"It's been a while" Kuromi stated to his opponent while smiling at him almost warmly. Yuuka was particularly confused at the way Kuromi was acting and was wondering if he had maybe jumped off the deep end at some point in his life, the fact he had broken into his home not counting right now.

"It has, I was a much younger man when we last fought each other, and same applies for you" Yuuka answered evenly as he could hear Narino rushing out to the porch. Once she reached the porch she crashed to the ground at Naruto's side as tears began to fall down her beautiful face at the damaged state of her foster son.

"Naruto!" Narino screamed as she looked at her hurt son and then looked to the body next to him in almost the same condition minus the stab wound. "Sasuke" she gasped as her hand rushed to her mouth. The boys had been playing so happily not ten minutes ago and now they were both in almost critical condition. Naruto was bleeding deeply from a stab wound on his stomach and Sasuke was badly beaten with his body slightly swollen in some places, he however still tried to stand and defend his friend.

"Sasuke, please rest, you will hurt yourself if you try to stand now" Narino tried to reason to the Uchiha but she received a reply from the boy she should have expected.

"I can't let you get hurt, Naruto would never forgive me if I let you get hurt" Sasuke answered through a clearly tired voice. His very body looked dropped and completely worn out as he tried to stand defensively in front of both her and Naruto, she could not have him getting hurt though. She began to move but was stopped suddenly when the man noticed her about to move from the middle of the courtyard.

"My what a beautiful lady we have here, quite the slave you have managed to accumulate for yourself Yuuka" Kuromi stated from his standing point as he looked at Narino, he could see the beauty that simply glowed from her, she was the woman any man would want. "Good to see you again Narino, lovely to see time has not been harsh on you" Kuromi added with an evil smirk that grew on his face, Narino looked at him with hatred burning within her eyes at the mere mention of such things.

Kuromi had barely finished his last sentence in the direction of the beauty of a woman before he heard the swish coming from behind him and leapt directly up into the air, clearly missing a kick that was aimed for his head not seconds ago. Flipping around in mid-air he landed on his feet again a few feet away from Yuuka and took the time to study his adversary. There was lightning coursing off the body of Yuuka as he glared hatefully at Kuromi; he was seriously beginning to find it hard to contain his emotions. Whenever he fought in the past he would keep a level head no matter what the situation was because it increased the success rate and meant issues involving loved ones could be addressed quicker.

Yuuka attempted to calm himself down as he allowed the lightning that was running all over his body to collect around the area of his index finger. Kuromi could see what Yuuka was trying to do and leapt back a greater distance than he already had. Yuuka gave chased in the same direction before pointing his index finger in Kuromi's direction and releasing the entirety of the lightning in a fine almost concentrated beam "Lightning Bolt!". The length greatly surprised Kuromi who had misjudged its length as it pierced right through his left shoulder.

With a grunt of pain he landed on the ground with a more collected looking Yuuka standing opposite him, he had managed to get himself into the correct psyche for such a confrontation. He could analyse his enemy and find a way to beat them, the stakes were far higher in this situation than in any other he had ever been in before though. All of his family were on the line here and he could not afford any of them to get hurt, he simply could not allow such an atrocity to take place.

These thoughts had adverse effects on his concentration as he found himself unable to fully contain his emotions. Fear ran through his body like his very blood at the same time as anger made that same route. He feared for his family and he was furious at the state his son had gotten into because of his past. Yuuka's mind was trying desperately to come to any form of compromise between his emotions and his rational thought, unfortunately he was finding this hard to come by.

Kuromi had not even taken the opportunity to try and attack Yuuka while he was quite so clearly not even there with them. He simply waited for Yuuka to fight him, that's all he wanted was a fight to regain his honour. He had been hated by his comrades because he had survived an attack by Minato Namikaze, not many ninja could boast such a thing that went up against him. He had even gone up against Minato and his two teammates, and was still able to boast his survival. What should have been a sure sign of true grit and strength was instead labelled as cowardice in the face of an opponent and he was viewed as scum for surviving such a confrontation.

