Cold Eyes
A Sailor Moon fan fiction
By: Something Dysfunctional
Chapter One
Disclaimer: Toei Animation and Naoko Tackeuchi owns the series, characters, story, but I simply own this fan fic. And that's all you need to worry about! -blows a raspberry- Now, I usually don't do Sailor Moon stories because there series in general is very close to my heart. I DO love me some Usagi. It doesn't help that I'm exactly like her in real life, which is scary. And I'm eating Easter candy right as we speak. -face palms- This story is around the R arc when Chibi-Usa first comes into play. However, I'M TWISTING the relationship of Usagi and Mamoru. Drastically. -laughs evilly-
Review nicely and happy reading!

Dinner was going on smoothly inside of the Tsukino residence the night it stormed horribly. Normally, in this case, the eldest daughter, Usagi would be screaming and carrying on, ranting how she hated thunder and lightning. But as the family ate and chatted, she stayed immobile, pushing her food around on her plate. She had lost her appetite for the third night in a row. Sighing inwardly, she starting playing with a stray piece of hair, twisting the golden strand around her index finger. It seemed everyone was ignoring here except for Chibi-Usa. The pink haired girl looked on at the person responsible for holding the Silver Crystal curiously, her own red gaze slightly worried. Something was awfully wrong with Usagi if she wasn't eating. Chibi-Usa looked down at the cat, Luna, who mirrored her own expression. But both knew what was wrong.

And the problem was Mamoru Chiba.

Usagi sighed once more and stood up slowly. "I think I'm done," she said softly, picking up her plate. Ikuko paused with her chopsticks half-way to her mouth. "What? You barely touched anything, Usagi," she murmured, frowning. "Are you sick, sweetie? Should I take your temperature?"

Usagi smiled sadly, shaking her head some.

"No, I'm fine. Just not hungry tonight."

Ikuko frowned more and stared down at her plate, pressing her lips together. As a mother, she had her intuition and she knew, deep down, it had to do with a boy.

Usagi took her plate and walked into the kitchen, Luna following quietly behind her. "Usagi-chan, are you sure you are okay? This is the third time you haven't eating dinner. In fact, it's been awhile since you've eaten... well, anything," the feline pressed some, leaping up on the kitchen counter top near the sink. Usagi put some of her food in Luna's dish bowl, placing it in the microwave.

"I... I'm fine, Luna."

It had been nearly a month since Mamoru told her that he wanted to end their relationship. It was beginning to show on her. She lost twenty pounds and dark circles were starting to show under her large, sapphire eyes that now shone a sad shade of blue. Her face appeared pinched and she hardly laughed anymore. Her school uniform hung from her form like wet laundry. Instead of crying like she had before, Usagi buried her face in her school books, studying ferociously. He still protected her as Tuxedo Mask when Sailor Moon was attacked blindly. And every time they bumped into each other in town, he regarded her like a piece of trash (it seemed) on the sidewalk and would speak coldly, hurtful.

Usagi by all means was a delicate person that gave off the appearance now of a bruised hydrangea, beautiful but wilting.

She dragged her feet up to the stairs, barely feeling the rail under her hand. Everything she felt was numb to the touch and freezing. She slept with piles and piles of blankets at night now, trying to stop shivering even though it was spring time. Usagi made it to her room and closed the door, leaning her back against it. Everything was quiet up here. She let her head droop, eyes glued to her pink carpet. Her heart thumped lowly in her ears as she tried to gasp her mind together. It seemed pointless. She slid down to the floor, bringing her knees up to her chest. She placed her forehead against her knees and held on tightly. Tears silently raced down her face in old, familiar tracks that seemed to have made a mark on her cheeks.


Luna was on the outside, listening intently to her Princess's crying. Her cinnamon eyes sadden at the sound and she placed a purple paw on the door. "Usagi-chan, please... open the door? For me?"

The gentle sobbing continued, no other sound emitting from her mistress.

"Usagi-chan, this has got to stop. You can only cry so much. You're making yourself sicker each time you do! I'm sure Mamoru-san has a reason for all of this-"
"THAT'S WHAT EVERYONE SAYS!," came the screech.

Luna started, eyes widening at the sudden outburst.

"... everyone... everyone says that! Rei-chan, Ami-chan, Mako-chan, Minako-chan... THEY ALL SAY THERE'S A REASON! The what is it? What could it POSSIBLY be?," Usagi shouted hoarsely, rubbing her eyes roughly, tears falling everywhere. She rubbed her face raw, the skin flushing pink. Her eyes were bright and red and her mouth parched, lips chapped. "It's been a month and it's all rolling into day by day of the same thing... the same thing, Luna. I'm so tired. And I want my Mamo-chan back!," she cried, slumping over onto her stomach, her sobbing muffled by the carpet. Luna shook her head, her heart growing heavy at each cry Usagi let out. "There's nothing I can do, Usagi," she whispered and turned away slowly, looking back behind her.

