This story is AU. OOC, and AH. Bella is a 17 year old high school student who falls in love with her brother's best friend who turns out to love her back. But when a certain family obligation gets in the way, what will happen to the young couple? Family drama, sex, violence, sarcasm, comedy, surprises and love! =) Reader discretion is advised. A little shout out to Gleemylove. Without her I would never have put on my big girl panties and posted! On with chapter 1.
"Isabella Nycole McCarthy get down here this instant!"
Bella headed downstairs to the kitchen where her mother, Victoria, was.
"What is this?"
Victoria was holding up a beer bottle with half the label torn off. Bella looked at the bottle and then at her mom.
"A beer bottle" a sarcastic tone in her voice.
Her mother's eyes dropped into a glare. "Isabella where did it come from?"
"I don't know."
"That's what I thought. Go get ready for school."
Bella sensed her mother's annoyance and turned to go back upstairs to her room. Bella had just shut her bedroom door when she heard her mother and her brother fighting about the bottle.
Bella was 17 and a junior at Webston High School. She was an A-B student and in all honors classes. Her brother, Emmett, was a different story. He was a year older then her, in his senior year and a partier. Though despite their differences, Bella and Emmett were very close.
"Bells, come on we got stuff to do!" Bella could hear the frustration in Emmett's voice.
"I'll be down in a minute Emmy." Bella was the only one who could call him Emmy and she liked that fact.
"Uhhggg...please hurry." She heard him moan from the bottom of the staircase.
Bella grabbed her notebook and purse, took one last scope around her room and headed down the stairs.
"I'm ready Emmy" Bella smiled at her brother.
"Good, lets go." Emmett rolled his eyes in the direction of their mother.
The two were just about to walk out the door when Victoria called Bella back.
"Mom we have to go" Emmett said annoyed.
"Go get in the car Emmy, I'll be out in a second." Bella looked at her brother with pleading eyes, she really hated it when her mother and brother fought.
Emmett sighed, nodded his head, then turned to walk out to his car.
"Isabella, be careful with your brother, I know you two are close, but he-"
Bella cut her mother's sentence off "Mom, stop it! I don't want to hear this. I have to go." Bella kissed her mother's cheek and walked out to meet her brother in the car.
"We gotta pick up Jasper okay?" Emmett said pulling out of the driveway.
"Don't forget about Rose." Bella smiled.
"Yeah, yeah and Rosalie" Emmett sighed, but a smile touched the corners of his lips.
"Hey Emmett." Jasper and Emmett did their normal handshake as Jasper got into the car.
"Heya darlin'." Jasper said turning to the backseat acknowledging Bella.
"Hey" Bella blushed.
"Dude that's my sister." Emmett was playfully disgusted.
"Alright, so let's go." Jasper said to Emmett.
Emmett pulled away from Jasper's apartment building towards Rosalie's house.
"Does she know yet?" Jasper whispered.
"No, shhh. I wanted to surprise them, big mouth!" Emmett glared at Jasper.
"Wait, do I know what?" Bella leaned forward.
"Nothing you'll find out later." Antonio assured his sister and sent another glare at Jasper.
Bella wrapped her arms around Jasper and put on her sweetest voice.
"Where are we going Jasper"
"Bro..." Jasper pleaded at Emmett.
"Isabella get off of him!" Emmett laughed playfully smacking his sister's hands.
Bella sat back and frowned at her failed attempt.
"Hello all." Rosalie smiled as she got into the backseat with Bella. "What's wrong with you Bells?"
"Well apparently we are going somewhere or something, but neither of them will tell me...despite my attempts." Bella smiled at Jasper.
"Ohh really? Hmm…" Rosalie pondered the thought. What could they be hiding?
"Oh come on Emmy, where are we going?" Bella whined.
"You'll see, but if you keep whining I'm just going to take you two to school and Jasper and I will go alone."
"Wait, so we're not going to school?" Rosalie questioned.
"Not unless you absolutely want to." Jasper laughed.
"Not particularly, but yeah where we going?" Rosalie said slyly.
"Nice try Rose, but its not gonna work. And Jasper you better not say a word." Emmett said sternly. Jasper smiled his famous heart-breaking, half-toothed crooked smile and ran his hand through his shaggy blonde hair.