Now here he was up against one of those who had him humiliated so long ago, how he would have preferred to go up against Minato instead of this man however. It was Minato who had used that damn technique which had finished him off, another thing that annoyed him was due to the damage made by the attack it was clear that he had taken significant damage but somehow it was not recognised. His opponent was taking far too long to make any kind of response and Kuromi really wanted to get this all over and done with soon, he was really beginning to reach his wits end.

"You know I had my fair share of the beautiful Narino over there at one time" Kuromi began as he looked towards the beauty in question and could see the horrified and disgust that plastered on her face. "The price for her was so damn high for her too and it took much of my mission's earnings in order to get her, but damn if it wasn't worth it" Kuromi finished with an evil smirk flashing onto his face at the response he received.

From where Sasuke was barely able to stand he was able to witness as Yuuka looked human one moment but the next he looked like a demon, in the most literal sense of the word. Yuuka's features could no longer be made out as he was completely covered in the powerful lightning bolts that cascaded all over his body and made a visage all of its own. The very ground beneath his feet began to give way and crack because of the sheer amount of lightning that was coming off from him. After a second the lightning moved away from his whole body to his head and his hands. The lightning covered the entirety of his knuckles on both hands while at the same time rushing to the place his eyes were and shot inwards.

The lighting burst his eyes to all extents, and took their place poking in and out of the now vacant eye holes. With Yuuka now back to visibility he looked so much more powerful than he had done so previously. He had previously been wearing a Jonin vest alongside blue pants and black long sleeved shirt. Pretty standard issue.

Now he looked much more dangerous, the lightning that coated his hands burned away at the fabric of his shirt's sleeves and left them burned and shorter, up past his elbow on one arm and halfway up the forearm on his other. The vest itself had burst open with the force of the lightning chakra forced onto it and the zipper had just melted. His vest was tattered slightly with most of it remaining intact; under it the blue shirt was ripped at some points which gave a view of a physically powerful body. Much of the fabric on his pants was ripped and burned also but to a much lesser degree, his sandals were gone, completely obliterated.

Kuromi had his wish, Yuuka was ready to fight. With the sound of a bolt of lightning Yuuka had disappeared and reappeared in front of Kuromi with his fist brought back and ready to lay straight into Kuromi's face. Kuromi was unable to register the movements in time and had to take the blow full force to the face, which caused him to fly through the courtyard and straight through one of the surrounding walls. Yuuka chased after him the second after he had landed the punch. Within that second he had vanished into thin air, intent to find and end Kuromi.

Narino watched in complete sorrow, it was her fault that Yuuka was lost now. There were things in her past that she was not proud of, of course Yuuka knew of them, he knew everything there was to know about her, she kept nothing from him. Bringing up such a thing in order to degrade her however was a sure fire way in order to get right to Yuuka. He just cared too much about those he loved to let them be talked about in such ways without doing anything.

Bringing her attention back to the greater danger at hand she looked down upon the boy who was laying at her lap, she moved over and laid his head upon her lap while she stroked his head. Looking at his wound she winced at the look of it, that looked like a painful injury, she was going to have to take him to the hospital. Her attention was brought back to Sasuke when he suddenly dropped to the ground in complete and utter exhaustion. He did not even stay awake as his body instantly shut down and he went to sleep. Now Narino had to take two to the hospital.

Rain began to fall as Narino found herself alone out on the porch with her son's head upon her lap and his best friend laying on the ground not too far away. All of them were getting wet but Narino was incapable of getting up. What she had feared had happened, maybe not in the fashion it had but she had expected Naruto to get hurt eventually, she had expected it to be more psychological though. Never did she think he might get physically hurt and her heart ran at unhealthy speeds at the mere thought of it.