She slept hardly that night. The storm was growing louder and louder it seemed. Usagi pulled back her moon, star, and rabbit coverlet and sprawled out on the futon. Luna was not sleeping with her tonight. 'Probably hiding at Ami-chan's house,' she thought dimly. Sighing deeply, the girl rolled onto her side, watching the lightning dance behind her curtains. She wasn't scared at the sight nor the rumbling sound of the thunder. It seemed her mind and sub-conscience closed out everything that frightened her. The blonde thought back to a afternoon where she and Mamoru hid from a storm under the cover of a aunning outside a bakery. It was such a carefree feeling then and now, the memory seemed so far away. Hardly even real. Squeezing her eyes shut, Usagi clenched her teeth together and balled her fists.

'No, no, no, NO. No more crying! You have GOT to pull it together, Usagi! He said that he didn't like weak girls!'

-But didn't he also say that he didn't care what you did?-

Usagi laid still as her thoughts got the best of her. That was true... Mamoru had said that. The storm grew and soon, Usagi was sitting up in bed, staring out the window as she opened it, letting the rain hit her in the face. Her hair grew heavy with rain water, but she didn't mind. It soaked through her pajamas but she wasn't caring. She had to FEEL something! Anything! How could she- Sailor Moon- be such a drag? Feeling sorry for herself...?

Closing her eyes, Usagi prayed to her mother, Serenity, for guidance.

'Queen... show me the right way to go...'

And it came in the form of Koan attacking the city, searching for Chibi-Usa. At four in the morning, it really wasn't the best time for any of the senshi, but it was their duty. Mars and Jupiter lunged at the Sister as she made a ring of Dark Fire around her, throwing more of the blue fire at Venus and Mercury. Sailor Moon decided to take the plunge and head into the fire herself with a wave of her Moon Scepter. Koan shrieked at the audacity as Sailor Moon began to shout out her incantation. The youngest sister of the Phantom Sisters ran into her, hands out like claws as she summoned her fire spell once more. Sailor Moon lept out of the way, but was caught by the purple-haired woman, a hand wrapped around her throat. Her laughter rang out through the park.

"Not so brave now, are we, Sailor Moon?," she sneered, violet eyes narrowing. Moon struggled, choking, gasping for air. "Let her go!," Venus shouted, finger pointed and ready for her Crescent Beam. Koan chuckled and tightened her grip. "I will... for the Rabbit," she demanded softly.

"You know that's not going to happen!," growled Jupiter. Koan then sneered. "Fine. Then let your beloved leader die by my hands. I'm sure Master Rubeus will be pleased with me then," she practically purred. Sailor Moon was loosing her sight, her lungs tightening.

'... pathetic... I guess I am weak...'

A rose shot out in the dead of night at Koan's hand, the thorns piercing her. With a scream, she let go of the blonde, cradling her injured hand to her chest. Coughing deeply, rubbing her throat, Sailor Moon's eyes darted to the blooming, red rose and then up to a light post where her love stood in black and scarlet, his top hat a beacon in the sky.

And then-
that's when it hit Sailor Moon.

A red spark of anger.
Bitter anger.

Before Tuxedo Mask could even open his mouth, the girl stood up shakily, but jutted her chin out, eyes blazing with a blue intensity.

"Go on home, Tuxedo Mask. I've got this."

Her senshi gasped at the words she said, but also how she said them. Like pure venom spitting out. Sailor Moon turned to Koan, narrowing her eyes. The sister squealed and backed away, trembling. "N-now, Sailor Moon! I'm sure we can come to an agreement...!," she stammered, suddenly aware of the change in the blonde warrior. Sailor Moon smiled tiredly, but almost meanicingly. "Oh really? Can we, Koan?," she cooed, pointing her Scepter at the girl. Koan was now shaking and clumsily tripped over her high heel, shrieking as she fell in the dirt. Trying to stand up, a boot of red found its way on her chest, pinning her down. Lifting her scared eyes up, she saw the shadowy face of Sailor Moon.

"You can't get up until I say you can," came the cold command.

"Sailor Moon! What are you doing? This isn't like you!," Mars shouted at her, running to her friend. "What is me then?," Sailor Moon asked, still pointing her Scepter at Koan. The dark-haired senshi faltered, unsure. She placed a glove hand on her arm. "Not like this, Usagi-chan... not like this...," she whispered in her friend's ear, hoping to knock her back to her normal self.

It seemed to work.

Once the arm touched her, Koan took her chance and vanished out of sight, leaving everyone in the park. Sailor Moon took a breath and let it go slowly. Turning her head, she met the face of her senshi, looking at her as if she were another person.

"I'm fine."

She started walking off, leaving the girls alone. Tuxedo Mask jumped down from the post in front of Sailor Moon. "Usako, what was that?," he demanded, concerned. Sailor Moon bit down on her lip, her heart leaping at the sound of her nickname. 'No. Show him nothing.'

She gave him a look underneath her eyelashes, her face unreadable.

"THAT was me not asking for help, Mam-o-ru-san," she sounded out levelly. With a flick of her ponytails, the girl walked off into the night.

Usagi crawled back into bed, grateful that the day was Saturday and no school was involved. She felt proud of herself for not giving into Mamoru so easily, crying and falling into his arms like always. But then again, the look on his face... was like someone stabbed him in the heart.

"And he should feel like that. After how he treated me," she mumbled into her pillow, trying to conjure sleep.

Soon, something was about to be born in Usagi and neither her, the girls, or Mamoru knew what it would be. Or how hurtful it would become.

What did I just write?
-the moonlight carries the message of Love.-

Later Days...!