Bella felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, signaling she got a text message; it was Jasper.
Hey darlin,
What u 2 doin back there?
Bella laughed and texted back.
Wat do u normally do in
a backseat? Hehe;)
Well, that depends….
Whos in the backseat wit me,
I mean if it was u then…well
Id have sum fun. ;)
Oooooo…..sounds like fun,
So where are we going? U no
U wanna tell me….
I can't…Em would kill me.
Oh come on Jasper…
I Cant!
**pouty face** Jasper…
Im srry, I cant. it's a surprise
Don't do that Bella.
Bella, don't...come on
**sniffle sniffle**
Isabella McCarthy!
I cant stand crying.
Jasper looked at Bella in the side mirror and scowled playfully at her. Bella gave him a flirtatious smile.
"You're not telling her are you dumbass?" Emmett punched Jasper in the arm.
"No, No, I'm not! I didn't tell her anything." Jasper laughed rubbing his arm.
"Good we're almost there."
"Can't you just tell us Emmy? We have been driving for an hour!"
"Exactly, I haven't told you for over an hour, so what's the point of telling you now?"
"You're such a jerk Emmy!"
"But you love me anyway, so get over it." Emmett smiled in his mirror at his sister.
"HOLY SHIT! ARE YOU SERIOUS! WE'RE GOING HERE?" Rosalie's sudden outburst made Bella jump.
Bella looked around puzzled trying to find what Rosalie was screaming about and then screamed herself. Emmett and Jasper looked at each other and smiled.
"But we don't have any money." Rosalie whined.
"Don't worry about anything ladies, all expenses paid." Jasper said in a sexy tone.
"And what do we have to do?" Bella questioned.
"Yeah, what's the catch?" Rosalie agreed.
"There is no catch, just have fun, you need it Bells." Emmett smiled as he parked the car in the parking lot of Six Flags and they all piled out.
"Shit! We don't have our bathing suits either!" Rosalie sighed a new wave of frustration washing over her.
"Wanna bet Rosalie?" Emmett opened the trunk of his black 1972 Mustang GT and pulled out Rosalie's and Bella's bathing suits from a black duffle bag.
"How the hell did you get those?" Bella gasped
"Well you didn't think we'd kidnap you do you?" Jasper raised his eyebrows at the thought and laughed.
"Your's we got from your room Bella and we got Rosalie's from her mom." Emmett said stuffing them back into the bag.
"Mom knows I'm here?" Bella was surprised.
"Hell no, I asked dad." Emmett smiled.
"Oh, so I guess you guys had this planned for a while huh?" Rosalie asked walking behind Emmett towards the gate.
"Ehh, about a week" Jasper said gliding beside Bella.
Jasper and Emmett paid for the tickets and the four started their adventure for the day. They decided to go to the water park first. The girls took longer than the guys to change, naturally, but when they finally walked out Emmett and Jasper could not help but stare. Bella's blue bikini accented her dark brown wavy hair and luscious chocolate eyes.
Rosalie's black bikini went well with her light skin and her golden tendrils.
"Wipe the drool off and come on, there's some serious fun to be had." Rosalie said laughing.
As they exited the front gate and headed toward the car, Jasper had his arm around Bella's waist and Emmett had his arm around Rosalie's shoulders. The two pairs had gotten closer during the day and were acting more like couples than just friends.
"Jasper Shithead Whitlock, you break her heart, I'll kill you. You got that?" Emmett winked at his sister.
"I'd let you." Jasper squeezed Bella closer to his body with a huge grin.
"So what are we doing now?" Rosalie looked at Emmett with anxious eyes.
"Well I thought we'd stop by the game for a little bit, its Friday, so there's bound to be a beach party after, if that's okay with you Bella." Emmett closed the door of his mustang and started the engine.
"Sure, sounds great." Bella's voice was hesitant.
"What's wrong?" Jasper rubbed Bella's shoulder in the backseat.
"Nothing…I'm fine." Her eyes lowered.
"My sister and I are opposites Jasper. She cares about school, I don't. She's a parental pleaser and seriously I could care less. I'm a partier, she's not. Does that sum it up Bells?" Emmett flashed a smile at her.
Bella blushed, her brother had a point, mostly.
