I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia. Please Review and Thank You. In this FanFic it is Colony America meaning he is a child. Colony Canada is in this chapter.

Want Some Bunny Stew

By waterrain

"So you are my brother and stuff." America said cheerfully and he was holding his bunny that he named 'Hero'. "Here is Hero my heroic bunny."

Canada silently nodded, he thought he was being given the bunny, and his stomach was growling slightly for he was hungry. So Canada stabbed the bunny and he was about to broke its neck, but then America cried and grabbed the bunny.

"I will not ever forgive you, Canada!" America sobbed loudly, tears falling down his flushed cheeks, and he held the bunny close to him. Canada's eyes were wide and he wondered why America was so upset.

"I hope that no one notices you when you become an adult! I hope that no one knows your name when you become an adult! I hope you will be mistaken as someone else when you become an adult!" America cried as he held his bunny and could feel a small heart beat.

"I will save you Hero." America whispered softly, his eyes were puffy, and then he yelled out angrily to Canada. "I just wanted you to feel how soft and fluffy the bunny was you bastard! I didn't think you stab him! What do you have against fluffy and cute animals! Hero is my Best Friend!"

America picked up the foul language from England and he had unknowingly cursed Canada to be basically invisible to everyone along with hardly ever being heard.

"I was just feeling hungry." Canada muttered softly, a few tears slipped down his cheeks, and he looked at the blood on his hands. "No Bunny Stew tonight."

America managed to save his bunny and he washed up. England noticed that America's eyes were puffy, he felt worried, and he picked up his colony.

"What is wrong, love? Did something happen?" England asked gently and he heard a sniffle from the blue eyed colony.

"Canada is a bastard." America replied to the older Nation and he looked at his wounded bunny Hero with blue eyes full of tears. "He tried to kill and eat my beloved bunny. Look at poor hero he is hurt."

England hugged America and he glanced at the bunny.

"He'll pull through for he is a hero, right?" England asked calmly, he wiped away America's tears, and smiled faintly. "Besides there are more bunny's in the world."

France was watching the scene and mentally called England 'Stupid English Idiot' for making the comment of 'There are more bunny's in the world' which implied that bunny could be replaced if it didn't make it. France was not shocked that America slipped out of England's arms and grabbed said Nation by the ankles.

"Hero can't ever be replaced!" America said loudly as he spun England around and around before tossing him out of the house.

"France, My bunny can't be replaced." America commented as he held the bunny gently and kissed it on the forehead. "He will make it and become all better too."

"England was being silly." France said to him smoothly and he patted England's colony on the head softly. "He can't help being insensitive and cruel for he is an Englishman."

"Thanks, France. I'm going outside and say sorry to him." America said cheerfully and he walked outside.

"England, I'm sorry about yelling and tossing you. After all you are insensitive and cruel for you are an Englishman." America told him smoothly and he was smiling brightly at the green eyed Nation.

"Did France tell you that I'm insensitive and cruel?" England asked calmly and he received a nod from his colony. "I will be right back, Love. I have a frog to teach a lesson to for spreading lies. I'm not cruel nor am I insensitive."

France figured that America would tell and he decided to run for England would not be pleased at what he had informed the little colony about at all. America took care of his bunny and slowly, but surely the bunny recovered and said bunny discovered hate. The bunny named Hero offically hated Canada for stabbing him. Canada became afraid of all bunny's due to the bunny stabbing him in the arm with a small knife and then hopping away. No one knew about it and Canada avoided bunny's completely.

"I made you Bunny Stew." France said cheerfully to Canada and he was shocked to see that Canada bursted into tears.

"I don't want it, France. I'm frightened of bunny's. I do not want to eat bunny stew." Canada cried out and he didn't hear France muttering 'I have a feeling that America's bunny might have done something to poor Canada. Ever since the whole Canada stabbing the bunny that bunny has not been the same. Of course thankfully England killed that bunny after he saw the bunny writing down the words KILL CANADA.'

"Don't worry this is the Hero Bunny Stew. England killed the bunny when America was outside with the other bunny's." France said bluntly to Canada and he was glared at by the small colony.

"How could you! That bunny was America's best friend!" Canada said loudly and he puffed out his cheeks. "I'm not going to eat him!"

'Okay, No more bunny stew for Canada.' France briefly thought and he sighed to himself.

Please Review and Thank You.