AN: I think this will be a two-shot but I might make it longer. It will be M later too(probably)

Anyway, there are a ton of implied/minor pairings in here, but they should be pretty obvious. I also downplayed the french accent in this one because i think he's spent long enough knowing English that he could speak it perfectly if he wanted to.

Disclaimer: Why can't you let me dream? no, I do not own Hetalia *grumble grumble* or any countries, cuz if I did, i would NOT be on

France was running out of excuses. Reasons not to hold him, to kiss him, to confess his burning desire. Despite popular belief, France would restrain himself when necessary. Now he simply had to keep it necessary.

His first excuse had been that he was like a father figure to him; it would be wrong, impure. This excuse worked for a week. Then Spain and Romano were found in a closet, and the acceptance from their peers diminished that excuse.

His second excuse was that it was merely lust; he didn't truly love the boy. This excuse almost fueled his desire. But it was broken as well, when he realized that he had been given many chances to lay with him, but had restrained himself.

His third excuse lasted a while; England and America would absolutely murder him. This too, however was disproved when he remembered he didn't care what England thought and America would have been a hypocrite.

His fourth excuse was more of a hope that perhaps he was dating; he was, after all, half French. But sadly, despite his close friendship with Ukraine, Cuba, and others, an interrogation of Prussia (who was one of the 'others') led to negative results.

His fifth and final (for now, hopefully) excuse was that he didn't feel the same. France was almost positive he didn't, no one had truly loved him for centuries, not since a brave woman in armor had changed his world. But when France thought of this excuse, he felt an unbearable pain in his gut. Like someone had torn through his skin, removed his heart, and told him to live on.

And so he did. He lived on. Because this excuse was working, and for some reason, a reason he wasn't quite sure of yet, he needed to keep these excuses. He needed this wall. So he continued to live on, a country can't just die for selfish reasons like love. No – not love. He wasn't allowed to love. He continued to live like the tin-man, a shell with something beating inside him, echoes coursing through his skin of cold metal.

He would never be his. He was pure, he couldn't be tainted, and France wouldn't taint him.

Canada would never be his; he was too pure.

Canada poked his eyes from the top of kumakichi, or whatever he was called, and looked across the room at his brother. The table had been set in alphabetical order, but China had drifted to the area where the rest of the Asian family was talking, Cuba was skipping, Denmark was off annoying Sweden, Finland keeping him calm, Cyprus had dragged Egypt off to talk to Greece about what their mothers had left, and England was, well, with the brother he was staring at. And so, he had ended up next to France.

It's not like Canada was scared of France like the other Nations, after all France generally forgot of his existence along with the others, only remembering when he wanted to gossip in French, but Canada didn't like being near France. Whenever he was near France, overwhelming emotions consumed him and he began to lose his head. And his head was one of the few things he was appreciated for. He looked nervously at France, and ducked under Jirohime when he saw France looking at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Êtes-vous bien?" he purred, somehow asking the simplest of questions with a sensual voice.

"Eh? Ah, oui je vais bien, merci." Canada mumbled, the French coming naturally to his tongue.

"You seem a bit confused mon ami."

Canada blushed and fiddled with kujamon's ears. "I- I was just wondering where Germany and Italy went. I mean we can't very well start out without them…"

France smirked and Canada immediately regretted asking, "Well, I would assume zey are spreading l'amour"

Canada's blush darkened and he noticed his brother watching from the corner of his eye. "I-I suppose s-so." He stammered and hugged kumajirou, yes that was his name, closer. The bear grumbled a bit and tried to pull himself out of the nation's grip.

France glanced over one more time before leaning onto the table and watching Denmark and Norway shamelessly flirt across the room.(Denmark teasing Norway and Norway seconds away from calling his troll)

Moments later Germany burst into the room dragging a teary-eyed Italy by the ear and apologizing for his tardiness.

"Ve~ sorry guys, do you want some pasta?" Chirped Italy, any sign of pain immediately gone from his face.

Germany sighed, exuding stressfulness, and told Italy to go to his place between Iceland and his brother.

After a laid-back meeting of super-size heroes built by Japan who was, of course, his back up, America called the end of a successful (this was denied by Romano and England, but they just needed some perspective.) meeting and the crowd dispersed. America watched coolly as England argued with France and Canada chatted with Prussia. His eyes narrowed slightly as the albino former nation laughed with his brother, smirk firmly in place. He growled a bit under his breath and walked over to where they were standing.

"Hey Prussia!" he said, keeping his happy-go-lucky façade on.

"Huh? Oh hey Amy."

America coughed at this and thanked god he wasn't drinking anything. "A-Amy?" he repeated, disbelief in his tone.

Prussia frowned and then grinned a grin that could have put the Cheshire cat out of business. "Yeah- Amy. Cool, right?"

America stared at him in disbelief a few seconds longer before huffing and continuing. "Right, well, anyway, since when have you two been going out?"

This time Prussia gaped at America. "What? We aren't!" he exclaimed, drawing the attention of France and England.("Wait-wait shut it about the bloody cheese for a second, I think something happened.") "Mein Gott," he grumbled, " First France, now you." Canada and America raised an eyebrow at this and asked in unison –


Prussia uncrossed his arms and looked dubiously at the two, "Yeah, France kept asking me if you were going out with someone."

France chuckled at this and tried to slide out of the circle, but England and America both grabbed one of his arms, and, well, there were stereotypes about the French for a reason. "Fine!" he cried dramatically, "You have caught me, well done. I shall tell you ze truth," He exclaimed. England and America continued to glare at him and France sighed, "I was simply planning all of your Christmas presents, and I needed to know if Canada would have a use for a- couple's present-." He finished, waggling his eyebrows at 'couple's present.'

No one could ever say France was a bad actor, at least.

America and England seemed appeased with this and released him. America immediately brightened and turned to the other. "Well, Iggy, ya wanna get some food?"

They faded into the distance with an "Anything but McDonalds 'Amy'" and a whined "Don't call me that!"

France turned to Canada, only to realize he had left, leaving him and Prussia alone.

"Well, mon ami, was that as painful to watch as it was to be part of?"

Prussia smiled sympathetically and patted his friend on the shoulder. "If I wasn't so awesome, I would've been bawling."

So I hope you liked it but even if you didn't, at least you read this far.

Hopefully correct translations:

Êtes-vous bien? - are you alright?

oui je vais bien, merci . - Yes I'm fine, thank you.

Mon ami - My friend

l'amour - the luuve~

Mein gott - My god, that should have been redundant...

Please review, tell me anything you wanna see in the future!