"Well maybe that's a good thing, I don't want a slut." Jasper laughed.
Bella shook her head and smiled. "Your such a jerk Jasper."
He shrugged and smiled his heart-breaking smile Bella loved.
"If it's the party you're worried about, don't be. I'm here, I won't do anything if you don't want me to."
Bella blushed at Jasper's sweetness and cuddled into his chest. Bella has always has a crush on Jasper, and who wouldn't. Jasper is funny, smart, and extremely attractive. There is something about the way his blonde hair flipped at the end and the way his crystal blue eyes looked at her that made her weak. She had always had gotten this vibe from Jasper that made her feel safe and comfortable, one that gave her hope of one day they would be more than just friends.
On the way home Bella fell asleep on Jasper. Jasper didn't want to wake her just to go to the game, so he told Emmett and Rosalie to go and to just give him the keys, so he could run home for a while then he'd be back to pick them up at nine. Emmett agreed, he trusted his best friend with his sister and his car. When they got to the school, Jasper slid out from underneath Bella and drove to his apartment. Getting out of the car as quietly as he could, he looked back at Bella. He wasn't comfortable with leaving her in the car, so he carefully picked her up and brought her inside. Bella was light, so carrying her up the four flights of stairs was easy, it was trying not wake her that was the hard part. Jasper managed to get into the apartment and lie Bella in his bed without waking her up. Jasper crept out of the room, closing the door behind him and headed to shower.
About 10 minutes later, Jasper returned in his towel realizing he had forgotten to grab clothes. He opened the door softly and slid in to quickly grab his clothes. As he was leaving he turned to look at the angel sleeping in his bed. A smile worked its way across his face, he took in her beauty for another minute, then slipped back out to go get dressed.
A delicious aroma filled Bella's nostrils gently arousing her from her peaceful slumber. She looked around the room puzzled at first, but as her eyes fixated in the darkness she realized where she was. Bella stumbled dizzily out of the bed and over a shoe as she headed towards the door. She followed the aroma down the hallway and into the kitchen.
"Hey sleepyhead, how was your nap?" Jasper turned hearing the light pad of her feet on the linoleum floor.
"Good. How long have I been out?" Bella smiled sleepily, playing with her hair.
"Well basically since we left Six Flags but since we got here, about a half hour. You want something to eat?"
"Yeah, sure. Where's Emmy and Rosalie?" Bella asked stretching.
"They went to the game. You were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you up, so I told them to go. I wanted to shower anyway."
"Thanks, I was exhausted from today." Bella inhaled deeply and moved behind Jasper. "What you making? It smells really good."
"My famous homemade chicken strips." Jasper smiled, a sense of pride in his voice. Bella peered around Jasper to get a better look. As she moved closer, she could smell his cologne, the smell sent a shiver through her body. As almost as if she couldn't help herself, Bella wrapped her arms around Jasper's back to his waist and rested her head on his back. Jasper smiled and silently put one hand on her intertwining hands, while removing the last of the chicken from the pan with his other.
"They're done." Jasper turned and embraced Bella in a full hug. Jasper stood about 6'2, towering over Bella's 5'6 height. He kissed the top of her head, then broke their embrace to place the plate of chicken with the rest.
"They look delicious." Bella smiled weakly feeling a little deflated by his standoffishness.
Jasper took two plates along with two glasses out of the cabinet. "What do you want to drink?" Jasper set the plates and glasses on the table and walked over to the fridge, avoiding eye contact with Bella.
"Um…water." Bella sighed and looked down at the floor. Jasper was so hot and cold it confused her.
"What's the matter?" Jasper looked puzzled.
"Nothing, why?" Bella plastered on her best fake smile.
"You're lying." He went over and put his hands on her arms.
Bella avoided his gaze and stared at the floor. "Nothing, I'm fine, seriously."
"Bull, Bella don't lie to me. Tell me what's wrong." Jasper lifted her chin so her eyes met his.
"What are we doing Jasper?" Bella stared into Jasper's eyes unable to move from his gaze.
"Having dinner before the beach party." Jasper said sensing her concern and trying to lighten the mood. He smiled his heart-breaking smile.
Bella smiled weakly. "You know what I mean Jasper."