Her son was just below her and he was fighting for his life, he was too small and young to take a hit like that and for it to miss all of his vital organs, and if he were to die then the Kyuubi would get out and would cause havoc again. She had to get him to the hospital and she had to get Sasuke there too. Lifting herself off of the ground she then stooped down to pick up Naruto. He was not the lightest of loads to lift but she could do it. The problem was going to be getting Sasuke up too, with a grunt she knelt down and tried her best to get Sasuke on to her shoulder as she placed Naruto on her opposite shoulder.

With both boys on her shoulders she began her trek towards the front door and was about to leave before another piece of reality hit her square in the face. She heard crying from one of the rooms next to the living room. How could she ever forget? Her baby was still in the house. What if the man came back and tried to get at Yuuka by attacking the baby? No she couldn't risk it, she moved back into the living room and settled both boys onto couches before going into the room and lifting up her two year old girl. She walked back into the living room with her mind clouded as to her next move.

The boys needed medical attention but she just simply could not get them to the hospital by herself, she may be strong but she had a baby girl and there were two boys she would have to carry. She began to despair as she thought about her predicament, she was entirely useless right now and absolutely hate it, falling to her knees on the floor with her baby in her arms she let loose a deep groan and felt tears begin to fall down her cheeks. She was powerless and incapable of helping. The boys were going to be in even more trouble if she could not think of something to do soon.

"I never thought I would see you cry about children after you must have gotten rid of so many before they could even form" came a sinister voice as Narino looked up instantly to the shockingly close proximity of that voice and the implications it left if his voice was here. She could see the completely unscathed face of Kuromi staring at her with those golden eyes with almost a sense of hunger in those eyes, she had seen that look before and did not much like it. "I wonder if you are as good now as you were then." Kuromi asked as he reached into his weapons pouch and pulled out a kunai. "Don't worry, your husband won't be back in time to save you, I have made sure of that" Kuromi said to Narino before the thought could even from within her mind, he got steadily closer to her and as she looked at the faces of Naruto and Sasuke was silently glad that they would miss what was about to happen.

Kuromi reached Narino and looked at her with a lecherous grin while looking all over her body, oh how long it had been from he had had pleasures of this body. Then there was the eye sore in the form of that child nestled up against those perfect breasts of her where his hands could be right now. In a moment of sheer ignorance and brutality Kuromi grabbed the head of Kyota and tossed the small child across at the boy he had stabbed. He then proceeded to cut at one of the straps on Narino's blue dress while she screamed about Kyota who had cried after such an act.

Kuromi was about to retort but not before he heard a low deep growl in the direction he had just tossed that damned eye sore. The boy he had stabbed was enveloped in a vibrant red chakra and his azure eyes were staring right at him with a hatred and familiarity he had missed before. He held on to Kyota possessively and softly, protecting her from himself basically. He was about to say something but instead began coughing heavily and retching. Blood began to ooze out of his mouth as this continued and Narino was beginning to feel worried for her son. Eventually the coughing became so strong that Naruto ended up vomiting a rather disgusting red lump of goo. A particularly large amount of the goo escaped from his mouth and made a large splatter across the floor. Naruto collapsed soon after such a feat and enveloped Kyota in a protective hold as he done so with his last conscious thought. The small girl screamed in fright as her big brother seemed to give up completely in his fight for consciousness.

"Will that child not shut up?" Kuromi shouted in sheer anger as he lifted himself up off the ground and moved away from the frozen form of Narino whose dress was now only being held up by one of the straps. Kuromi neared the two children and pulled back his fist, a punch to a young child's face would usually shut them up. He brought his fist across the face of Kyota who was still hidden under Naruto and instead hit Naruto across his ribs with an audible crack. Narino winced at the attack Naruto had just taken and done what she had never done before because she had hated the idea of it.

Kuromi was not prepared when he felt huge force acting against him and caused him to fly right across the couch in which both Kyota and Naruto lay motionless. Kyota was still crying at the inactivity of her big brother. Kuromi picked himself up from the pile that he ended up in after such an unexpected attack. Looking back in the direction that he had been sent from he could see Narino standing with her palm facing towards him and her face shadowed by her long hair. Kuromi felt a smirk growing on his face. So the girl knew how to fight did she? She was a little bit frisky, but he liked frisky.

