Disclaimer -I own nothing

He was obsessed with her.

Kagome Higurashi the one betrothed to his older brother Iroh. He hated him. Iroh the Crowned Prince and honored Fire Nation General. It seemed as if Iroh had everything he had ever wanted and so his anger only grew when he found out that Iroh was betrothed to Kagome.

He deserved to have her as his own. Iroh didn't need anything else he had all that he needed. Even the the favor of their own father. It just didn't seem fair to him and-

"Ozai,"A soft voice interrupted his thoughts.

All the anger he felt immediately melted away as he took in the form of his obsession. She was so beautiful. She was draped in dark red robes and her hair was left to tumble down to her waist. Her pale skin was flawless and her unusually colored blue eyes were sparkling in the sun. He could smell the scent of vanilla waft through his nose. She was just so perfect.

"Yes Kagome,"He finally said after he finished taking in her form.

Kagome gracefully sat herself down beside him on the bench. "I just needed some company since Iroh is still away. Besides that I haven't seen you in a while."

He felt his lips twitch upward. So she had missed him so much that she decided to seek him out and ask him to keep her company.

"Father has been keeping me busy with meetings. I apologize for not being able to visit you."He told her hoping that she would except his apology.

She gave him a smile. "It's fine. I understand that you have things that need your attention."

He let out a small breath. She always seemed to understand and accept things as they were. Which was one of the reason he wanted her as his.

"I want to ask you something."Kagome said looking him in the eyes.

"What is it?"He asked eagerly.

Maybe Kagome would confess some secret feelings she had for him. It wasn't likely but he was still hopeful.

"How do you feel about becoming an uncle?"She asked with a big smile.

And those words made his whole heart drop. She was pregnant. Pregnant with his brothers child and he couldn't find it in himself to be happy for her. If anything all he could feel was anger. There was no way he could ever have her now. The happiness she radiated as she asked him that question was just too much. She wanted this and she wanted it with Iroh.

"You're pregnant."It was statement but she took it as a question.

With a bright smile she replied. "Yes but please don't say anything. I haven't told Iroh yet and I want it to be a surprise."

He forced himself to nod. "Of course I won't say a thing."

Then she gave him a grateful smile. "Thank you. The only thing I don't look forward to is getting fat."She let out a giggle.

Hearing her laugh eased some of the anger and disappointment he was feeling. No matter what the circumstances were he would still love her. Pregnant by his brother or not. Kagome would be the only woman to ever have complete hold over his heart. Whether she knew it or not.

Plain Ole' Renee-Written for Whispering Kage's challenge. Poor Ozai he's totally head over heels for his brothers girl. I might add on more to this in the future. I'm not sure yet. But I hope everyone likes it.