Jasper took a deep breath. "I know Bella. Look I really like you, its just…I don't want to mess anything up with you. That's why I'm well…skittish." Bella thought she saw a brief flush of red in Jasper's cheeks. She blushed in return and smiled. Knowing that she made him just as nervous as he made her made her fall in love with him even more. Bella threw her arms around his abdomen and hugged him tightly. A sense of relief washed over Jasper, along with joy. He slipped his hand underneath Bella's chin again, tilting it upward and kissed her. It was the most passionate kiss Bella had ever experienced, it was like all of their passion for each other and happiness flowed between their lips.
After dinner, Jasper and Bella sat on the couch to talk some more. Jasper put his arm around Bella, sliding her closer next to him. Once again Jasper's cologne filled Bella's nostrils and she felt at ease. Jasper took a deep breath.
"Bells…would you…do you…do you want to be my girlfriend?" Bella looked up at Jasper, her eyes glowing.
"Of course, I want to!" Bella spun her body around, so she was almost on top of Jasper. She kissed him joyfully. Jasper was surprise by her sudden action but was elated by it and kissed her back. The kiss had begun to escalate when Jasper stopped it.
"Uhh Bella…I think we should stop…." Jasper said huskily.
"If we continue like this, I'll want to go further and I don't want to rush you." The statement made Bella smile, he was so polite.
"Jasper, don't get freaked by this but I love you and I don't care how far we go. I want it, really I do."
Jasper's eyes lit up but his face was shocked. "You love me? Do you mean that?" Jasper's voice matched his face in shock.
Bella looked down sheepishly like she had done something wrong.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything." She said quietly, getting up from the couch and heading for the hallway looking for refuge from her humiliation. Jasper caught her arm before she even hit the hallway.
"I didn't mean it like that, I was just surprised. I love you too Bella, trust me I do." Bella look back at Jasper, her eyes full of tears. 'Did he really just say that?' She thought.
He pulled her to his body enveloping her in a tight embrace. He bent his head down kissing her passionately again. This time an overwhelming urge came over him, he lifted her into his arms bridal-style, still locked on her lips and carried her to his bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him. He laid Bella down on his bed gently.
"Are you sure?" Jasper's hand was on her belt, his eyes looking deeply into hers.
"Never been more sure" Bella smiled and pulled him closer.
It was about 9:20 when Bella and Jasper headed in the car to go pick up Rosalie and Emmett.
"I hope they're not mad we kept them waiting." Bella said buckling her seatbelt.
"Nah, knowing your brother, he wouldn't have left by now anyway. They probably don't even know we're late." Jasper laughed.
"True." Bella remembered the time her brother had her waiting for over an hour after a game because he was talking.
The field was about 10 minutes away and sure enough Jasper was right. The two had to search for Emmett and Rosalie in the crowd of people. Emmett and Rosalie were standing with a group of guys talking when Bella and Jasper found them. Rosalie turned to see her best friend walking towards her, her face instantly washed over with relief.
"Yo Jasper get over here." Emmett called seeing him and Bella approaching them. "And hey hey lil' sis how was your nap?" Emmett smiled at Bella .
"Bella, thank god you're here!" Rosalie threw her arms around Bella.
"Oh come on Rosalie, you act like you didn't have fun tonight." Emmett winked at Rosalie. She sent him a glare and turned her attention back to her snickering friend.
"Oh really Rose?" Bella looked at her friend with joking question.
"Hey Jasper, you coming to the beach party?" Laurent, a strong guy standing about 6'2 asked from the opposite side of the circle.
"Yeah actually, that's why I am here, I had to go home for a bit. Ya know, shower, eat, stuff like that." Jasper glimpsed at Bella so quick she wasn't even sure if it actually happened.
"You gonna hook up with any babes tonight Jasper? Bag yourself a lil' hottie, I know I am." Peter, the 6'2 horn dog of the group asked hitting Jasper's arm.
Bella looked at Jasper with raised eyebrows awaiting his answer. Jasper looked at her and smiled.
"Naw, I already got myself a lil' hottie." Jasper swung his arm around Bella's shoulders and slammed her into his side.
"Nice." Carlisle gave Jasper a high-five and winked at Bella. Carlisle
was about 6'3, the tallest one, and no doubt the sweetest one in Emmett's group of friends besides Jasper.