"So you can fight back Narino-san, funny you used to always take things as they happened in the past" Kuromi said to her as he could feel a chuckle roll off his tongue at saying such things. Kuromi slowly walked back to where he had been previously but was surprised when Narino vaulted over the couch in order to get between him and the children. Her face was still shadowed by her long hair.

"Say what you want about me, my past is far from spotless… but never… ever…" Narino began as he voice literally seethed with anger and hatred. Kuromi witnessed as chakra began to take physical form around the form of the beautiful woman and began to blow around her in a furious whirlwind. Her hair began to whip around in such wind and it was then that Kuromi was able to see it, one of the few things that could make every Shinobi with knowledge of such a thing fear for their very existence if they saw it. He was no exception to this rule and at the sight of it he instantly stepped back in fear.

"… HURT MY CHILDREN" Narino screamed as her eyes were finally revealed through the whirlwind of chakra. The purple iris had taken over the entire sclera of her eye and rings had formed after spaces from her iris. Kuromi had never seen these but he had definitely heard of them.

"Rinnegan" Kuromi slowly said to himself as he stared in complete fear at the beauty before him. He never had any idea that one as beautiful as her and especially with her past track record, would possess one of the most legendary Dojutsu known to the ninja world.

Narino did not even grace him with an answer as she leapt at his form and extended her hand out towards him. Thrusting her palm at his chest he felt the massive force acting against his chest and felt it launching him right through the porch doors and back out into the courtyard of the Inoyichi household. He smashed right into one of the back walls with such force that he was trapped within the stone. Narino had not stopped her momentum after hitting him as she appeared before him again with her right fist primed for an attack. Time slowed down as Kuromi watched the way that Narino's face looked so close up.

Her face was twisted into a hateful sneer as her fist began its decent towards his face; tears ran down her cheeks from her purple eyes and were caught in mid-air as he watched this all happening in slow motion. Her hair was flowing in every direction and shone in the contrasting light of the sun which had made itself noticed now. Time went back to normal and the force of Narino's punch could be seen through the other side of the wall as a large crater mark began to crack after the initial impact.

Throughout the entire time of the battles that raged at the Inoyichi residence, it came as no surprise that the huge surges in chakra would bring attention to the place, with one being overly familiar. As it was there was a fair amount of Shinobi making their way to the Inoyichi residence.

"Where have you been hiding those eyes you whore?" Kuromi asked from behind the fist of Narino which was firmly implanted within his face. She retracted her fist after his statement and could see the lecherous smile that was still present on his face. "You don't think that as a Rock ninja I can't take a few hits do you?" Kuromi asked her as he cocked his head and wrapped his arms around the waist of Narino.

There were absolutely no blemishes on the body of Kuromi and as he hugged her closer to him she could feel the disgusting anticipation growing against her thigh. Looking up into his face again his eyes told her of his insatiable appetite and the fact that she was the main course of his feast.

Well not today, she was not going to let this man have his way with her. Forcing her palms forwards up to the chest of Kuromi she pushed outwards with the extra application of force she had just acquired. This sent Kuromi the rest of the way through the wall and crash into the opposite wall across the street. He fell out of the wall and landed on one knee with a groan as he done so. This was not happening, he was not going to be beaten by a woman, he had come here to kill her and finally kill Yuuka, and then he would have his honour back. A little hanky panky would have been nice too but she would just not relent.

Forcing chakra through his feet and into the earth he got in tune with his natural affinity and closed his eyes before standing straight again and opening his arms wide. Chunks of the ground and the wall behind him began to fly off and attach to his body, weaving intricate designs between the cracks of the rocks. It covered most of his body before reaching his neck and stopping.

Narino made her way across the wall and landed in the pathway opposite him and showed no surprise to his new state of appearance. He wasted no time in completing his jutsu and covering his entire head in a helmet made of pure rock. Thus the Earth Armour Technique was complete and Kuromi settled into a stance by placing his left foot in front and using his right foot as a suitable platform for his entire weight.

