Finally here it is, the sequel to 'Where Do I Begin', at least the first chapter. Thank you to everyone who gave me the time to deal with a professional issue of finishing up my next manuscript for publication. I'm sorry that I also needed time to deal with a family crisis. Alas it feels good to be writing again I hope this is worth the wait for you readers.

If you haven't read the first one you should read it first it will spoil this part of the story if I have to retell everything I'm referring to.

As always I do not own any rights to the characters of Emergency, they belong to someone else this is just for entertainment I make nothing on it. I only hope what I write is worth reading to someone.

May I Have This Dance

Johnny gradually became aware of the light coming through the drapes as he took in a deep breath to start the waking process. His arms were still around Elise's waist as he held her close to him. Skin to skin they were as one flesh, just as he had always pictured it should be like to be married to the one, the perfect one.

Trying hard not to move as he became more awake John was quick to remember that with Elise's health she still needed more sleep than he did.

As John worked his eyes open to once again take in the sight of his beautiful bride he once again relived the second wedding that had been held in Captain Stanley's back yard. It was everything he ever hoped for and so very much more than he ever dreamed possible in his life.

Carefully John looked at the bedside clock to see that there were still a few hours before they would have to check out of the Bridal suite and head for home. This was the morning after the second night after their second wedding. The first wedding being before a judge at the court house had been dubbed as a legal merger with no hint of romance by Captain Stanley who along with his wife responded to the plea for witnesses just three hours before the wedding. John had to agree especially with Elise's family there objecting as loudly as the judge would allow, trying to stop the marriage from being finalized. It didn't help any that Elise was facing a pacemaker implant and without it her heart would often jump into an irregular rhythm skipping beats and leaving her confused or worse.

The implant surgery had been scheduled for two days later but after an auto accident, just two blocks from the station after John had introduced her to his crewmates, it had to be performed the very next day. John could still feel the anger as he remembered Elise's brother in law trying to stop her from getting the life saving procedure. Thank heavens Elise had foreseen his efforts and placed in Captain Stanley's care, copies of the papers he would need to prove his power of attorney and their marital status.

Fighting the urge to lightly drag his fingers across Elise's stomach John once again remembered there was still a major surgery ahead of them. Still imbedded under her skull was a chunk of her protective helmet waiting to be removed before the doctors could clear out a large blood clot, repair an aneurism and then rebuild an inner ear to reduce the frequent attacks of vertigo as well as restore her ability to maintain her balance better. The doctors held great optimism that they could do so with minimal increased damage to her brain but there was little hope of completely stopping the seizures that occurred nearly daily. Even under the best possible outcome Elise would never be able to go back to the work of a rescue worker, nor was there much of chance of her ever working as an emergency room nurse again.

John could only slightly imagine what his wife was feeling in regards to her future but since their marriage the two of them had taken on the live for today attitude and did whatever they could to make the most of each and every day.

The last forty eight hours Elise had done nothing during her waking hours but completely cater to his every whim and physical desires. She had long ago proven that she had mastered the art of a back rub since their first wedding night she had mastered everything else.

Now as John lay awake at her side he also remembered the weeks before, when he was off shift she was at his side, as if being with him and doing things with him were the only happiness she could ever want. When he was on duty however John was very aware that her efforts were being spent getting her affairs in order in preparation for whatever the outcome of the next surgery would be.

Once more John looked at the bedside clock, as much as he wanted to let Elise sleep in his arms there were medications to be taken and she was already over due. Gently he ran his fingers up the length of her arm and moved in to kiss her shoulder and continued to kiss until he had reached her neck.

Elise responded by turning into him and capturing his lips in hers. When they both needed to come up for air John spoke, "Time for your meds."

Elise sighed in resignation and nod her head, the last thing she wanted to do was mar their first real honeymoon with a seizure. By the time John returned to the bedside with a handful of pills in one hand and a glass of water in the other Elise was sitting at the side of the bed and as the meds were transferred to her hand she tossed them all in her mouth and with a few gulps of water swallowed them down all at once. She then dutifully finished off the glass of water and set the glass aside before starting to run her hands over John's bare chest.