"Alright, well are we just gonna stand here all night or party?" Emmett laughed. "Bells you're the designated driver just incase one of us gets too smashed."
Bella rolled her eyes. "Of course."
"Let's go!" Peter was reeling with excitement.
Jasper, Bella, Rosalie, and Emmett headed back to the car to head to the party. It was about 15 minutes to the beach, so the girls chatted in the back to occupy their time while Jasper drove.
"Oh My Gah!" Rosalie accidentally squeaked too loudly.
Bella put her hand over Rosalie's mouth and shook her head. Jasper smirked in the rearview mirror, knowing full well what Rosalie's little outburst was about. Bella's phone vibrated.
So you told her huh?
That obvious? lol
Jasper started to laugh out loud, a shy smile came across Bella's face. The blood rushing to her face making it hot and red.
"No texting while driving my car and what's so funny?" Emmett looked in the mirror at his sister then at his best friend.
"You don't want to know man, trust." Jasper assured him.
Emmett looked back at Bella who was covering her face.
"Ehk…seriously? That's gross. Well welcome to womanhood Bells." Emmett burst into a roaring laugh, almost stopping him from finishing his sentence.
"Oh My Goodness! Emmy!" Bella's face was now a deep crimson color.
"Well it's a fact of life, isn't it Rosalie?" Emmett winked.
"Wait a minute what does that mean Miss Rosalie?" Bella turned to her best friend whose face was now a matching shade of embarrassment.
"Oooo….looks like Rose had some fun too Bella." Jasper started to laugh harder pulling into a parking space at the beach. Rosalie slapped Emmett's shoulder.
As soon as the car stopped in the beach parking lot the girls ran out of the car trying to escape the guy's laughter. Laughing too hard themselves, they fell onto the cooling sand. The guys trailed behind them, their laughter subsiding along the way. Emmett bent down as if to help Rosalie up, instead though, Emmett slung Rosalie over his shoulder and ran with her. She started to scream for him to put her down. Jasper and Bella laughed at the site of Rosalie flailing in the air. Jasper offered his hand to help up Bella, but she pulled his hand, pulling him down on top of her instead.
"Twice in one day? Now this is something I can get used to." He said as he nuzzled her neck. Bella slapped Jasper's arm. "You know I'm only kidding baby. I'd do it more than that with you." He winked.
"Jasper!" Bella laughed, slapping his arm again.
Jasper kissed Bella, then got up, offering her a hand again. This time Bella took it, letting Jasper help her up, running her free hand through the soft sand as she slid to her feet. When she was stable she wrapped her arms around Jasper for a hug, knowing full well he would bend his neck down to bury his face in her hair. When he did, she grabbed his neck and twirled her tongue around on it sucking it gently. Jasper let out an almost silent moan, trying to control himself. Bella released her grasp and bolted off in the direction of the party.
"Isabella! That's unfair, get back here!" Jasper called chasing after her.
When the couple finally reached the party everyone had already made themselves comfortable. A fire roared green and blue from the burning driftwood, music blasting danceable beats, and almost every hand was surgically attached to a beer can or bottle. Bella took a seat next to Rosalie in a group of girls, while Jasper went to sit with his friends.
Andy handed Jasper a beer, he gladly accepted it and took a swig. Bella walked up behind Jasper and took Emmett's keys from his pocket.
"I think I'll be driving." Bella winked at Jasper.
"Thanks babe." Jasper smiled up at Bella. Bella nodded and walked back to her friends, leaving Jasper alone to drink and have fun with his boys.
A song came on that made all the girls scream in excitement and turn part of the beach into a giant dance floor. Many guys joined in the fun, seeing it as their excuse to get close, grasping a beer in one hand and a girl's body in the other. Jasper and the group of guys around him didn't seem to share the same idea, they sat through the song talking and laughing. A new song came on, and Bella and Rosalie continued to dance together when a hand grasped Bella's body pulling it close. Startled Bella turned around, but the familiar heart-breaking smile soothed her worry.
"You didn't have to leave the guys." Bella whispered matching her body movements with his.
"This is much better, trust me." Jasper whispered back, kissing her neck as the last word escaped his lips. "I love you." He said taking a breath.
"I love you too."
