Fairytales of Grape Soda & Technical Difficulties
Disclaimer: I do not own Bakugan, because if I did…more people would be watching it
This is my first Bakugan story, and my first complete story as well. Anyway, enjoy!
Chapter 1
"I hate Dan so much." Groaned Shun as he banged his head once again on the desk. Why, again, was Dan his best friend?
"What happened?" Marucho asked. Shun, Julie, Runo, and Marucho were online-chatting on their new social-networking page that Marucho had created for people who use Bakugan Interspace.
"Dan happened." Smirked Runo as Shun glared.
Shun scowled. "You got to tell your boyfriend to go on a diet."
Runo smiled. "I already know that, believe me. I've told him a billion times…but does he listen to me? No, that selfish idiot won't, and then he comes complaining to me that he got a stomach ache." Runo barked.
Julie and Marucho sweat dropped.
"What exactly happened, Shun?" asked Julie, hoping to distract Runo and her anger problems.
"Well," Shun started, and then suddenly began blushing heavily.
Shun closed his eyes, beginning to meditate.
"SHUN!" he heard a sudden shout from behind him. Shun groaned. He hoped it would be who he thought it was…
"Hey, Shun! Wake up, sleepy head!" Dan shouted walking up to Shun, who glared at him.
"What are you doing here, Dan?" Shun asked calmly, but his face was obviously scrunched with annoyance. He certainly did not need any trouble right now…
"Dude, calm down. I just came here to get you to get out of this prison cell. WE ARE GOING TO THE CAFÉ!" Shun winced. He was almost as worse as Julie.
"Okay, Dan. Just spare me the headache." Shun groaned as he got up to follow his idiotic friend. He had a sudden feeling that this day wasn't going to go well.
At the Café,
"Hey, Runo!" Dan greeted as he hugged Runo, who heavily blushed.
"Lovebirds." Shun said under his breath, who unfortunately for him…Runo heard.
"Oh shut up, Shun. At least we make our affections public…which you still can't do to Alice!" Runo smirked and Shun glared.
"There's nothing going on between me and Alice. Besides, she's in Russia…"
"Hey, Shun." A sweet angelic voice said from behind him. Shun started blushing heavily as he turned around slowly, giving the red-head a sheepish smile.
"Hey…A-A-Alice." Runo and Dan burst out laughing and Alice gave him a sweet smile.
"Alice came for a surprise visit from Russia. We decided to surprise you, Shun." Runo smirked and Shun's face turned even more red-if that was possible.
Dan, who had been going hysteric (Shun didn't see how it was so funny), accidently knocked over a cup that was lying on the counter. Unfortunately, the cup was filled with grape soda…and wet Shun's hair and clothes. Shun closed his eyes in anger and humiliation, as he clenched his fists. He heard everyone in the Café burst out laughing. He opened his eyes, giving Dan a murderous smile. Alice and Runo's eyes widened in realization, and Dan stopped laughing…giving Shun a faint smile while backing away slowly.
"Uhh…Shun, did I ever tell you grape soda really complimented err-your eyes?" Shun growled and started chasing Dan, who had started running out the back door yelling, "Runo, if I die, you can have the rest of my pudding!"
Julie and Marucho burst out laughing and Shun glared angrily.
"Hey, it's not funny!" Shun protested like a little child and Runo tried to hold back a giggle.
"Sorry, Shun. It's just that…oh gosh that was hilarious!" Marucho smiled, wiping a tear.
"It was humiliating! I'll never be able to face Alice again!" Shun groaned, his face crimson red, as he tried to hide his face in his hands. It was bad the first time when it happened, then explaining it to his grandfather of why he was purple was even worse. Explaining the story to Marucho and Julie was just as embarrassing-but facing Alice…that would be a nightmare.
"Awe, Shunny-poo!" Shun gritted his teeth in annoyance. Oh how he hated Julie's nicknames for him. "Don't worry about, Alice. She'll forget everything that happened if you declare your love for her." Julie squealed in delight, which Shun winced.
"Uh…I don't think so, Julie." Shun replied, leaning back onto his chair and closing his eyes.
"Oh, c'mon, Shun! I heard Klaus is going to ask a miss someone to the movies tomorrow." Runo snorted and Shun's eyes snapped open. Klaus was asking his Alice out tomorrow? Oh no he won't, definitely not with Shun around.
"What do I have to do?" Shun asked, then immediately regretting it.
Ah. This is a short story, so it only has two chapter. Btw, I hate KlausxAlice. Like seriously, Klaus is this rich snobby dude that thinks he can own Alice cuz' he got some cheesy ass quotes? Nah, Alice is in love with Shun, like it's so obvious!
Sorry KlausxAlice fans :P I'm A ShunxAlice mega #1 fan. Don't be haters though ;D
Ps. I promise the second chapter is hilarious…much funnier than this one. Sue me if not (A/N: Don't really sue me!)
Review, please?
I'll keep updating when I can, kthanxbaii