Author's Note: ARGH! So. There is a reason for my tardiness. My laptop hard drive died and Staples decided to keep my computer hostage for 2 ½ weeks. During finals. During which time I got strep throat. I only got home on Saturday night and I honestly had a hard time getting myself to write this chapter. I was just so done with this fic. It's the last chapter and I was ready to end it, but had no motivation to actually figure out what words to write to do so. Obviously I finally did, between seeing watching Bones, reading and doing various other things pertaining to Artemis Fowl, and starting to catch my mother up on Glee. So here it is, the last chapter.


Disclaimer: Still not RIB, still don't own Glee.

Chapter Twenty-Six: Return

"Come on, it's one day of school."

"No," said Burt firmly.

"But—" Finn looked pleadingly at his mother.

"No," said Carole.


"No," said both of his parents.

"No one does anything on the first day back from break anyway," said Finn. "I'm sure I'd be more useful at home with—"

"What is it about the word "no" that you don't understand, Finn?" said Carole. "You are going to school tomorrow. End of story."

Finn looked appealingly at Kurt, as though the other boy could convince their parents to allow him to stay home.

Kurt shrugged. "Go to school, Finn, I'll be fine."

'Traitor,' mouthed Finn.

"Come on, Finn," said Carole. "Get your things."

"Can't I stay?"

"And wake Kurt up at six o'clock in the morning when you have to leave to get your stuff before school?"

"Ugh," said Kurt. "No thanks! Go home, Finn. I'll see you tomorrow when you get home from school."

"Alright, alright," said Finn, knowing when he was defeated.

"I guess I'll be going too, then…" said Blaine.

"Are you going to be okay?" asked Kurt in concern. "Going home to your parents?"

"I'll be fine," said Blaine. "They'll probably just yell at me for a few minutes and then go back to fawning over Jasmine." He scowled. "I'll come by your place as soon as I can get the car. And I'll call you tomorrow after school."

Kurt nodded. "See you, Blaine. See you, Finn. I promise I won't expire without you."


Finn had a difficult time concentrating at school on Monday. The members of New Directions thoroughly grilled him on Kurt's condition, and he assured them that the other boy was doing well, but internally he couldn't wait to get home and make sure of that for himself.

"Dude, Earth to Finn, Mr. Shue is talking to you."

Finn blinked. "Sorry, what?"

"Finn, I was wondering of you'd like to take this solo."

"Oh, um, sure. Wait, what solo?"

Will sighed. "Finn, get with us, please."

"Sorry, Mr. Shue, I'm just a bit distracted."

"Well, get un-distracted, please. We have a lot of work to do."


Finally it was the end of the school day and Finn was more than ready to get back home to Kurt.

"Hey dude, you wanna hang out? Maybe go shoot some hoops or hit up the gas station for free candy bars?"

"Sorry, Puck," said Finn, shouldering his backpack. "I've gotta get home to check on Kurt."

"Kurt's fine, man. You said so yourself."

"I know, but I promised him I go right home."

"Come on, at least come over to the gas station with me, we can snag him a couple of candy bars. I'm sure even he'll want them after a week of that hospital food."

"You go ahead," said Finn. "I'm gonna head home."

Puck shrugged. "Suit yourself. I'm not picking you up a candy bar, though."


Finn shouldered through the door so that it banged loudly against the wall behind it. "I'm home!"

Kurt's head appeared in the doorway. "So I heard."

"Kurt!" said Finn. "You shouldn't be up! Dr. Roth said you still need to stay in bed for at least another week."

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Calm down, Finn, I was just coming back from the bathroom."


"And getting myself an apple. Geez, what are you, the bed rest police?"

"Just get back upstairs," said Finn.

"Yes, Dad."

"Where is your dad, anyway?" asked Finn as he followed Kurt up the stairs.

"He's in the garage doing some things for the shop, since he can't actually go in today on account of me."

"But what if you needed something?"

"He has his cell phone, Finn. Relax."

"Relax? Dude, I saw you almost die."

"Yes, well, I'm not dying now. I barely even have a fever anymore."

"You're still not too steady on your feet," observed Finn, as Kurt stumbled slightly and he caught him by the arm.

Kurt shrugged him off. "I'm fine. Just not really used to walking again yet."

"Then maybe you shouldn't."

"I'll have to walk sometime," said Kurt, sitting down on his bed and leaning back against the pillows.

"Yes, well, not right now," said Finn.

Kurt looked up at him. "Okay, Finn, your brotherly protectiveness is beginning to cross the line from 'endearing' to 'annoying'."

"Sorry," said Finn.

"It's alright," said Kurt. "Just try to be a little less…hover-y. I get that enough my Dad."

Finn laughed. "Note taken. So what do you want to do?"

Kurt raised an eyebrow. "Don't you have homework?"

Finn shrugged. "I'll do it later after you conk out."

"Hey," said Kurt. "Who says I'm going to conk out?"

"The medication you're on?" said Finn. He picked up the bottle and read the label out loud. "'May cause drowsiness.'"

"Hmph," said Kurt. "May, cause drowsiness. May."

"Whatever. You wanna play a video game?"

"They're in your room," Kurt pointed out. "As is the game system."

"I could bring it in here. It's not too hard."

Kurt shrugged. "If you want to."

Finn went to his room to get the Wii, but by the time he returned to Kurt's room, arms laden with game system parts, the other boy was fast asleep.

Finn grinned. "Told you so."


The rest of the week passed in a similar manner, with Kurt regaining strength and energy every day. By the following Wednesday, a week and a half after he had returned home, Kurt was pronounced well enough to go back to school.

"Are you sure you're up to it?" Burt asked for the fifth time as Kurt zipped up his backpack and slung it over his shoulder.

"Yes," said Kurt, also for the fifth time. "I'm sure. I've felt perfectly fine since Monday. If I miss any more school you'll be able to bury me under all the makeup assignments."

Finn, who was sleepily watching from the landing, still dressed in his pajamas, laughed.

"Maybe I should take you," said Carole. "Just for today."

"Carole, Dad, Finn—I. am. fine. The doctor said I could go back to school and back to school I am going. By myself. In my car." He picked up his car keys and jingled them between his fingers. "I'll see you this evening."

His family watched him go.

"We are being a bit silly, aren't we?" said Carole, smiling.

"Better silly than sorry," said Burt.

"I thought it was better safe than sorry."

"Go get ready for school, Finn."

AN: There. Done. Over. Finished. Complete. For those of you who follow me as an author, I will not be replacing this fic with a new 1 immediately, but when I do start a new fic it will be the previously unconfirmed sequel to my HP fic Bound With Silver Threads. Yes, it is now confirmed. Still un-titled and un-planned out, but it will happen. And it will happen next. Or as soon as I have time to start a new fic. Until then, I still have 4 other fics running, 5 if you include the fic on my joint account. I look forward to receiving and reading my last round of reviews for this story.