Bella, Rosalie, Jasper and Emmett took a break from dancing retreating back to the fire.
"Bells can I talk to you for a minute?" Rosalie said standing up from her spot on a log.
"Yeah, sure." Bella quickly kissed Jasper and hopped of his lap.
The girls walked around to the other side of the rocks towards the car.
"I know you really don't want to hear this, but you're my best friend and I need your help. I really like your brother Bella and I don't know what to do." Rosalie smiled pitifully.
"Rose, he likes you so much, just talk to him about. Trust me." Bella laughed consolingly.
Rosalie nodded her head, a smile made its way across her face. "You think so? Thanks bestie. Come on let's party."
Bella rolled her eyes but headed back to the party with her best friend. When they were in sight, Jasper immediately came over and grabbed Bella's hand to dance. In the middle of Bella and Jasper dancing, a girl cut in and pushed Bella out of the way with her body. It was Alice, a petit brunette who thought she was a diva of some sort. Alice had an all too true reputation of being easy, especially with taken guys, Bella couldn't stand her. She turned and glared at Alice who only smiled at her. Jasper didn't know what to do, he gave an unknowing shocked look at Bella who just smiled and worked her way back in, turning Jasper so only she could dance with him. Alice, not giving up so easily tried to weasel her way back in with no avail.
"Bitch" Alice mumbled
"What was that Alice?" Bella turned to face Alice, she was to her limit.
"You heard me. I called you a bitch." Alice snarled.
"Back off you stupid little elf." Bella lashed, Jasper looked at both girls and backed up behind Bella trying to get out of their way.
"What if I don't? What are you going to do about it you little priss? That's right, nothing."
Bella glared at Alice, the expression 'if looks could kill' in play. Jasper placed his hand on Bella's shoulder in a weak attempt to hold her back. Bella ignored it, Alice wasn't worth it. Alice walked away from Bella in the direction of Jasper smiling.
"I'll see you later sexy, when we can really party." She glanced at Bella then directed her attention back to Jasper. "Just the two of us." She winked, grabbing him as she walked by.
"That's it!" Bella flared with anger. She flung her shoulder out from underneath Jasper's hand and started at Alice. She grabbed Alice's shoulder and spun her around.
"Don't put your skanky paws on my boyfriend ever again."
"I can't help if he comes to me sweetheart, when he tires of your goody-goody routine." A cocky smile inched its way across her face.
"Why would he come to you, all that would get him is a trip to the free clinic." Alice's smile quickly faded into a frowning glare.
"Shut you mouth." Alice screamed.
"Oh what Alice? Nothing to say because you know its true?"
Alice swung at Bella, but Bella ducked the blow, returning a powerful hit making hard contact with Alice's face. Alice fell face first into the sand, stunned. Enraged, Bella kicked Alisha hard in the side, but was pulled away by Jasper before anymore damage could be done. As Jasper was pulling Bella a safe distance away, Emmett and Rosalie came running over, responding to the commotion of the surrounding people.
"What the hell happened?" Emmett stared at his sister's angry, beet-red face in astonishment.
"That bitch swung at me, so I laid her ass out." Bella staggered in-between breaths trying to calm down.
Rosalie started to laugh, hugging Bella. "I'm so proud of you. She has deserved that for so long."
Emmett shook his head and smiled still amazed at his peaceful sister's sudden enraged outburst. He looked at Jasper, silently asking him if it was about him. Jasper simply nodded his head.
"I'm sorry Jasper, I just hate that girl so much and she just pissed me off, I couldn't help it. I…"
"Bella." Jasper cut her off. "There's no explanation needed. She swung at you, its not your fault you have excellent reflexes. Amazing hit though darlin', remind me not to piss you off." Jasper smiled his famous half-toothed crooked smile. "Oh and I would never have touched her." He added, cringing at the thought.
Bella laughed. "I know babe, I know."
"Hey, so yeah, you guys want to get out of here and go back to my place?" Jasper asked twirling the keys he stole out of Bella's pocket.
"Yeah, sounds great!" Rosalie exclaimed.
"I agree, but I'm still driving." Bella took the keys back and headed off in the direction of the car, she just wanted to get out of there.
So let me know what you think. Is it worth continuing? Just hit the little button and let me know!