Neither Drake nor TJ were there yet so I walked into the class by myself hoping to just get this over as quickly as possible. I got up to Mr. B's desk but he hadn't noticed me as he was still scribbling furiously.
I stood there for another minute before clearing my throat in an attempt to catch his attention. He quickly glanced up and then back at his paper but did a double take to stare at me.
I felt a little uncomfortable with his leering so I cleared my throat once more and began the speech I already had given multiple times that day
"Hi, my names Peyton. I'm new here and in this class…" I trailed off hoping he would take the hint. Thankfully he did and hoped up from his desk before throwing a textbook and workbook at me and signing my slip I was given earlier. He also gave me an assigned seat which surprised me as none of my other teachers had done that.
I ended up with a desk pushed up against the window, and as I took my notebook out I eyed the desk next to me that seemed extremely close to the one I was given. It was only about 5 inches or so away. I looked around and noticed most chairs were like that to, almost in partners. I prayed that maybe he would put one of my brothers there but that seemed highly unlikely so instead I hoped that the person sitting there didn't bother me too much. God clearly wasn't listening.
Quil came bounding into the room looking a little bored as he walked towards his desk. Which was in my direction. In my aisle. Next to me. He happened to glance up at me halfway other here and I swear he looked like he won the lottery. He's been giving me that expression all day. He still had the shit eating grin on his face when he plopped himself down on the chair next to me.
Him slamming down onto the desk didn't help much with its location as his body weight slip the desk over towards me a little more to the point I wasn't able to get out from my seat.
"This is fucking awesome. Mr. B is a real hard ass, makes the class a drag. Now I at least have you to entertain me."
I laughed since it was impossible to be annoyed by Quil. He's just always so damn perky and full of energy. We talked for a few more minutes while more students piled in, along with my brothers. They walked up to the teacher and started talking to him. I could tell TJ was contributing more to the conversation as Drake's eyes started to wonder across the room before landing on Quil and I, the former who was leaned over the bar that connected his desk to his chair still talking to me. The boy had no respect for personal boundaries.
He quirked an eyebrow and looked like he was going to walk over here but thought better of it. By this point the teacher had walked away to get their needed supplies and Drake bumped TJ's shoulder with his own and made a head nod towards myself. Unlike Drake, TJ actually started to walk over towards my desk but before he could move a full foot he was intercepted my Mr. B and given an assigned seat. Thankfully that seat was across the room so he couldn't bother me to much today.
Quil caught my attention "Why do the two new guys look like they want to kill me in my sleep?"
"Ignore them. There just being idiots." I retorted while Quil raised an eyebrow
"You know them?" "Unfortunately. There my brothers."
Quil looked across the room and surveyed them both "I thought you said the guy in my gym class was your brother?"
"You're allowed to have more than one Quil." I retorted
He let out a chuckle "Yeah, but they don't look anything like you."
I panicked but before I found a way to diffuse the situation the teacher had already begun the lesson which I had never been more grateful for.
The lesson had dragged on unbearably long but Quil kept me occupied my drawing little dinosaurs on the paper I was trying to take notes on. Each creature more intricate than the previous.
45 minutes and 6 dinosaurs later the bell had finally rang. Both of us packed our things faster than necessary just wanting to be as far away from Mr. B as possible. Quil was right, he was a hard ass but on top of that a pervert. Mr. B was checking out the girls in the classroom every chance he got.
TJ and Drake walked over to me, glanced at Quil and looked at me expectantly. Might as well just get this over with.
"Quil, these are two of my brothers, TJ and Drake. Guys, this is Quil, one of my friends."
Quil help his hand out to TJ as he was closer and then to Drake.
I thought I was home free until Quil had to open his mouth "It's nice to finally get to meet some of Peyton's family."
Drake looked confused for a moment before responding "Finally? Didn't you just meet today?"
Quil scoffed and through his arm around me, almost cutting of my air supply as he drug me closer to him.
"I am truly offended Peyton, You haven't told your family about me? Peyton and I go way back." He started.
I rolled my eyes "I meet him and a few of his friends a few weeks ago when I went to the beach."
Drake who was eyeing Quil up cut me off "And you didn't think to mention that?"
"Never came up." I tried to cover before continuing "So if we stand here any longer we'll be late." I practically sprinted ahead of them leaving them staring after me still in the classroom.
