Oh yeah! Another chapter people. When I updated the previous chapter, my creative juices were flowing so much that I kept writing until this came out. Another thing I want to say befor eyou guys read this that has me kind of concern is that some of you peole think I gave up on this story. Well I'm here to tell you that THERE IS NO WAY I WOULD GIVE UP ON THIS STORY! I personally love this plot and I hate it when an author writes a good story but never finishes so I'm puching myself not to be like that.

Anyways, enjoy the read. Please Review~

I own nothing but a laptop and an wild imagination

"Children are remarkable for their intelligence and ardor, for their curiosity, their intolerance of shams, the clarity and ruthlessness of their vision. "

-Aldous Huxley



"Serendipity is the art of making an unsought finding."

- Pek van Andel





Now I was going to die. He was the King. The King. I have heard enough stories to know that a human should not even be anywhere near him if they wanted to live, but here I was, no more than a foot away. I fidgeted with the hem of my dress as I sat on a loveseat. After that little…mishap in the hallway, Sasori escorted me, with a strong grip on my elbow so I wouldn't run away, not like I could, back to his private chambers.

I stole a quick glance at him when he wasn't paying attention to me. It was really him, the boy in my dreams. He may be more mature, but he had the exact same features. I cocked my head to the side in confusion.

'How was this even possible?' My Inner screamed.

My heart was hammering in my chest so hard that there was no way that he didn't know I was scared out of my mind. As if reading my thoughts, he smirked a little and shifted his thoughtful gaze towards my face. Of course me fearing for my life and all, tried to look anywhere else except at his piecing gaze that seemed to be directed at me. He shifted from his position on the armchair across me to lean forward more towards myself.

"Why were you in the woods?"


"Who are you?"


I heard him sigh.

"Look at me girl."

There was some irritation in his voice. I was pushing his limits, I knew that, but I refused to do what he asked; at least I tried to until I heard him speak again.

"Being difficult I see. Fine then."

I felt smooth fingers gently but firmly grab onto my chin and forced me to look at his face. With his mercurial locks, unique set of eyes and perfectly symmetrical face void of any imperfections he was the epitome of what his race is: beautiful creatures.

However, his handsome face was void of any real emotion, which made him look even more unnatural, almost…lifeless. Like his entire soul was sucked out of him and all that was left was a shell, a perfect shell, but a shell nevertheless.

I don't know what came over me, but somehow my hand lifted from clutching onto my dress for dear life to softly laying my hand on the side of his face. My tiny hand looked even smaller compared to his face. My thumb rubbed across his cheek as my eyebrows furrowed, my face took on a concentrated expression. He didn't have the same spark in his eyes like his younger self. I thought back to what my mother said about how people change when someone they hold dear suddenly passes away; it changes them, and for Sasori to lose her at such a young age must have done this to him.

"It must have killed you to lose her."

I didn't realize I said that out loud until I felt him tense, which cause me to snap out of my trance. I immediately snatched my hand back, backing into the back of the loveseat, praying that the floor would open up and swallow me to spare me the pain that was about to come to me tiny being.

One second he was in front of me and next second he was across the room staring at my form with eyes narrowed into slits. He was pissed. A heavy silence blanketed the room, him glaring at me like he wanted to smite me and me waiting for a lightning bolt to strike me from the Heavens.

"I'm sorry," I whispered quietly that if he didn't have supernatural hearing, he would not have heard what I said. I don't know what I was apologizing for, but I felt like I needed to for whatever I did to make him so livid.

His stiff shoulders relaxed marginally, but his eyes were still eyeing me suspiciously.

"How do you know?" He finally said. He was talking to me. That was good, now all I have to do it say something that would be accepting to say.


I'm dead. Totally, incredibly dead.

"My mother, how do you know?"

I hesitated for a moment before divulging to him. "I know…because you told me."

Sasori raised his eyebrow at me. "I did no such thing," he said spitefully. I flinched from his harshness before I told him all about my dream. He never once interrupted me, eyes looking at me, searching for any signs that I was lying.

He stared at me for a moment for what seemed like eternity once I finished the tale; probably trying to figure what part of my body to cut off first. I was about to try make a run for it when he finally spoke.


With that, Sasori regally moved towards the door. I was dumbstruck and just sat there like an idiot that I am. I heard him curse under his breath before flitting to me and picking me into his arms. He carried me soundlessly through the halls, never once making any noise as he glided. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he rested me on his hip. It was comforting being this close to him; he wasn't as warm as any human, but I didn't mind it.

I exhaled deeply and snuggled into the crook of his neck. I felt him tense slightly before relaxing; he tightened his hold onto me, which caused me to smile.

