Evi (: