FMA DN Angel FF-

SORRY! Damn it's been a while…I'M SO FREAKING SORRY! THIS IS MY BEST LIKED STORY AND I'M IGNORING IT TT^TT . I'm still taking a lot of time in between each chapter but I always seemed to be reminded of this story by reviews…and I got a review…so…I SHALL TRY TO WRITE THIS! REVIEW! FORGIIIIIVVVVVVVVEEEEEEE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Chapter 10-

"Daisuke, I think I should stay in change for a while, I'm not just wanting to keep the body but…something's up and I don't trust the Homunculi or Krad, even more than usual, at the moment and I don't think it would be smart for you to be around, not to be rude but you are weaker than I am." I made a split second decision, glaring at Envy.

"I get it, just be safe okay Dark?" I usually would've laughed at this and made some cocky comment but I was still dead serious.

"Got it." I agreed.

"So what now?" Ed asked.

"We should start heading back, we've taken too long anyway." Envy said at once, Ed glared at him. I think I would pull him aside to talk to him about all of this.

"So how do we get back? The same way we came?" Al asked, still hovering around me worriedly.

"Unfortunately although this time we won't be staying for so long at Fort Briggs." Mustang decided, "There's no other way back." We all nodded and I, for the first time in my life probably, kept quiet.

I simply watched Krad and Envy, being a thief I didn't miss a thing, not that they were now walking a little closer to each other, not the glances that Envy kept shooting at the Elric brothers or Mustang, and I definitely didn't miss the almost gloating looks Krad gave me.

"I don't like this…" Dai spoke up worriedly.

"You and I both." I grumbled in reply and remained silent, walking slightly behind the group, eyes narrowed and it didn't take long for them to notice something was up, they've only known me for about a week yet the Alchemists knew already if I was silent something was wrong.

Al fell to the back into step beside me but I didn't look at him, I didn't want to miss anything that happened with Envy and Krad.

"Is everything alright Dark?" he asked quietly and I noticed Envy's head turn just slightly so I knew he was listening to us.

"It's fine Al." I said, "I'll tell you later." I whispered and he dipped his head, the metal clanging quietly.

"Okay, if you say so Dark." He said and I nodded again.

"If you don't want people to be suspicious—"

"Yah, yah, I know, I got it." I grumbled and organized my act quickly, letting out a loud whine.


Everyone twitched but they also all relaxed, apparently my silence was putting them on edge, huh, good to know.

So I decided to just whine and grumble the entire walk, passing of their relief quickly and replacing it with downright fury. They looked like they wanted to attack me but I was fine with that, I knew I wouldn't get hurt and it amused me to keep it up.

After a while I got bored and just starting going on a constantly commentary of everything I saw, which was basically just snow so it was very long, tedious, and very annoying.

"Oh look! Snow! And there's some more snow and gasp there's a TREE! I haven't seen one of those in a few seconds! There's some more snow, that's a rock, that's a branch, that's a Kraddykins, that's an Alchemist, that's another alchemist and another! Then there's a shapeshifter and another tree and more snow and—"

"SHUT UP YOU INSUFFERABLE IDIOT!" Krad finally snapped, turning on me in fury but I just blinked slowly, and took a deep breath, drawing out my time while everyone watched me cautiously.

"And that is a very ANGRY Kraddykins!" he snarled and dived at me. I dodged out of his way with a laugh and ran ahead.

"Let's get going slowpokes!" I called behind me and Dai let out a long groan.

"You've gotten more annoying Dark." He grumbled and I gasped.

"How dare thee! I've never been any less annoying than this!" I snapped back playfully and turned around to wait for the group since I had no idea where I was going.

What shocked me the most however was that Krad had, one, stopped chasing me, and two, already calmed down…Krad never calmed down that quickly! It's against the laws of nature!

Dai was just as shocked as I was but I covered it up with impatience.

"COME ON HURRY UP!" I howled and they all winced, glaring at me but I just scowled and fell into step by Al, feeling Envy and Krad's eyes on me the entire time but I just started humming a random song for a lack of anything else to do.

