Sorry it has taken me so long to update I have been really busy with track and school work but now track it over (we are co-cluster champions and are now going to county yay!) so I will be able to update more often and I will be updating a lot more during the summer it's only about 2 weeks left in school so it will be over soon and I will be able to update regularly once again! :)

Nina's POV

We figured that supper was as good a time as any to pull our fast one on Jerome it would be completely unexpected and Jerome would be left aghast as to our smarts at pranking skills. He was oblivious to everything we are capable of. When Jerome sat down at his usual spot he scooted his chair in and it released all of the contents of the bucket that we had hung above his seat it was a mixture of feathers, flour, and water. We had also decided to toss in a little bit of peanut butter to the mix to make it even stickier! At first he was just in shock and then his face got red and he seemed to be really mad but at the time no one cared they were just too busy laughing. While everyone else was busy laughing, Jerome stormed out of the room and I don't think many of us heard what he had said but I had caught it.

"You all will pay for this!" he said.

At the time no one had cared or bothered to stop laughing and even look at him. No one paid him any attention whatsoever some of lived to regret that fateful choice of pranking and then ignoring Jerome altogether. Maybe not right away but sooner or later we would live to regret those decisions.

Fabian's POV

After Jerome had stormed off me and Nina just went over to the couch and sat down next to each other. Amber then bounded over and sat on the couch across from us with a wide smile on her face. By now everyone else had joined us in the living room still holding their sides from laughing so hard.

After everyone was seated Amber called us all to attention and then began.

"I was thinking that everyone could all go to the movies this Saturday. What do you think?" Amber asked.

There was a low murmur between everyone in the room mostly complaints and groans.

"Alright it's settled then we will go see a movie this Saturday!" No one argued because everyone knew that there would be no point in arguing with Amber.

We all knew that Saturday would be an interesting night and though Amber thought it was going to be just splendid. Almost everyone disagreed with her. What an interesting night Saturday would be!

Sorry I know it's really short but I had to leave off there because I didn't have anything else to write about in this chapter. anyway I hope you liked it please review!Thanks to everyone who has reviewed/Favorited/added to story alerts etc... THANKS I LOVE YOU ALL! :)