When they had finally packed up their luggage John was stacking it near the door when her heard a thud behind him and turned to see Elise on the floor jerking and shaking. Well practiced in how to deal with her seizures now, John quickly pulled the furniture out of the way to help make sure that she didn't hurt herself before kneeling at her side and continuing to count the time the seizure lasted. As was happening more and more lately the seizure lasted long enough that Johnny had to inject some anti seizure medications into her arm and he was then able to slip a bite block between her teeth. She had bit her lip good this time and would need a stitch or two.

When the bell boy arrived for the luggage he was panicked by the sight before him. "Do you need me to call an ambulance?"

"No," John assured him in a calm voice. "It was just one of her seizures, it's under control now. I just need my car brought to the front and I can get her to the hospital myself."

Still panicked, the bell boy loaded the luggage on his cart with reckless speed then called ahead to make sure John's car was ready. John then scooped Elise into his arms making sure her sedated head was resting comfortably on his shoulder and under his chin as he followed the young man to the elevator.

"In my jacket pocket is your tip and that for the valet," John talked as the elevator worked its way down to the main floor. "Would you please get it and see to it that the Valet get's his share?"

"Yes sir," the young man then hesitantly pulled a couple of ten dollar bills from John's pocket, "This is very generous sir."

"You deserve it," John answered as he continued to hold the sleeping Elise as if her body had no weight at all.

The bell hop nearly ran through the lobby and John was relieved to see his car parked in the drive in front of the doors. He instructed the valet to recline the passenger seat then tenderly lay Elise in the seat and buckled her in before checking her pulse one more time. Good and strong just as her heart beat should be, the pacemaker was doing its job.

John noticed the bell hop handing one ten dollar bill to the valet and then accepted the keys and made his way around the Rover and behind the steering wheel.

When John arrived at Rampart he once again scooped Elise into his arms and tucked her head comfortably on his shoulder before he carried her through the doors. Betty was quick with a gurney at his side but John just looked at it and then asked which room.

Dr. Early met them in the hall way and followed them into the treatment room listening to Johnny calmly explain what happened and what he had administered to control the seizures. He slowly and tenderly lowered Elise to the treatment table then stepped back but remained in the room as Dr. Early started checking Elise out and soon let out a sigh.

"It looks like it's just one of her seizures," the Doctor reported, "I don't think there's been any more damage done."

John let out a small sigh and nod his head, he had to agree, "This new medication they have her on seems to reduce the frequency of the seizures but when they happen their worse and last longer."

"Have you told her neurologist that?" Dr. Early inquired.

"I mentioned it the last time I went with her," John reported as he moved in and took Elise's hand in his. "He said that he was afraid to do any more tinkering with her meds until they did the surgery. He explained that some of the drugs he could prescribe could put her at risk for more complications."

"I have to agree with him, have they set a date for the surgery yet."

"A week from tomorrow," John answered, "They need to wean her off the blood thinners first and because of the heart damage they want to do it very slowly."

"Well Johnny you've done everything right as usual, all that's left for me to do is to stitch up that lip and monitor her till she wakes up."

John sat on a stool at his wife's side and rubbed her hand as Dr. Early stitched up her lip, quickly raising her hand to his lips at any hint of a movement on her part. When he was done Dr. Early checked her vitals and pupils again before turning to John.

"She should sleep for another hour or two; you should go to the cafeteria and get something to eat while you're waiting."

"NO, I'm fine right here," John threw a faint crooked smile to the good doctor, "We had a late breakfast. Do you think you'll need to keep her overnight or will I be able to take her home when she wakes up?"

"She'll probably be able to go home as long as your there," Dr. Early smiled. "But I'll make that call for sure once she wakes up."

Author's apology: sorry this chapter has taken so long in coming, it was worked up on as many as four different computers with different word processing programs and then e-mailed to myself for latter compilation much more complicated and time consuming than just typing it up on my own computer once and then sending it off to my beta. Here it is and the next chapter will likely be coming forth in a more timely fashion. At least I sure hope so.