A.N. I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho.

Contentment flooded the hybrid's system as he stared down at the miko, her dark hair flowing across the pillow like spilled ink. He pressed his nose to her neck, inhaling his scent on her skin, the mark standing out on her creamy flesh.

In her sleep, Kagome made soft sound of pleasure and curled in closer to his warmth.

Kuwabara watched, a slight smile on his face as he moved in behind her feeling the soft skin of her back pressed to his chest. He met Hiei's eyes, the possessiveness in them not surprising him. "She belongs to both of us." He kissed her shoulder, staring at her thoughtfully. "We can't fight over her."

Nodding, the male suppressed his desire to take her away. She belonged to both of them. Yes. It was hard to accept in many ways.


Izayoi stepped into Lady Haruko's room, violet eyes taking in her appearance. "Are you ready to rejoin the world?"

The beautiful inu snarled at her. She was enraged. "You shut me in my room, treating me like some common prisoner! How dare you?! How dare you treat me this way?" She shoved against her violently.

Not even flinching, the dark haired woman took the other's hands. "Stop. Just stop." She fixed her with a heavy stare, looking tired. "I came here to ask you if you're ready to put aside your spite and assist in this time of need. If you cannot then I will reseal this room in a heartbeat."

Yanking her hands free, the Lady walked away for a moment. How had it come to this? Taking orders from the second mate, cowering in her room. She was Lady Haruko, damn it! Finally, she sighed, shoulders sagging. "What choice do I have?"

"Wise of you." The gentle Lady handed over her rival's weaponry. "Be prepared to fight. Any day now, the war could erupt."


Humming softly, the little hanyou braided her kitsune friend's orange hair. There was an odd sense of peace here and she was content to just be with her young friend. "Do you think they'll let us stay here forever?" There was a note of hope in her voice.

"Maybe." The kit was not willing to get his or her hopes up, yet at the same time he couldn't dash them. They had been traveling alone so long, and as wary as he was of them, the people in this village had been the kindest they'd encountered. They were cautious of them, but not in a way that spoke of hatred. And the other children had approached readily, asking if they could turn big like Kirara, the taijya's fire cat.

"I hope so... They're nice here. And the Lady Miko who saved us was so warm... She reminded me a little of my okaa-san." Her eyes became a tinge distant at the thought of her long dead mother.

Shippou sat up and hugged her around her neck. He was smaller, but she was younger and it was his duty to comfort her. Even though he missed his father just as much. "Maybe we'll stay, if they let us."

There was a tapping on the outside of the hut they were staying in before the flap moved and the young miko of the village came out. "Hello! I'm Rin-We met last night, but I wanted to make sure you two slept well. Also, I brought some food. Didn't know if you had anything specific you eat, but I brought fish, berries and rice." She set the tray down, along with a water pail and ladle. "But you have to eat up quickly-You're already late and you have to go!"

Crushed by the realization they were being kicked out, the silver haired hanyou lowered her gaze and began to eat. She had had such hope. At least they were being given a meal... Still, tears threatened to spill from her purple irises.

Scenting the salt, the kitsune rounded angrily on the young miko. "What about the older one, the Lady Miko? Does she say we have to go?"

"It was her idea, I assure you." Rin quirked an eyebrow, thinking their reactions quite strange.

That was like a knife to both children. They ate in silence after that and stood when they were finished.

"Don't be so gloomy-It's hard work, but it can be fun too!" the young woman stated, walking with them through the bustling little village. "And it can be useful."

"What do you know?" Shippou groused, eyes narrowing at her back. Yeah, it was easy to talk about things that way when you never had to be on the road. He'd spent most of his young life running and hiding and protecting his hanyou friend when he found her.

Taking his hand, the younger girl just gave him a watery smile. It would be okay, because at least they had each other.

"Here we are!" the miko announced brightly, coming upon a crowd of children drawing in the dirt as an old man and woman walked back and forth, critiquing them.

"What? What is this?" the kitsune demanded, deeply confused. He'd thought they were being kicked out!

"Daily lessons, like I said! You're late and Kagome-sama insisted you attend. Morning lessons are on reading and writing, which can be boring, but it's useful, taught mainly by Saburo-jiisan. Then, Kaori-baasan will take the lead and bring you into the forest to teach about plants and herbs. She may even introduce you to someone very special." She winked at Shiori.

"So, you're not making us leave?" the bat girl asked, eyes widening at the realization.

"What? Of course not! Oh... That's why you guys were acting so strangely." Pink dusted her cheeks. "No, you're welcome to stay. Oh, and after the plant lessons, you should follow along to training. Usually we have some exercise lead by some old swordsman, but with Sango and Miroku back, maybe they'll take the lead. Have fun and make friends!"


