8/28/2015 AN: I will be updating and revising this story. The story will stay the same, but I will be going through and polishing it up a little so it reads better. I will also be finishing this story up, (gasp) after a long hiatus.

If you're still with me from when I first began posting this story, I salute you! You are amazing.

If you are new to this story, welcome! I hope you enjoy all the craziness that shall ensue as you begin to read through my story :)

PS. I'm also writing on wattpad so check me out story/42707500-deals?utm_source=web&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share_info&ref_id=750805 please and thank you :)

AN: I do not own Power Rangers Samurai.

Chapter 1: Genius

"So, Emily are we going to prom or not?" Mia asked with a smile plastered on her face.

She knew as well as I did that we weren't suppose to be around our friends, but this was our senior year prom. How could we not go? She knew that no matter how against sneaking out I was, I would change my mind for this one occasion.

"Yeah, but don't let the others know-"

"Don't let the others know what?" Mike asked walking into the kitchen where Mia and I were making… Actually, I wasn't quite sure what we were making.

Nervously, I bit my lip, trying to come up with a really good lie. Mike wanted to see his friends more than any of us, so I knew he'd understand, and I knew he'd also be completely against it.

Mike knew first-hand the danger that we would put our friends in by going. So I knew that if we told him that we were planning to sneak out, there was no way that he was going to let that happen.

"We're talking about girl stuff Mike. You know like boys," I countered quickly hoping he'd avoid the subject completely after that, but…

He smirked and grabbed an apple from the basket of fruit on the counter, "Really?! So Emily you have a crush on somebody?"


"Yes you do who is it?"

"No one."

"Awe, you can tell me Em."

"I don't like anyone!" I hissed.

Mike raised an eyebrow, "Then why were you telling Mia not to tell anyone?"

I opened my mouth to counter, but what could I say? He'd caught me. There was nothing I could say about Prom and so…

"I can't tell you who it is," I shook my head trying to make the lie as believable as possible, which wasn't hard when I actually did have a crush on someone and I really didn't want to tell Mike about it yet.

Taking a bite of his apple, he leaned on the counter, "Yes you can."

"No, she really can't," Mia said in a sing song voice and I started to feel a little uncomfortable. No one knew that I actually had feelings for Mike, but it still made me nervous when anyone got close to figuring things out.

And Mia made it sound like I couldn't tell Mike because it was him or someone he knew.

"It's someone here?" Mike asked and my eyes went wide, knowing that he was way too close to home. I didn't want him to even know that much. I hadn't even told Mia that I had a crush on him yet.

"Maybe it is, maybe it's not," Mia shrugged. If she knew that I liked him, I knew that she wouldn't be saying the things that she was, but that didn't stop me from wanting to take my hands and clamp them over her mouth to make her stop talking.

"Just drop it Mike," I snapped throwing both of my hands on the counter, taking a stern stance, and staring him down.

He mirrored me, unafraid of how stubborn I was.

"I think it's cute. You know, if you told me I could help you win him over," Mike suggested wriggling his eyebrows. He didn't know that his teasing was making me want to run and hide under a rock. A really really big rock.

"You know if she told you, she'd have to kill you. Now out!" Mia waved her cooking spoon in the air, like this situation wasn't that big of a deal, but I knew that Mike wasn't going to let this go so easily.

"You know I'm going to find out sooner or later," he nodded.

Mia pointed her spoon at him this time, "Why do you even care so much? You jealous?"

"What? Me jealous?"

"Well you are the green ranger for a reason. And it's kinda obvious that you like her," Mia crossed her arms acting like she hadn't just let out a big secret, and I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"He does?" I asked looking to her. I felt like suddenly time had slowed, and even my breathing had stopped for a second or two.

"Psh. Whatever," Mike backed off, but he pointed to me, "I will find out," he said and then finally walked away.

"He does?" I asked again, ignoring Mike's leave.

The Pink ranger smiled, "Of course he does. Why do you think he got so much happier when he thought that your crush was either on him, Kevin and Jayden?"

"Well, maybe one of them has a crush on me and he's trying to be helpful?" I played everything off trying not to be too hopeful.

Going back to stirring the pan of… stuff? on the stove she laughed, "Jayden couldn't care less about girls right now, he's too preoccupied with the whole leader thing. And Kevin… I think he sees you as more of a little sister."

"Hm…" I tried to play everything off with a thoughtful look, but on the inside I was bursting with excitement.

I really wanted Mike to like me, but I still had doubts going on inside my head. I guess that mainly I was just scared that things would get awkward for the team if Mike and I were in a relationship. After all, if he didn't like me, we probably wouldn't be able to fight as well as we usually did together because we would both be afraid of my feelings getting out of hand. If he did like me and things didn't work out, that would make things even worse.

"So… do you think our friends will be excited to see us?" I asked changing the subject, while trying to picture what it would be like. I hadn't seen them all in so long.

Mia laughed, "Is Jayden the red ranger?"

I let myself smile, but I still felt a little weird. The year had gone by so fast, and I had changed so much. I wasn't the same meek, sweat, little Emily I used to be. Everything had changed so drastically that I wasn't even sure I wanted to see my old friends again. Not because I didn't miss them, but because I wanted to remember things the way they were and I didn't want that to change.

"Alright it's ready!" Mia chimed snapping me out of my thoughts about high school.

She held up a spoonful of purple goo, "Do you want the first taste?"

I braced myself because I had never eaten anything like purple goo before.

Lying, like a crazy person, I gave a thumbs up and nodded in approval and then ran to the restroom to try and wash my mouth out with soap. It tasted like… feet and bugs. Which was strange because I'm pretty sure that Mia didn't put any old gym shoes or sweaty socks in the mystery creation… The bugs on the other hand I'm not so sure about.

In the bathroom one hand went to the sink and the other to my tooth brush and paste.

I scrubbed and scrubbed my teeth until my gums felt like they were bleeding, mostly thinking about how awful Mia's cooking had just been. Usually her food was decent, but this was absolutely horrible.

Then finally, as the taste went away, I went back to thinking about prom.

I knew that getting the dressing would be the hardest part since we would have to sneak out while the guys were either asleep or preoccupied with something else. They never let us go on a shopping spree alone unless we were really careful about it. Last time they did, we ended up spending all of our savings and didn't have anything to eat in the dojo, except cereal for a whole two weeks. Needless to say Mia and I were watched like hawks when is came to shopping.

That's when it hit me. Video games. And not just any video games, competitive video games that would keep the guys busy while me and Mia snuck out and in without a single person realizing we were gone.

Putting my toothbrush away I grinned evilly, "Hey guys? Who's the best at Halo?"

I heard them start arguing about it and I knew that they were going to have a face off in order to settle things. I also knew that somehow Kevin would get roped in even though he was horrible at video games and that Mia and I would have to work fast.

So as soon as dinner was over, and we were sure that the guys were completely sucked into their game, we left.

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