Chapter 10
John groaned slightly as his shoulder collided with the door when they went round a particularly sharp corner. Sherlock glared at Sean once more, even though he couldn't see from where he was sat in the driver's seat. It was obvious that John hadn't fallen. He had been pushed. Not even just that, the man had abused his personal knowledge of his lover, as well as John's- obviously misplaced, trust in him to cruelly hurt him. Intending for him to die so that he would survive.
Sean had looked back at the pained sound but quickly turned back around when he saw Sherlock staring at him with hatefully narrowed eyes.
It was obvious that he knew their relationship was over. Attempted murder did tend to do that.
Sherlock pulled John closer to him to stop him colliding with the door again.
He was still enraged over what Sean had done, but he couldn't help but feel pleased at having John next to him. It was... pleasant. He was also admittedly relieved that the man wasn't dead.
John seemed quite pleased as well to be leaning against him, which was another new experience. He was almost asleep on his shoulder, and barely seemed to notice when they skidded up by the helicopter pad until Sherlock shook him awake.
The helicopter was already waiting and they quickly rushed on board. John and Sean unsurprisingly chose seats as far apart from each other as they could.
The Pilot wasted not time in taking off.
Gradually, one by one they fell asleep until only Sherlock remained awake, used to going days at a time without sleep.
Shame, he thought, as John's sleeping head fell off the back of the seat and onto his shoulder, it looked like John was going to have to find somewhere new to live. Still, there was that place at Baker Street he had been looking at. He could suggest it to him. It was expensive after all, he would need a roommate...