Chapter 1- One day I'll kill you Shane Collins. Sorry Claire Bear.
Eve's POV.
Shane Collins! I cannot freaking believe him!
We go out for like a day; Michael and I on a date and Claire at work with freaky vampire boss, so he's home alone.
Not a good idea. Anyway... We finally get home and the house looks really tidy, and I mean I would have expected Shane to mess it up.
''Wow. It's actually clean. '' Michael murmurs, I snort and walk through the threshold.
The scent of chilli makes my mouth water. No matter how much I argue with Shane he can make some badass chilli!
''The kitchen will be a god-awful mess Mikey. I bet you anything. And he's going to make us clean it up. '' I say confidently.
It's typical Shane. Stupid, shaggy, messy Shane. He needs Claire Bear to keep him in line.
''What do you want to bet?'' An impish smile crosses Michael's angelic face.
His blonde hair falls in his face and I see the glint in his blue eyes showing me what he wants.
He looks like one of those good angels gone bad.
I chuckle softly. ''You know what I want to bet fangs, and weather I win or lose it doesn't matter because I know you'll want the same thing. '' I've gotten really close to him, my body pressed firmly against his.
''let's see who wins this bet Miss Rosser.'' He smiles smugly as we open the kitchen door because it's completely clean.
''Crap. Uh, you win? '' I smile sheepishly, blushing violently. Even through my pale makeup I know Michael can see it.
''Really?'' He asks sarcastically and I smack his arm lightly. ''That was a shit slap babe. I know you can do better. '' He whispers into my ear, nibbling the lobe lightly.
A moan escapes my lips and I feel Michael's lips pull into a smile.
''Quit teasing me and let's go to my room. '' My voice is only a whisper but I know he can hear.
His cold hand takes mine and drags me upstairs, the moment we get to the top of them Michael comes to a halt but blocks my view.
''Michael? What's going on?'' I try to push him out of the way but his vampire strength is, obviously, way better than my human strength.
''Oh shit. '' I hear Shane's voice echo through the hallway; it comes out of my room. ''Eve, seriously I didn't mean to, I was throwing my football around and well it went into your room and it kind of broke your glass thingy-majiggy. ''
Michael moves out of the way because he's worked out that there's no use stopping me from seeing the damage ahead, I'm going to find out what the bastard broke one day or another.
''SHANE! YOU DICKHEAD!'' My scream slips out of my mouth before I can stop it.
On the floor is my glass makeup box that cost me $50. It's smashed into a billion pieces. And my makeup has been spread across my carpet; almost every bit of makeup I own has been broken open and now lies there staining the carpet. I don't go for cheap makeup, this is all top brand stuff, and I can't afford to be buying new ones because I'm tight for money, my bank account is in the freaking minus numbers. And I mean double 0's as well as that. And now on my floor there's over $150 of useless shit. He is going to die.
Michael's POV.
Well shit Shane has done it now. Eve is hysterical. When she's mad (which is very rare) she's nuclear.
All her makeup has been trampled into the carpet making it white or grey. And that black tinted makeup box that she got in Dallas is now destroyed as well.
''Eve it was an accident!'' He tries hard to calm her down. ''I'm sorry. ''
He's pleading for forgiveness, something he isn't going to get easily. I know instantly from the look that Eve gives him that this won't be one of their normal bro-sis fights.
''SHANE! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH MONEY I HAVE IN THE BANK AT THE MOMENT? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IT COST ME TO BUY THAT AND THE MAKEUP IN IT? MORE THAN I HAVE AT THE MOMENT!'' she screams. I put my arm around her shoulders and she relaxes instantly, I like it when my touch affects her like this.
''Honey, sweetie. I'll buy you new makeup. And I'll get you a box as well. '' I kiss her cheek then turn my attention back to Shane.
''Shane, clean that up and try and save some of that makeup, there's probably lip-gloss that's survived and stuff unless you walked over everything. '' My voice is so bitter it sounds like a lemon has exploded on it.
''Mike...'' I hold a hand up to cut him off.
''Shut it Shane, just do it. '' I sigh.
I didn't know Eve was having that much trouble for money. I guess I'll have to talk to her about that too.
Eve skulks into my room and plonks on the bed. Crap, she looks really emo. I better watch her when she's near knives and scissors or she'll end up cutting herself.
''Eve, baby?'' I sit beside her and pull her into a hug.
''I'm fine. I just... overreacted. That's all. '' she sighs softly and snuggles into me.
I sigh in relief and lie back on the bed, draping Eve across my chest as she falls into a peaceful sleep.
This is my first ever fan fiction so please review :) I'll love you forever and ever :D
Hannah x