Title: Voicemail Heartbreak.
Genre: Angst.
Rating: T.
Summary: One-shots of angst.
o1. & she saves his voicemail so whenever she's lonely she can hear his voice.
Collapsed on her knees, she clawed at her chest. Repeated stabbings thrusted into her heart and she choked back her screams only to swallow her own tears.
She rocked back and forth, trying to ignore the pain that racked her to the very core. But no amount of distractions could gain her attention. Sometimes the pain was all too much.
She frantically flung herself to her bed, grasping for her little black phone and punching the keys on gasping breaths.
The voice — oh, god that voice — spoke throughout the cold and empty room.
She was still in pain, but she wasn't screaming now. Slow, soft whimpers escaped her lips as she bit her tongue. All she needed was to hear his voice and the pain wouldn't be as bad.
Then the message was over, and a shard of her heart stabbed against her chest as if on cue — and the pain was back and she as screaming again.
When she saw him, she would smile. But even seeing him, the pain was still inside of her. Ravaging her fragile little body, eating her from the inside.
There was no cure, she figured.
And that, she supposed, was okay. Because if she had to sacrifice herself for his happiness — she would.
"Hn. What are you doing here, Sakura?" Sasuke asked her. He was surprised, but he would never show it.
She faked that smile — oh so beautiful, amazingly fake smile — and gave a just-as-fake laugh because laughter was the best medicine. Or was that the best cover up?
"Hello Sasuke! I'm just picking up some things for my mother." She lied cheerfully. "What are you doing here?"
"Hn. Nothing." And he walked away.
Her fake smile dropped, and she slipped into the small, dark apartment she lived alone in. Nobody knew her mother was dead.
Collapsed on her knees, she clawed at her chest. Repeated stabbings thrusted into her heart and she choked back her screams only to swallow her own tears — she repeated her night all over again.