Paul was leaning against the lockers directly in front of the classroom. He broke into a grin when I walked out and I swiftly grabbed his hand and started pulling him through the crowded hallway still throwing glances behind my shoulder to see if Drake or TJ was around.
Paul gripped my hand a little tighter and looked a little worried "What's the rush Peyton?"
We had by then walked down another hallway so I figured it was safe to stop and I leaned against the lockers with Paul in front of me.
"My brothers were in Mr. B's class with me and they're crazy protective of any guy that gets within ten yards of me. They'd shit bricks if they saw you waiting for me."
Paul's smile faltered a little bit and he looked thoughtful before answering "they're just looking out for you."
I shrugged "Sure. I bet you there still sizing Quil up, thinking if they take him. I sat next to him last period and my brothers found out I knew him before today."
He chuckled at this before looking up the hall and then back down at me "What's your next class?" He questioned
I quickly dug out my schedule from my bag and racked my eyes over the paper
"I have study hall"
I looked up at Paul and his eyes glistened and his grin got impossibly larger. "That's awesome! I have that too. I don't know anyone in there either so I have a table all to myself."
I giggled "Sure you'll be willing to share?"
He looked down at me with a look in his eyes I couldn't pinpoint. "Only with you."
He took me hand and led me down the hall into a room that had the door pulled open with a chair. The room was bigger than expected and only had a few students milling around.
"Since it's not technically a class with grades and all there's not an assigned teacher. Once in a while someone will check in on us. I tend to skip this class a lot."
"Well I'm honored you stayed with me today."
"Since you're here, I'll be showing up a lot more"
I blushed at his statement and tried to hide my face but by the smirk on his face I'm pretty sure he saw.
His table had five seats surrounding it and was in the corner farthest from the entrance.
He pulled out a chair for me and he scooted his chair closer to me "How's La Push treating you so far?"
"It's been okay. Thank god I met you guys or I would have been stir crazy by the end of the day."
"What can I say? I make everything better." He stated while brushing off his shoulder. I rolled my eyes at his antics.
I don't think I've laughed in the last year as much as I laughed in the following hour. When the bell rang signaling the end of the day both of our faces fell as we gathered our books.
We walked into the hall and swarms of people came pouring out of all the classrooms and I was continually shoved around. A guy who was running past me brushed into me and caused me to lose my balance and stumble into the lockers. Paul let out an animalistic sound and shoved the guy with so much force that he fell to the floor.
My mouth dropped open but before I could say anything Paul gently put one hand on my waist and guided me through the halls making sure no one else came near me and shot glares at anyone who got to close for his liking. We finally made it to my locker and he stood off to the side for a minute while I clumsily opened the lock.
I quickly gathered up all my things, not wanting to spend any unnecessary time here among the hordes of teenagers.
As soon as I closed the lock Paul had slipped his hand back into mine and intertwined our fingers as he walked in front of me acting as a kind of shield from everyone.
He whipped his head around at the sound of my voice while still walking and he gave me his full attention.
"I need to go the front office to drop of my slip." He gave me a grin and then turned us down the next hallway which was thankfully less crowded so Paul and I were able to walk side by side.
"So you didn't tell me how you liked Mr. B's class?" Paul said striking up a conversation.
I shrugged my shoulders "He was okay but he kinds gave me the creeps, he kept staring at me."
I wouldn't have noticed if I want still holding his hand but Paul started to shake slightly and his grip on my hand tightened and he stopped in his tracks.
"If that bastard ever comes near you or makes you feel uncomfortable again, tell me." His shaking had gotten worse the longer he spoke.
I took a step toward him and began speaking "Paul, don't worry about it…"
"Peyton, promise me you'll tell me."
"Promise me" He almost pleaded. I looked up at him and nodded his head looking almost relieved and then we continued our walk to the front office.
His shaking had subsided a little but I could still feel what felt like tremors coming from him.
I took my free hand and placed it on his elbow of the arm that held my other hand and placed my cheek on the upper part of his arm since I didn't quite reach his shoulder.
This action caused Paul's tremors to stop and he let out a sign of contentment. He placed his lips on the top of my head as we walked.
I could get used to La Push.
So… Hey guys! Don't hate me! I have no excuse for not updating. I'm just lazy, and have a lot of testing going on right now. But I promised myself I would update more. So please give me one more chance! Thanks for reading guys, it means a lot. REVIEW!