Within about ten minutes of walking the gates came into view and I groaned, knowing I would have to return everyone to their other disguises.

"Okay everyone line up!" I demanded and they did what I asked, besides Krad and Envy since they didn't need my help and I forced their appearances to change back how I made it before and used Dai's form for myself. Krad grumbled and did the same, though he was obviously still in control the commander's eyes glowing gold.

We continued the rest of the way and as soon as we got in hearing distance of the guards I started basically hacking up a lung.

"Are you okay?" Al gasped and I winked at him, continuing forward.

"Back soon?" the guard asked in his broken English. I continued coughing and Mustang was the first to catch on,

"Our friend got sick and we need to get back, do you need our passports again?" he asked and the guards looked at each other, thinking over what he said before nodding slowly. Mustang grabbed them from his coat pocket and showed them to the man.

He looked them over and both Krad and I avoided their eyes, hoping they wouldn't realize our eyes were obviously the wrong color but they never seemed to and let us pass. I continued coughing until we were out of hearing range and cleared my throat, standing up straight and continued walking like nothing had ever happened.

"Your acting skills worry me Dark." Ed grumbled and I smirked, growing back into my usual form and running a hand through my hair.

"I'm a famous thief, I wouldn't be able to get as far as I did without acting skills." I smirked and they all sighed, except for the two really creepy guys who were walking ahead of the rest of us, from what I could I tell they weren't talking, simply talking a few feet apart from each other.

"That's really starting to make me nervous." Ed grumbled, also eyeing the two.

"They've planned something." I said firmly, knowing I was right.

"The biggest question is what?" Al whispered.

"And how will it affect us?" Mustang added seriously we all nodded and kept walking, I released the illusions surrounding the three alchemists and continued on my way towards Fort Briggs, slipping back into my silence.

"Is that why you're so quiet? It seems strange for you Dark." I glanced over at Al, still not used to someone being taller than me and dipped my head.

"I'm not as idiotic as you may seem." I huffed, "I just like to have fun, I know when to be serious, and when Krad is acting this out of character it's time to be very serious." They all nodded and we slipped into silence, continuing our hike.

"Do you have any ideas?" Dai asked after a while.

"About what Krad's up to? A million, most of them involving my demise but I doubt most of them are true. The only thing we can do is…wait." I shuddered in disgust at that word.

We walked up to Fort Briggs and once again we were greeted by guns.

"It's us! We're back!" Ed shouted and the guns remained firm on us. I sighed, these people.

The general came out and scowled down at us.

"Back so soon?"

"Is it such a shock? We just robbed a museum, did you expect us to hang out as tourists?" I smirked,

"Watch your mouth." She growled and I held up my hands in surrender, not actually scared at all.

"Okay, okay, I'll be quiet." Everyone (besides Krad and know that's annoying to continuously say, from now on 'everyone' automatically doesn't include Krad and Envy unless otherwise specified, get it? Got it? Good.) stared at me in disbelief and I smirked.

"I'm a thief, being quiet comes as second nature to me, I just choose to ignore that constantly because I'm too amazing to keep quiet." I explained and everyone groaned but I just smiled, taking that as an accomplishment.

"Just keep telling yourself that Dark. It's early, we might as well just stay for lunch before heading back to central." Mustang arranged and we all nodded in agreement and walked inside.

The guards still decided to glare at us the entire time we walked in but I ignored them and strutted, yes strutted, through the doors towards the food. I personally could care less about food but Dai needs it and what Dai needs, as long as it is somewhat beneficial to me, Dai gets, and that is that.

After a quick meal, which involved me throwing food at Krad and Envy and blaming Ed, we started t head out into the snow, following the path back to the warmth of civilization, I was still kinda (really) iffy on Krad's plans but like I told Dai, all I could do was wait…and hope I didn't die because of it.

A/N- I'm sorry, I am SO sorry! And this chapter is short too ugh you people must hate me, I'm really really really sorry. I'll try to become more regular with updating this. Once again. I'M SO SORRY! TT^TT

Also, to top it off I didn't review because I'm lazy, SORRY!