Hello there! This is an idea I had, based on the ideas of several people from several fandoms. This will be a collection of short, mostly unconnected one-shots of Malec-y goodness.

THIS particular piece was inspired by CoFA, however I don't think that there's really any spoilers for it (as it's set between CoG and CoFA). If you're waiting on any of my other stories... there's an explanation on my profile.

So, hope you like it!

Sometimes, late at night, Alec thought about things. It seems like an innocuous thing to do, but for some reason Alec can't think about easy things late at night. It's like the darkness just... brings them out. It was at night when he first admitted to himself that he was gay, when he first realized he didn't love Jace, and when he decided to go off with Magnus on the trip.

It was strange, being in Paris with Magnus. Not just because it was Paris, but because being there, with Magnus, made everything more magical. And things were magical alright. Alec laid in bed with Magnus, looking out the window to see the Eiffel Tower outside. It was nighttime, and it was all lit up. But as beautiful as it was outside, Magnus was a million times more beautiful.

It was times like this that Alec couldn't help but wonder how he'd gotten so lucky. Magnus was stretched out beside him in bed, a long expanse of golden skin and a faint sheen of glitter. Alec felt pale and bulky in comparison to Magnus' golden tan and slim body. Magnus was worldly, easily telling Alec of the years he spent in Paris; Magnus was intelligent, easily conversing with the waiters in French, and helping a group of lost Japanese tourists. Magnus was everything wonderful in the world, and Alec was... well, Alec was just Alec.

He wasn't that worldly, nor was his intelligence particularly outstanding. He could speak a few languages, but not nearly as many as Magnus. He was strong, that was true, and fast, but those attributes came primarily from the runes. Was there any part of him that made him good enough for Magnus? He couldn't think of any.

Magnus was brave, and colorful; optimistic but realistic; kind yet honest; perfect and still perfectly flawed. Maybe it was just because he loved Magnus (because he did. Love Magnus. More than he loved breathing.), but to Alec, Magnus was the most unbelievably amazingly perfect human being on the face of the earth. And trying to live up to deserving that was nearly impossible.

Magnus rolled over slightly, one long arm reaching out to grab Alec's arm. Startled out of his thoughts, Alec instinctively rolled closer to Magnus.

"Mmm, Alec." Magnus murmured in his sleep, smiling. Alec bit his lip as he grinned down at Magnus. Maybe he didn't deserve Magnus, maybe Magnus was smarter, worldlier, and all together better, but for some reason Magnus wanted Alec. And he wasn't going to question that.

Alec slid down under the covers and wrapped his arms around Magnus, pulling him close and kissing his hair lightly. Magnus was

The next morning, Alec didn't complain when Magnus woke him up at five to go and eat the first croissants baked, or when Magnus bought a fisherman's sweater, a wild beret, and yet another pair of leather pants (because, according to Magnus, "You can never have too many pairs of leather pants."). He even grinned and went along with it as Magnus posed in front of the Eiffel Tower, smiling and waving at the camera.

Later that night he sent the picture to Jace, captioning it with a quick "wish you were here, except not really". Finally, he ate dinner with Magnus at some old French restaurant owned by a vampire who Magnus had apparently helped with something two hundred years ago. They got the best table, and their food was free.

At last, they went back to their hotel room and made passionate love, Alec murmuring words of love as they basked in the afterglow. Maybe Alec didn't deserve Magnus, but he would enjoy every second of their life together.

Obnoxiously short, I know, but that's how these will most likely be. Some might be longer, some might be shorter. AND, keep an eye out for another new one-shot that should be posted tonight or tomorrow!

:) reviews = faster typing