Then as he moved deeper into what I assumed still the castle, a sudden wave of tiredness hit me; it was like someone wanted to fall asleep. I had an inkling it was the work of him, which caused me to slightly panic because obviously he didn't want me to be awake when we get to where he wants so I started to rebel. I tried to fight the sensation off, but I felt vision become blurry and my eyes started to droop no matter how much I tried to keep them open.

"You always make things difficult little one, don't you?" He muttered to me, pinkish brown eyes flickering to me.

"Sakura. My name is Sakura," I replied sluggishly before falling into blissful slumber.

Sasori glanced at the girl in his arms, once she finally succumbed to his command and her breath evened out, he picked up his pace towards his destination. She knew about his mother, from a dream she claimed, but it wasn't a dream.

It was a memory. A memory he starkly remembers being alone in. She wasn't there, but Sakura said she was. That irked his interest. He wanted answers how this girl could do what she did and wanted them now. Sasori knew of the only person who could provide the answers. He flitted through the twisting hallways, going farther and farther into the castle. He stopped in front of a large door before throwing it open.


An elderly man with white spiky hair turned to face him. His tan face smiled kindly at him, "Ah, Sasori. What a pleasure! I haven't seen you in such a long time."

"We spoke yesterday at the ball."

"Oh we did? I don't recall. Must be the old age kicking in," he joked, black eyes dancing in amusement. Sasori sighed before putting a hand on his forehead to soothe the oncoming headache.

"So what brings you hear to my humble abode? Potions, spells or maybe," Jiraiya leaned in with one hand covering his mouth like he was about to say a secret," new sex positions."

Sasori let a growl of frustration. He took a deep breath and reminded himself that in order to get that old man's advice, he had to put up with it. Jiraiya laughed loudly, hands in his hips before composing himself. He took in the young king before his eyes landed on the small figure in his arms.

"Oh? Who's this little thing? Ain't she a cutie," the man cooed pinching the unconscious girl's plump cheeks.

"I found dying in the woods." His flat remark caused Jiraiya to stopped his teasing of the girl to look upon Sasori in surprise.

"You rescued her? That's out-of-character for you."

Sasori ignored his jab at him. "I came here to ask you for some answers."

Jiraiya turned serious at his tone, eyes become somber. "What is it that you need?"

The young king retold the tale the little girl told him all the while Jiraiya nodded his head in acknowledgement and stared at the human in question.

"What makes you think I know how she knew about it?"

Sasori narrowed his eyes. "You are Jiraiya the Sage. You are one of the great Sannins of our world. You have vast knowledge and have lived over ten thousand years. Do not tell me you know nothing about this," he spat furiously. He did not like to be toyed with, no matter who the being is that is toying with him.

"You're right, I do know," he replied coyly," But it's going to cost you."

"Where do you want to go to do your 'research' this time?"

Jiraiya thought for a moment before replying. "Netsu Springs!"

"Of course, why doesn't that surprise me," the young king muttered to himself before speaking louder," Now tell me, what do you know?"

"Well, the answer is quite simple. This girl is a Healer."

"She's human," Sasori argued, not believing what he just heard. There was no way this little girl could be what the old man said she was. "What she did is impossible for her race to do."

"That may be so, but there have been some occasions of this sort of thing happening, though rare, it does occur. I don't know exactly how a Healer is born human but there are theories that at some point demons mated with ancestors of the mortal Healers which caused them to have such powers. You can tell as much by the way they look, they have exotic features like colored hair and eyes."

They both looked at her unnaturally pink hair. That solves his question, but as he was about to leave Jiraiya stopped him.

"There is something else you must know."

"And what is that?" How he longed to be rid of this place. The man was driving him insane with his jokes and if he doesn't leave soon, he might make Jiraiya regret ever stopping him from going.

"I believe she has a bond with you that you must come to terms with."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that it was no coincidence that you saved her, that she showed you compassion, and that you showed her your softer side."

"She's just a girl," Sasori refuted.

"She'll mature in time. No doubt into quite the beauty I must say."

"Don't joke with me old man."

Jiraiya put his hands up in surrender before continuing.

"It is too early to tell, but destiny has a way of making two beings come together. For now, I suggest you find Lord Haruno seeing that she came with him and let the fates decide the rest."

Sasori left in a blur. He flitted through the passageways and out of the castle and into the village. He glided through the roads until he came across his final destination. He placed her at the door and knocked. He glanced down at the sleeping girl for the last time.

She was so tiny and frail; he could break her with the snap of his fingers if he so wished. Serendipity that man said. Sasori scoffed. The old man was senile. There was no way that such a weak thing could ever be bound to him. He narrowed his eyes at the thought. He won't allow it.

"Farwell, little one," whispered into her ear, inhaling her scent," may we never meet again."

So dramatic. Anyways, I'll try to update as soon as I can, though I don't exacly know when. Review~