I have been thinking of doing some thing like this for a while so here it is please read and tell me what you think by reviewing! thanks

Vanity Storm

Dear Miss Granger,

Congratulations, you have been chosen as the head girl of Hogwarts. Attached is an acceptance form which you need to fill out and owl to me as soon as possible. Hope you are enjoying your break and we look forward to seeing you on September 1st. As I'm sure you are aware due to you being a prefect there will be a meeting on the train where you will meet your partner and the head you will share dormitories with.

Kind regards

Professor McGonagall

Hermione dropped the letter on the floor eyes wide, bloody hell, I'm head girl. She stifled a scream of happiness and quickly found the acceptance form. She filled it out trying her best to write properly because her hands wouldn't stop shaking. She attached it to the owl's leg and sent it off. Then picking up her letter she ran down stairs into her living room.

"Mum, I got it, I'm head girl!" she yelled jumping up and down. She saw her mother's face break into a proud smile as she said.

"Well done dear, I'm so happy for you." Hermione leant over the couch to hug her mum and kiss her cheek. She then went out to the backyard to find her father. She found him lying in his favourite chair with the day's newspaper over his head. Hermione snuck up on him and when she was right next to his ear she screamed "boo" at the top of her lungs. Her father jumped up yelling and Hermione bent over double cracking up laughing her frizzy hair coming out of the bun she had attempted to put it in.

"Hermione!" her father growled trying to keep a straight face, but he failed and ended up laughing with her.

When they had finally finished their laughing fit her father asked "what did you want to have to come and wake me?" He saw his daughter's eye grow wide and blaze with excitement.

"I got it!" Hermione squealed jumping up and pulling her father into a rib crushing hug.

"Congratulations he checked out hugging his daughter back and smiling.

"I knew you'd do it kiddo!" he winked as she ran back inside. He sighed sitting back down on his favourite chair. He was happy his daughter had gotten it. She was just born a leader. Not that he didn't think there were others who were just as worthy but his daughter…. Well …. His daughter.

Hermione ran back up the stairs and pulled out two sheets of parchment quickly she scribbled one message down on both of them.

I got it!

I'm head girl!

Love Hermione

The second one she added a few extra lines

Say hi to Ginny for me!

Then she quickly sealed the letters and wrote Harry's name on the first and Ron's on the second. Then she quickly rushed back down stairs informed her mother she was going to post some letters and began walking down the street to the post office. Mrs White worked at the post office, she was a squib. Hermione gave the letters to Mrs. White and asked her to owl post them. Mrs White nodded and noticing Hermione's gleeful smile she asked "some good news dear?"

"Yes! I got head girl!" Hermione answered quickly.

"Well done, I'm sure you'll fit the bill perfectly."

"Thanks "Hermione called over her shoulder as she left.

A couple of weeks later Hermione awoke to the sound of her alarm. Jumping out of bed Hermione quickly got dressed and ran down the corridor to the bathroom. She ran a bush through her hair attempting to tame it but in her unfruitful attempt she ended up placing it in a headband. She went back to her room and pulled her trunk from beneath her bed. Everything had been pack weeks before but she just wanted to double check she hadn't left anything out. Once she had repacked it for the second time, deciding she didn't have enough books for the term, Hermione lugged it down stairs and into the hall. She then went into the kitchen to fix herself breakfast.

A few hours later the Grangers where in their car heading towards kings cross station. They went through the barrier for nine and three quarters and there the two adults said good bye to their daughter as she went to go and find the carriage that would house her friends.

Hermione trailed the train corridor till she came to a compartment, from inside she could hear harry and Ron's voices. She pulled the door open beaming, her smile soon fell when she saw that once again her two best friends where fighting over chocolate frogs. She rolled her eyes and cleared her throat.

"Seriously you have been doing this for the last six years when are you two going to stop?"

"Never" the two boys yelled and then Ron lunged again to grab the chocolate frog out of Harry's hand. Harry pulled back. "No fair you've had 21 already I've only had 20!" Ron yelled making one last attempt at snatching it but he ended up falling off the seat and onto the floor.

"To bad, bad luck, you suck." Harry said poking out his tongue at the red head sprawled on the floor. "Think again mate" Hermione said as she tackled harry to the floor and stole the chocolate frog from his grasp she then quickly popped it into her mouth and chewed. "Hmm that's the first chocolate I've had since last week." She said hopping up off the ground and sitting in one of the chairs. Harry and Ron both got up off the floor and eyed Hermione evilly.

She smiled cheekily at them "what! I never had any." She said innocently.

"Fine!" Harry and Ron both said sitting down still glaring at her.

"I'm going to have to go soon." Hermione sighed looking at her watch.

Harry and Ron both looked at her confused. Bu then they noticed the gleaming badge pinned to Hermione's collar.

"congratulations." Both boys yelled at her.

"I totally forgot sorry." Ron said bitting his lip

"Yeah... it um slipped my mind …to" harry stutted.

"Don't worry." Hermione said getting up "well wish me luck!" she then exited the compartment and went to the prefect's carriage.

She sat down at one of the seats and waited. A few minutes later the door slid open the reveal a tall blonde haired male.

"Malfoy, get out of the prefect's carriage right now you have…" Hermione trailed off as Malfoy held up his hand in protest.

"Not so fast Granger. I have my Badge right here as proof." He said coolly as he held the shinny badge up for her to see.

heheheh well there we go one chapter down sorry for any spelling mistakes and stuff and it may be a bit of a while to wait for updates

review please! :)

hehe alyss: hehe you like what i made harry say! bring back any memorys! hehehe :)