Tying her hair back, the miko smiled and leaned into her new husband as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Hello, Husband." She turned and kissed him softly. Sensing the other male, she reached and grabbed his hand without looking. When she broke the kiss with the Kuwabara, she moved to press her lips to the hybrid's. "Mate."

Flushing, the orange haired male kissed the top of her head. "Well, we should probably get going soon. We need to check the barriers and get into contact with Mukuro." As much as he would have preferred to stay here and enjoy a honeymoon, there were very pressing matters to attend to.

Basking in his mate's attention, the dark youkai scowled. The idea of leaving the peaceful place, of exposing his female to the war, left him deeply irritated. "Hn." Struck with an idea, he appraised the two. "You both will remain here." It suddenly seemed for the best. He trusted the Kuwabara to protect her and the barrier had not yet failed.

"What? No, I couldn't possibly-" the miko began, her expression clearly appalled at the idea of being left behind in the village.

"You are my mate, and you will remain." Catching her chin, he kissed her heatedly. He was trying to convey how he felt with that. She needed to be safe and he had to go back to the place where she could be threatened on all sides, his claim challenged. "Stay with your husband and protect this village."

Stopping his wife's argument, the human male kissed her temple. "Please? The village needs protection, so you will still be doing your duty for the war. Away from those who might not be so helpful," he hinted. They wanted her safe, away from the one who had once bound her.

Understanding, yet not liking it at all, the miko frowned. "But what of humankind? We need to be there, to represent that we have the power to help as well. It's not just about me or my duty-Here, things are different, but everywhere else, humans are owned. And even this village is not free for we are bound to one place." Humans needed to be a part of the main fight, to show their value, their power.

"Well, then I'd be happy to go with Sango and Miroku." Stepping into the room without any real fear of reprisal. "I'll represent the Higurashi Miko, and I will take Sango as a representative to the taijya, born of the Kuwabara line, Miroku to show we all have a stake in this evil man's defeat."

"Hn. Miko are not supposed to leave their village." It was strictly forbidden for her to leave-The Higurashi line had been slowed down to a trickle, miko becoming rare even for them. Indeed, he recalled this young woman's birth and she had been the fourth child, all others born without powers and allowed to lead normal lives, while she was trained from the time she could hold herself upright.

"It's not just about me or my duty," she quoted her living ancestor. "Like she said, we need to be represented, and Kagome-sama is too much a part of youkai society to represent free humanity-I mean no offense, but you have sat in on their courts and now have a mate in the Lord of the East. I am a a miko, tied to my village and nothing else. I can represent us. And the Higurashi line is safer with you here than if I stayed."

Smiling a sad smile, the elder miko stepped forward and took her hands, kissing her forehead. "You are the best of the line, Rin. Really."


"Will your partner be returning, Lord Mukuro?" a smooth voice asked, a very knowing smile on his face. "Or will he be jealously guarding his new little mate?"

"Lord Yomi, I do not see how that is your business," she replied curtly, sipping the demonic spirits she had pilfered from the taiyoukai's study. His late father had had quite the stash hidden away and this was the best of it.

"Is now the time to be drinking?" he questioned with a slight smirk in her direction. "Perhaps you miss your mortal lover?"

"If you believe such rumors, no wonder your band of thieves left you to die." The words were harsh and she did not care. She wasn't even buzzed and she was long past an age where she accepted being chastised for such even if she had been drunk.

Lips thinning, the blind male picked up the bottle and set it on his side of the table. "What are your plans for this war? Do you really just seek to defend?" They were all fighting Naraku, but what of after? The West was weakening, held together by the gentle Lady and her will. Haruko was a relic of the old, Sesshomaru despairing, and the hanyou too brash.

Catching on, she snorted and took back the bottle. She felt no particular loyalty to the current Lord of the West... But his parents had been the first to recognize herself and Hiei as the Eastern Lords. "The East is content with its lands, just as you, Southern Lord, should be. Now is not the time for dissent amongst allies."

A smile tilted his lips. "You've grown loyal..." Amused with the development, he took his leave.

"He said that as if it were a filthy word." Despite her history, she was an inu youkai and she saw loyalty as an asset. "Was it out of loyalty that you voiced such an opinion? Or is it simply a logic based decision?" She was curious on her motives.

"What do motives matter, when the result is the same?" the younger female replied cagily. She would rather not have this woman know anything of use about her. Lady Haruko was like a puppet master.

"You and I both know that motive is everything." The former Lady of the West was well aware of that fact. Her selfishness had moved the timeline itself, though she would never admit this to anyone but herself.

Silence descended between the two. On the cusp of war, and here they were, speaking of philosophy in their own way. It almost made it seem surreal... Or maybe the spirits were kicking in.