A/N: I've had a ton of story ideas bouncing around in my mind for a few months now, and then suddenly this one popped into my mind recently and I've decided to write it before my other ideas, I just got really excited planning it out. This Prologue is just a teaser, if I get a positive response I'll continue with this story.
I hope you all enjoy it.
Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns all. She can have the story, I just want Edward! However, sadly I can't have him, because she owns him too. Sigh.
Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be.
-Fannie Brice
Bella Swan squinted as the bright lights hit her eyes. Everyone around her was cheering, and she smiled as she pushed her hand up in the air
She could feel his eyes on her, as her hips swayed to the music. She knew she didn't love him; he was just good company and a really great person. And she knew the feeling was mutual.
She thrust her arm out, and watched as her Pom Poms shuffled, a result of the slight breeze.
She knew she had to be honest with him about what he wanted. It wouldn't be right for them to do it.
She thought he would understand. She thought everything would be okay. But she was so wrong.
What did happen was the last thing she ever expected.