Chapter 2
I had been looking out the window and daydreaming for about 10mins and almost forgot who I was sitting next to until I got a tap on my shoulder, and felt someone take out my earphone.
"Hey, sorry to disturb you once again but do you mind if we swap seats? I kind of need to be sitting by the window and out of sight at the moment."
My heart started to race as I looked into his eyes and then he started to smile and I swear to god I could have jumped on him there and then!
"Errrmm wellllll, the window seat is my favourite seat as I like to look at the view but seeing as you asked so politely, of course you can : )"
I stood up waiting for harry to move in to the aisle so we could swap but he just stood up, held on to my waist and moved me to his side whilst he slid behind me into my seat.
WOW. As soon as his hands touched my waist my whole body felt like it was on fire and I just wanted to lean into him and have him wrap his arms around me, I could feel the outline of his body on my back as he slid behind me and it took all self control to move and sit in to his seat.
"Thanks again"
"No problem, im just going to have to spend the rest of the journey looking around the train then out the window but im sure I can manage"
"Or we could just talk? I'm getting fed up of reading anyway"
Harry stlyes wants to talk to me. This has made my day 100x better then I ever thought it could be.
"ok that's sounds good, so mr stranger who stole my seat, whats your name?"
I tried to play it cool still pretending I didn't know who he was.
I remembered back to last night when I was looking on tumblr and saw a pack of girls outside his house screaming and waiting for him, I didn't want to be like that and scare him away.
He gave me a weird look, between a frown and smile, confused.
"are you telling me you don't recognise me" he almost whispered
" nope why? should I? but… the more I look at you I feel as if I do"
"ill let you think it through for awhile and if you still don't know I'll tell you." he winked "but anyway id like to know more about you, first tell me your name and then tell me everything about you"
"Well my names molly and trust me you don't want to know everything about you it will probably bore you to tears!"
But we spent the next 10minutes talking as if we'd known each other for years. I told him about my friends, about college and about work. Suddenly he stopped talking and looked at me seriously
"Molly, I don't want to ruin anything cause ive had so much fun talking to you, but you know who I am don't you?"
"hmmmmm, those green eyes, your curly hair and your dimpled smile. I'd be silly not to know who you are"
"Then why did you lie and say you didn't? Don't worry im not mad, it was actually kind of nice not to have a screaming girl asking for a picture or autograph"
"That's the reason. I thought id give you abit of a break, but believe me I wasn't going to go the whole journey without saying anything, I was atleast going to get a sneaky picture" I replied giving him a little nudge and smilling at him
With that he took my phone from my lap and turned the camera on, swapping it round so that the camera was pointing at us. He then proceeded to put his arm round my shoulder, squeezed me in and took a picture.
"There's your picture molly, and just so I feel polite ill introduce myself all over again"
I took my phone from harry and noticed that my hand was shaking
Shit! I thought I hope he didn't see that, shit! Again, whats he saying
"molly are you listening? Or to busy being distracted? Anyway, nice to be in your company im harry styles"
Holding his hand out to me
As I shook his hand and looked at him I thought, thank god for the 3hours left of this journey.