"Stop right there!" You yelled as you jumped in front of a NegaMonster. You grimaced in disgust and turned toward Luna, "Is it just me or are they getting uglier?" Luna snickered and scolded you, "You need to take this more seriously Sailor Moon!"

"Yeah, Sailor Moon!" Mars Exclaimed and stuck her tongue out at you. The other scouts stood there dumbstruck. Mercury, being the only Scout still paying attention said, "Look out! He's still coming!" Everyone jumped out of the way. As a mist started to form around everyone, "Mercury bubbles blast!"

An orange rope shot out and hooked around the monsters right arm, holding it in place. "Nice aiming Tex." Jupiter teased Venus and winked. Venus laughed and held on, "Why thank you."

Jupiter ran up behind the monster and started throwing an array of punches and kicks, tiring it out. After a good few minutes she sidestepped an attack and called forth the power of Jupiter, "Jupiter Supreme Thunder!" A bolt of lightning came from the sky, and struck the monster in a KO hit. The monster laid on the ground, twitching and smoking.

You pulled out your scepter, "Now it's my turn!" The monster started to get up, glared in your direction and started to charge. "Moon Healing…"

A dark shadowy figure ran out from the shadows yelling, "Nooooo!"

"…Escalation!" The monster cried out in agony and vanished. "Ha-ha! Another one moon dusted!"

The girls all laughed together as the figure stopped between them, and the pile of dust that was the monster. "You want a piece of us, eh?" Jupiter said smugly.

The man stood defiantly, "You'll regret this…." He disappeared and reappeared behind Jupiter knocking her out instantly. She slumped to the ground, and he disappeared again. "Jupiter!" The girls cried out, and joined her, forming a circle of protection around her.

Mercury put a finger to her earring, and pulled out her minicomputer and glasses, punched in a few keys and waited the results. "This doesn't look good guys. I can't get a firm reading on him!"

The ground started to shake, the girls started to get scared, as they waited for what was to come. "…Do you feel that power?" You said quietly.

The other girls nodded grimly. Venus spoke up first, "I don't like this… not one bit."

The street lights around them started to shatter, and they were covered almost completely in darkness. You started to get whiney, "I don't like the dark!"

The next few seconds seemed to feel like an eternity, as they waited for the man to make his next move. Everyone stood protectively around Jupiter, waiting. The only sounds that really could be heard were the sound of the wind blowing through the trees, and heavy breathing.

An ominous laughter is heard, echoing around them, making your blood run cold. You started shaking, "Guuuuuys…"

Venus turned to you, "It's alright Moony, we'll pro-"She fell to the ground unconscious.

Mercury gasped in astonishment, "He's too fast!" Her computer glasses, already at work trying to pin point his location.

"What do you want with us?" Mars yelled out in fury.

The laughter started up again, "It's not you I'm after…" A gasp, and Mercury was being held up in front of Mars and you.

"Let her go you Negatrash!" Mars yelled. She put her hands together, "Mars Celestial…"

The man threw Mercury into a brick wall, knocking her unconscious. Time seemed to go in slow motion after that.

You knew at that very moment that something was seriously wrong with this situation. "This man is too strong. There's something different with him… Something we've never before encountered."

"Fire…" Mars continued with her attack, as the man just stood there with an evil sick twisted grin on his face.

"I don't understand…" You clenched your eyes shut, your body shaking in fury, "This never… never would've happened. I don't want to fight anymore… I can't if this is what's going to happen each time my friends try to protect me." A low growl emanated from your throat.

"…Surround!" Your eyes snapped open, as you watched the attack surround your new foe, the fire grew a little bit, and smoke was filling the area. "Ha ha ha! Direct hit!" Mars exclaimed mockingly, "Don't fight with fire 'cause you're gonna get bu- " Mars eyes widened in shock.

The man stood in front of them unscathed, and it seemed almost as if the fire were afraid of him. Mars sunk to her knees in disbelief as the man started toward her.

"Mars! Mars snap out of it, please!" you shouted. She wouldn't move, almost as if she were in a catatonic state of shock. "Mars!" Out of desperation you grab your tiara and started running toward the man from behind, "Moon tiara…" You threw it quickly, "Magic!"

All in one motion, he stopped, turned, and grabbed the tiara out of the air. You stopped dead in your tracks, "…Who are you?"

"I am someone you never should've messed with!"

You yelled back, "How did we mess with you? I've never even met you before!"

He pointed to the remains of the monster you destroyed earlier, "That was my best friend."

"That thing had friends?" You said without thinking.

The man sneered, charged toward you, throwing a few daggers. You dodged each gracefully, but didn't have time to evade his tornado kick (cool kick – look it up). He kicked you up into the air, as he followed through with a flash kick to the gut. You hit the ground hard enough to create a mini crater.

The man landed on the ground and laughed, "Weak." He started toward Mars again.

"…We're not…" you coughed up some blood, and staggered to your feet, "We're not done yet." "Mars please snap out of it… I need you!"

He gathered some sort of energy ball and threw it over his shoulder to Mars. "Mars!" She snapped out of it, as she felt the energy get closer, and she dodged, but not quick enough. She hit a curb, and moaned in pain.

"Mars… Mars are you ok? Please answer me! Mars?" You started to worry now. Your scouts can't fight, and you're barely able to stand on your own two feet.

He started heading toward you again, winked and said, "Since you want some more, I may as well oblige you. Can't leave a lady wanting, now can I?"

You tried to take a step back but stumbled, nearly falling over. You look around yourself, taking in all the damage that this one man had caused, "I can't win… Is this… the end?"