Narino barely took a second to register the change before she had charged directly at her attacker, no mercy would be shown to the man who harmed her children and had made it clear his intentions towards her. She leapt into the air with her open palm prepared to strike forward at Kuromi but before she could send it forward Kuromi had already punched out in the area before him. Suddenly coming towards Narino was thousands of sharpened fragments of stone flying off from Kuromi's right fist and arm leaving them unarmoured. Narino quickly shot her hand forwards and released the force that she had been gathering in her hand; it expelled outwards and sent the stones ricocheting in all directions in a semi-circle around her.

Landing on her feet she looked at Kuromi again to find that his right arm and hand were completely unarmoured now and that they could be attacked if only just for distactionary tactics. It was not to be however as Kuromi could see her analysing his arm and raised it into the air. "Too bad Narino-san, I can regenerate my armour however many times I want" Kuromi said to her as she could see the faintest of hints of grin behind the helmet across his head.

Kuromi sent his left hand forwards causing the stoned on his left arm and hand to shoot off in the direction of Narino, as they flew through the air the stones ground against each other, effectively sharpening them further. Narino instinctively opened her arms out and sent a large invisible barrier around herself as the projectiles closed in on her. This again sent the stones ricocheting off in all directions, a thing which did manage to cause Kuromi some slight annoyance, but nonetheless he had another ace up his sleeve.

"Honestly Narino-san I'm hurt that you won't let me get near you at all, you used to be so happy when you were close to me" Kuromi said to the still seething beauty who had since dispelled her invisible barrier.

"It was not my choice to make, many things can be acted you know" Narino answered back in a monotonous voice which took Kuromi by surprise, however he continued on.

"Narino-san I am deeply hurt by those words, are you trying to say you felt nothing for me at all?" Kuromi asked her with mock hurt within his voice, receiving only an angry growl in reply Kuromi guessed that he got his answer.

"Well we might as well finish this fight now don't you think Narino-san, although it pains me to kill one so beautiful as yourself, you really have bugged me beyond redemption" Kuromi said to the blue haired beauty in front of him. She showed no signs of having heard what he had said and simply stood in place as the stone armour clad man charged across the street towards her. She raised both of her hands in order to deflect him but was denied the opportunity when a flash of black appeared in front of her.

"Sorry I'm late dear, I've been stupidly chasing a clone around all this time" Yuuka explained as blue lightning coursed all over his body and arced off it to show his entire anger right now. That did not mean that the man who had been running across the street had lost any momentum and in fact was still charging right for both Yuuka and Narino. Narino could see the currents of lightning in Yuuka's eyes contorting even more before lightning coated his right hand. He spun around at close enough to the speed of light and with a roar most unlike Yuuka delivered the lighting coated hand right into the gut of the attacking Shinobi.

Kuromi dropped to the ground after that hit, earth's elemental weakness was against lightning after all and as such the stone armour that Kuromi had been encased within crumbled away from his body revealing him to be much the same as before, only with a large wound on his stomach. Yuuka turned back to his wife, giving her a quick once over he could see that her dress strap was cut and although that angered him greatly, he understood that nothing was able to transpire. His eyes returned to normal again. After his anger subsided the lightning within his eyes began to become liquid and formed an eye for him, then repeated the process for his other eye.

With his eyes back Yuuka looked to his wife with the love and care that he kept only for her, she was the mother of his children and his wife, she was too important to him for him to just not care about her. That was for men who did not know how much of a good thing they had. He brought his hands up to her chin in order to make her look up to him so that he could see her beautiful eyes. Parting her hair to the side Yuuka brought her face back in order to gaze at the beauty that was his wife but was shocked by what he saw.

