Casey and Derek have been living together for almost three years now, and although they were adept at fighting, they still couldn't figure out how to just tolerate each other. The whole family, Edwin, Lizzy, George and Nora, were exasperated but knew of nothing to do. Their best friends; Sam and Emily, decided to hatch a plan. What follows is that plan, and the consequences. I DON'T OWN LIFE WITH DEREK, JUST THE STORY LINE.

The roar of the cafeteria was deafening to the casual observer, but when one looked closer, they would've noticed something interesting, four people sitting together. Two of which were shooting dagger looks at each other. The other two having an air of long suffering about them, would sit at the table and roll their eyes.

Emily whispered, " Do you even think that they know we're here?"

Sam replied, " Do they ever?"

Emily chuckled, "True, so why do we stay?"

"Because," Sam said, "If we didn't, there'd be bloodshed!"

"Well, I'm sick and tired of it!" Emily said. "I thought when you went out with Casey, it would get better, and they'd finally realize they're not just step siblings."

Meanwhile, Casey and Derek were having a staring contest, neither of them willing to give in.

Casey hissed, annoyed, "Would you give up already?"

Derek smirked, "Why should I?"

Casey says, "Because we both know I'm going to win."

Emily decided to intervene, saying, "Listen to this song, this is so you two!"

Sam goes, "She is so right!"

Derek goes, "Huh?" because he was stubbornly ignoring the whole conversation, refusing to look away from Casey and thus loose the staring contest.

Casey says, "None of your business"

Emily rolls her eyes and holds up her Mp3 player, the screen reads, "Damn, I wish I was your lover, By Sophie D. Hawkins"

Casey rolls her eyes and yells, "I do NOT want him as a lover!"

Derek, hearing the key word, lover, smirks and says, "You want me as a lover?"

Casey opens her mouth to object, but her words are cut off by the bell, signaling the end of lunch. Emily drags her, protesting, to their next class.


Sam and Derek head off to history class, not really planning to pay attention that is, after all, what nerds do.

"Hey, what stupid song was Emily having Casey listen to now?" Derek asks nonchalantly.
"It was Damn I wish I was your lover by Sophie D. Hawkins"

"And why in the world did you say it was so us?" Derek demands.

"You can fool everyone else man, but I know that your into Casey," Sam said, smiling knowingly.

"What? She's my stepsister!" Derek gasps.

"That doesn't matter to you, does it lover boy?" Sam says, teasingly.

Derek decides he has to hear this song of Emily's.

Across the schoolyard, Casey and Emily are in study hall, discussing the song Derek never got to hear.

Casey says, "I can't believe you think I want Derek! First of all, he's my stepbrother! Second of all, he's got the ego the size of Russia. Third of all, he's not even cute, and finally, we fight, constantly."

Emily looks at Casey slyly, and says, "Keep telling yourself that Casey"

Casey rolls her eyes and says, "I don't lie to myself, it's impossible to lie to yourself. I know what I do and don't like."

Emily, annoyed, ignores Casey and pretends to study for a Science test that she's already poured over her notes for.

Bits and pieces of the song goes through Casey's head against her will, again and again, she can't study at all, which frustrates her, because once again, it's Derek's fault! Just like last night when he was playing his loud music late at night and she couldn't sleep!

Derek, meanwhile, is still grilling Sam for details about the song, he's worried about what Emily thinks, and, by extension, everyone else. It occurs to him maybe that's why all the girls he's interested in turn him down, or even the ones he does get don't last long. Casey! He thinks, once again, she's screwing up my life.

Sam and Emily are both simultaneously thinking they should set the two up, if for no other reason than to stop the constant bickering and get their friends back. Emily thinks, Maybe she should take a page out of Derek's handbook and play a prank on both of them. But, this time, the stakes will be higher, much higher. She decides, her and Sam need to get together to plan out the details.

Emily texts Sam, heyy, I got a solution 2 Chemistry, want the answer? Easy A…

Sam hears his phone beep in his pocket and flips it open to read Emily's text, Derek reads over his shoulder and says, "Easy A? When you get that answer you better give it to me, my Dad is always grilling me 'bout my grades, but really, I don't care. But, he says if I don't get them up I have to do Casey's chores! Ugh! I hate my 'rents!

Sam texts back saying, k, pizza?

Emily gets the txt and says, mmm pizza, ur buyin.

The bell rings as Emily hastily hides her phone before the teacher looks up.

End of Chapter 2!

After school, at the pizza joint, Emily tells Sam the rough draft of her plan and the two of them discuss details, each knowing the other's friend better.

Emily says deviously, "My uncle has a cabin at Rattlesnake Point Conservation Area, I think it would be the perfect stage for a prank."

Sam said, "What're you thinking?" Emily tells him, "If we get them away from the 'rents, take away their escape methods, meaning sabotage Prince, then they will be forced to confront their feelings for each other. Sam smiles at the thought and the two agree to make it this Saturday as George and Nora won't think anything of it, especially if they're with us.

Sam, sensing a problem, says, "Wait, how're we gonna get Casey out there? She hates the outdoors, Derek won't be a problem though, he rock climbs after all. I think you're going to have to play the best friend card, a little guilt goes a long way."

Emily grins, "Guilt and Casey? A match made in heaven, she'll be willing to do anything! Now, can you sabotage Prince?"

Sam scoffs and says, "No prob! Any self respecting man knows how to make a car run or break down. We'll have to get rid of the tools he has, and the spare, and make sure neither of them has their phone!"

"Yeah, and we'll need sleeping bags, flashlights, food, and a first aid kit, 'cause this is Casey, queen of the clutzs." Emily says, rubbing her hands together in anticipation.

As their friends are plotting against them, Casey and Derek are upstairs at their house in separate rooms, both listening to the song and scowling. Derek, hating the type of music it is, doesn't finish listening to it, the first of many mistakes. Chick music, he thinks.

End of Chapter 3!