The Rinnegan, eyes he had not seen in a long time. The only time he had ever seen those eyes was during a small pit stop at Amegekure, which was the first time that Yuuka had felt like someone could kill him with the slightest of twitches. It unnerved him immensely and to see those same eyes on his wife only made his fears grow in size, life with Naruto in the village that hated him would be hard. Now his wife had arguably the strongest Dojutsu in existence, it would only take the council a small while to exploit her.

"Honey, we need to keep your eyes a secret from everyone from now on, I am not ashamed of them in the slightest but I am afraid of what the councilers of this village will do to you if they find out, having the rarest of Dojutsu will make you very popular" Yuuka explained to his wife as she looked at him sadly and nodded her understanding to him.

"Come now, I want to make sure that the boys are alright alongside Kyota-san, I can feel chakra signatures closing in on us and I would prefer to make sure my son and his friend are both safe" Yuuka said to his wife as she silently nodded at his side. They made their way into the house – not before looking at the motionless form of Kuromi and leaving him - to find Naruto and Sasuke still on their individual couches that Narino had left them. Kyota had since the earlier incident with Kuromi quieted down and was whimpering into the form of her older brother.

Yuuka lifted Naruto onto his shoulder, therefore allowing Kyota some space, which she did not appear too happy with as she began whimpering at the sudden loss of heat. Narino silently leaned over and picked up her daughter, once within the arms of her mother Kyota was silent again as she fell asleep within her arms almost instantly. Yuuka looked to his wife smiling as Kyota quieted down at her mere touch, Narino looked to her daughter and the look of sadness and guilt left her face as she stared lovingly at her daughter. Turning to the form of Sasuke Yuuka quickly lifted him onto his other shoulder, careful not to hurt him at all, like he had done with Naruto.

"Narino I will be taking Naruto and Sasuke to the hospital, I will literally be back in a second since I have to take Naruto and Sasuke there urgently" Yuuka explained to which Narino nodded with a smile finally finding its way onto her face. "I know Yuuka-kun, I will be fine for a second I am sure" Narino said sweetly to her husband at which he smiled and with a nod had left in a flash of black.

Narino could feel like her body was close to losing consciousness through some feeling she had not experienced before, however going by her symptoms of her body hurting slightly and feeling drowsy she felt it was probably chakra exhaustion or something to that effect.

As such she was not prepared when four figures suddenly appeared within the living room with her. All were draped in white cloaks and wore masks of varying animals.

"A second is much more than enough time for us to get both of you and leave here" one of the four figures said before leaping forwards and grabbing Kyota. Narino felt the sudden loss of weight where her child was and watched in horror as a man grabbed and held her before vanishing and then another man moving over to her while grabbing her and vanishing too. The other two men within the home quickly followed suit of their other two squad mates.

Yuuka returned home to find his ultimate horror in place. His wife was gone alongside his daughter. There was no chakra signature at all or any decent scent in order to follow. There was nothing, nothing to give him any idea of which way he should look. They were gone and he was not able to stop them. He fell to his knees, he felt worthless, he had not felt like this ever since the time the Kyuubi had taken over Naruto and killed the ninja that had attacked them.

They were gone, the loves of his life were gone. He couldn't take it, it hurt too much. He started to punch the ground, soft at first but as his anger grew so too did his strength. As eventually he was pounding the floor relentlessly, causing much of the floorboards beneath his fury to splinter and fly out in all directions.

This was the scene that the Hokage, Inoichi, Kane, Asuma, Kakashi, Kurenai and Anko came across as they responded to the chakra pulses that ran rampant throughout the village. Although finding Yuuka in such a state was somewhat scary for all of them as they had never seen Yuuka as one to be of anything but a happy and calm disposition. Something had definitely happened and Yuuka was not happy.

Well here you guys go I hope that you enjoy this chapter even if it does appear I may have went insane. I just felt it would be quite the twist if the beautiful Narino somehow had the Rinnegan and i know it may be harsh with the past ive gave her but it will be explained i promise, I would like you to tell me what you think of this idea as criticism is always accepted by me. Anyway enjoy reading and drop a little review if you wouldn't mind, thank you =] - Varrukh